The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:28 pm

One of her lawyers objected to his own question and honestly I feel a little bad for the guy because he is NEVER going to live this down. If it were the other one people streaming the trial are calling Cat Woman I would feel differently. She is downright rude and mean and needs to learn manners.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Yaya » Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:38 am

ThatUmbrellaGuy posted a video last night that casts doubt about the metada to two halway pictures that AH and Co. took on 21st May 2016. Here is the link:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by nebraska » Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:44 pm

YouTube presenters today have said people are going on the website for AH's lawyer and leaving bad reviews/comments. Just a reminder that we need to conduct ourselves in a way that reflects well on Johnny. We do not want to seem as unpleasant and devious as the AH people who have been banned from the courtroom etc. We are better than that!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by bringmethathorizon » Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:33 pm

I totally agree with you Nebraska, I was getting worried about that. We are all very passionate about Johnny and this trial . I am not liking AH attorneys approach to questioning and cringe and walk away from tv many times. But I keep my comments on social media to myself and only give support to Johnny. It is vital that Team Depp behave in a supportive but dignified manner. I would hate anything to make Johnny’s case turn sideways. Justice for Johnny , never fear truth and show our love and support for Johnny through positive words and actions 🥰
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:02 pm

nebraska wrote:
Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:44 pm
YouTube presenters today have said people are going on the website for AH's lawyer and leaving bad reviews/comments. Just a reminder that we need to conduct ourselves in a way that reflects well on Johnny. We do not want to seem as unpleasant and devious as the AH people who have been banned from the courtroom etc. We are better than that!
I agree but on the other hand she needs to get her facts straight. First she said the ex uses Amica cream, which doesn't exist, said that the ex-never met Paul Bentley which is not true.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:23 pm

******PLEASE READ*******

The conduct of AH's lawyers is a cross examination tactic. They were intentionally cutting Johnny off and being rude to him to try to get him to lose his temper. They want witnesses to lose their temper or become flustered and upset to the point of not being able to answer the question. They especially wanted Johnny to lose his temper, to prove to the jury that he has a bad temper.
Luckily, it did not work. This is not nice, but it is what lawyers do when they are cross examining a witness. I am sure that Johnny (and all the other witnesses) were told that this would happen. I am positive that Johnny was prepped for his testimony and probably went through a mock cross examination. In the mock cross his lawyers probably asked him questions in the same rude manner and interrupted him the way that Mr. Rottenborn did. A good lawyer will make sure that their client knows how bad that cross examination will get and that they are not to react to the rudeness. Johnny did a great job on cross examination.

When it is Team Johnny's turn to cross examine AH's witnesses they might try some of the same tactics. I think it will be fairly easy to get AH to lose her temper under cross examination.

That cross examination tactic could make the jurors sympathetic to the witness.

I hope no one here is leaving bad reviews on AH's lawyers website. Doing this is not as bad as what AH's team has done (putting flyers on cars). But if the judge finds out about these bad reviews she could be very upset. Please, if you know anybody who is doing this, tell them to STOP! This is not helpful and could end up hurting Johnny.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Tallyann » Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:28 pm

I agree with you too Nabraska. I am also becoming increasingly concerned about the welfare, safety and mental instability of AH. I am fearful that if she loses she will do something drastic regarding her own life. I absolutely want JD to come out of this in a positive light but as much as I am with the majority in relation to my thoughts and opinions I really wouldn't want to hear that any harm had befallen AH in the manner I have stated above.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Tallyann » Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:33 pm

I am also of the opinion that AH believes her own lies completely and sincerely ... she is mentally ill and I am certain she has been this way prior to her relationship with JD. However, JD has every right to clear his name and not have it associated with DV in any way, shape or form.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:22 pm

I am sure that JD was well prepped for this but you never know when things could go sideways in a courtroom. For me, it seems he saw right off the bat at cross exam. what was being thrown at him. This was not his first time at rodeo with people trying to intimate him or try to get info out of him the way they want it and he knew exactly how to react. I am very proud of him.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:51 pm

Oh boy..this is getting good. EM and Franco will not testify according to the NYP :spin: :popcorn: ... %20buttons
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:54 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:
Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:22 pm
I am sure that JD was well prepped for this but you never know when things could go sideways in a courtroom. For me, it seems he saw right off the bat at cross exam. what was being thrown at him. This was not his first time at rodeo with people trying to intimate him or try to get info out of him the way they want it and he knew exactly how to react. I am very proud of him.
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I watched his testimony again and he was an excellent witness. He was rather soft spoken and he thought about what he was going to say so he would get the right words. He was the gentle person that we all love. Best of all he did not let Rottenborn, get to him. I loved his responses when Rottenborn brought up all of the tabloid articles. I loved hearing Johnny say "who is that and how do they know." I also laughed because he kept saying Rottenborn.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Thu Apr 28, 2022 3:30 am

I don't think JD was an amazing witness - he could often have answered his own team in a more direct, straightforward way - not his fault or that he was evasive - just how his amazing creative mind works. He brought home the final moment then when asked about being a victim of DV. But I thought - given his sensitivity and what he admits to his own temper - I thought he did amazingly well not rising to Rottenborn and losing his temper. A few snarky remarks sure but the jury did not see him lose it.

Is anyone really surprised Musky and Franco aren't testifying? I would have been astonished if they had. James Franco appearing as a character witness for you? Or the whole thing about being in the lift and saying what happened to your face? Really - well why had he said nothing until now. As for Musky did he really want to answer questions about his relationship with AH and his donations to the ACLU?

Apart from poor Whitney who else is turning up for AH - because what we've seen is that it is far more effective when witnesses appear in person.

And sounds like Raquel has some interesting things to say - wow so she did throw AH under the bus.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:07 am

AdeleAgain wrote:
Thu Apr 28, 2022 3:30 am
I don't think JD was an amazing witness - he could often have answered his own team in a more direct, straightforward way - not his fault or that he was evasive - just how his amazing creative mind works. He brought home the final moment then when asked about being a victim of DV. But I thought - given his sensitivity and what he admits to his own temper - I thought he did amazingly well not rising to Rottenborn and losing his temper. A few snarky remarks sure but the jury did not see him lose it.

Is anyone really surprised Musky and Franco aren't testifying? I would have been astonished if they had. James Franco appearing as a character witness for you? Or the whole thing about being in the lift and saying what happened to your face? Really - well why had he said nothing until now. As for Musky did he really want to answer questions about his relationship with AH and his donations to the ACLU?

Apart from poor Whitney who else is turning up for AH - because what we've seen is that it is far more effective when witnesses appear in person.

And sounds like Raquel has some interesting things to say - wow so she did throw AH under the bus.
Being a witness is difficult and stressful. I agree that he rambled at times. The lawyers probably could have advised him (when they were alone with him) not to ramble so much. However, I did not think that he was being evasive. It seemed to me that he was thinking about what he was saying. I think that the reason why they let him go on like that was so that the jurors would see that his testimony was not scripted. If he gave short, concise answers, the jurors might think that, he is an actor and he is giving scripted answers. His style of testimony showed that the was thinking about his answers. To me, it showed his human side. When his lawyers prepped him for his testimony, they probably told him the topics that they would be covering. They probably did not give him specific questions because they did not want him to have rehearsed answers.

I expect Amber Heard to have rehearsed answers, when she gives her direct testimony. When a person lies, they have to be able to keep their story straight. It is going to be fun to see her get cross examined. It will be hard for her to keep her lies straight. I expect her to fake cry whenever she is asked a difficult question or confronted with a lie.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:48 am

The ACLU guy is very nervous. Elon Musk mentioned, 350K only ever given to the ACLU (no proof it's Amber's money either, probably not), this is delicious. And the rambling, well, that's just how Johnny speaks.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Thu Apr 28, 2022 2:29 pm

Johnny is always very careful when he answers people because he is well aware how the media likes to trash him, imo.
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