The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Joni » Wed Feb 01, 2017 2:54 pm

I really don't think Johnny needs any of us to tell him how to live his life or handle his business affairs. Personally I feel this part of his life is none of my business.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by gipsyblues » Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:07 pm

:agreesign: Joni !
In good times and bad times !!! :heart4: , Johnny !!!!!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by brunasouzota » Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:57 pm

Soon all the journalism crazy and :coffin: stop :writer2: bad words and :mallet: and they go far away of Johnny :motorcycle: to others celebrities... :chill:

Johnny is a good person, he has Lily, Jack and Christie, he has the :worldhug: people that love and respect him, he has health :namaste:, he has Alice, Hollywood Vampires, Harry Potter, Pirates, Invisible Man and others...I think Johnny is :ok: :applause2: :chill:

I love you Johnny forever, rich or poor, this is no matter!!! If you tired of all one day and want stop movies and music, no matter I will continue love you forever!!! :lovehearts: :heartflower: :smiliewithhearts: :kiss:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by sleepy » Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:17 pm

Joni wrote:I really don't think Johnny needs any of us to tell him how to live his life or handle his business affairs. Personally I feel this part of his life is none of my business.
No, he doesn't need any of us to tell him how to live his life. But, he needs someone to help him. It's obvious the people around him have no influence in his decisions. You can put on blinders, if it makes you feel better, but when something this important makes headlines, it's hard to ignore. We aren't digging into his personal's in headlines on practically every entertainment/trade sites on the internet. The way he has chosen to end his marriage and now, to expose his financial lawsuits, is anything but private. I'm commenting because what is going on, very publicly, worries the crap out of me. For various reasons.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by nebraska » Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:49 pm

I think the whole Amber debacle has been an awakening for Johnny. I am not sure how much of this financial thing could have continued on until more and more damage was done if the divorce hadn't forced his legal team to make an accounting.

It has to be incredibly difficult to grow up poor and then have millions of dollars dumped in your lap -- POTC made him look like an overnight success -- and to know how to manage that kind of wealth or who to trust. I still can't believe the management company didn't insist on a written contract if they intended to act honorably and honestly.

Let's face it, Johnny is an easy mark for tabloids. He always has been, and she-who-should-not-be-named has painted a target on his back for new assaults for a long time to come. I am not sure anything he could say would make a difference to "Hollywood" or the public who loves to have someone to beat up. I think the Fantastic Beasts franchise is a go for him. J K Rowling has been enthusiastic with her praise for him. All he needs to do is show up for work and do a good job.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by fireflydances » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:16 pm

Joni wrote:I really don't think Johnny needs any of us to tell him how to live his life or handle his business affairs. Personally I feel this part of his life is none of my business.
I couldn't agree more strongly. This is business stuff. These are two law firms who are going to go hammer and tongs against each other, and we have NO capacity to judge any part of it. We are his fans, period. We know nothing about what kind of business relationship he had with these people. We know nothing about his money sense or lack of sense.

If anything the opposition is climbing on back a story that circulated vis-a-vis Amber. And one most of us felt was a low blow.

I refuse to read these articles. There is more than enough nastiness being circulated on a vast number of other issues, and I don't need more. I like the guy because of how he treats me. I like his work, his music, what he reads and I wish he'd write more.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Vanillababe » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:27 pm

What people are not talking about and should be is the "fraud" aspect of this case. Johnny is not suing this management team because he is spending his own money. This is a serious case of intentional mishandling and stealing his money by this management team. Johnny can spend his money as he sees fit. But when people are falsifying documentation and lying about his true assets, that is fraud. This has happened to so many celebrities from Elvis to Michael Jackson. You can not trust anyone, not even your family sometimes. Very sad but I think Johnny will be ok. He just needs to be more aware and use this as a wake up call. ;-)

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:47 pm

In my opinion, I think because of the messy divorce, over time, Johnny came to realize how poorly his fiances were being managed. If we are to find any glimpse of positiveness out of the divorce, it was the ultimate AHA! discovery moment of when and where Heard slipped up and revealed the extent of trouble she had created with his money. My gut feeling, is that she had her hand in a portion the mismanagement, or carelessly added to it and is just as guilty as The Management Group. But that is just my opinion and it makes sense to me.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by brunasouzota » Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:55 pm

Chocolat wrote:In my opinion, I think because of the messy divorce, over time, Johnny came to realize how poorly his fiances were being managed. If we are to find any glimpse of positiveness out of the divorce, it was the ultimate AHA! discovery moment of when and where Heard slipped up and revealed the extent of trouble she had created with his money. My gut feeling, is that she had her hand in a portion the mismanagement, or carelessly added to it and is just as guilty as The Management Group. But that is just my opinion and it makes sense to me.

I do not understood about Christie. Someone :angel: can tell me about why the name her to be in document? :hope:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:01 pm

brunasouzota wrote:
Chocolat wrote:In my opinion, I think because of the messy divorce, over time, Johnny came to realize how poorly his fiances were being managed. If we are to find any glimpse of positiveness out of the divorce, it was the ultimate AHA! discovery moment of when and where Heard slipped up and revealed the extent of trouble she had created with his money. My gut feeling, is that she had her hand in a portion the mismanagement, or carelessly added to it and is just as guilty as The Management Group. But that is just my opinion and it makes sense to me.

I do not understood about Christie. Someone :angel: can tell me about why the name her to be in document? :hope:
Christie is Johnny's personal business manager and she is named as a witness and participant in allowing TMG to spend the money.
She isn't listed as a defendant in the countersuit, but as a person who okayed certain loans and spending by TMG. In Johnny's original suit, he claimed he wasn't aware of his financial situation and wasn't aware of TMG's spending habits. TMG countered that they repeatedly told Johnny and Christie and Johnny's lawyer what was happening. :hypnotic:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:43 pm

Business management companies are quite common in Hollywood with actors, directors, producers, recording artists, etc. Athletes and other high-paid celebrities/officials hire them, too.

From Forbes, 2015:
The Increasing Demand For Personal Business Managers

I thought it would be fun and educational (and lighten up the thread a bit) to see what other celebrities demand from their managers and how the managers handle weird or extravagant demands. None of these links are related to Johnny's case or TMG. (Although I find it interesting that TMG isn't among the top 25.)

Every year, The Hollywood Reporter runs a list of the 25 Most Powerful Business Managers. The list mentions the group and some of the celebrities they represent, plus some of the requests/demands they receive and advice tips.

THR 2016:

THR 2015:

Variety 2014:

This THR article is from 2011: (for space, I'll put the full article in spoilers)

Naturally, business managers -- who are either on retainer, paid by commission or compensated with a flat fee -- aren't crazy about frivolous spending. Many are certified public accountants with a fiduciary responsibility to manage cash flow responsibly. Moreover, most top business managers know enough about the fickle ebbs and flows of show business to realize that just because a client is coming off a successful string of high-grossing pictures or hit TV shows, it doesn't mean long-term success is guaranteed.

"Creative people are going to come up with creative ways to spend money," says Alan Goldman, who manages a distinguished clientele at Los Angeles-based Goldman & Knell. "I can't tell them not to spend money, but I try to get them to understand that Hollywood careers don't last forever."

To that end, business managers have unique strategies for steering clients in the right direction. Most financial pros will send their clients all kinds of reports regularly, sometimes weekly. Goldman says he was able to show one actor with a ferocious appetite for shopping at Barneys his wayward habits by tallying $600,000 worth of clothing spending in a single year. But often, that's not enough.

Entertainers can be right-brained souls who are fabulously inventive but lack attentiveness to the kinds of details found on a P&L sheet. Some business managers must negotiate such handicaps by being a little creative in their own right.
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From the NY Times, 2004

Making Sure Hollywood's Nouveau Riche Stay Riche

TO the average viewer of HBO's ''Entourage,'' the profligate spending of the suddenly rich young movie star protagonist and his pot-smoking hanger-on pals -- $1,500 cellphone bills, $2,500 monthly for vitamin supplements, the spontaneous leasing of a $300,000 Rolls-Royce Phantom -- probably seems like so many familiar real-life examples of celebrity excess, which as often as not lead to pathetic, real-life tales of financial ruin, amusing for their inevitability.

But there is one group of viewers incapable of finding humor in the self-induced financial wreckage of free-spending stars. No matter how absurd, they view such tales with grim disapproval. They are the men and women with the thankless task of keeping stars from spending themselves blind -- celebrity business managers.
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And from Jan. 18:
Business manager for Alanis Morissette, other celebrities admits to stealing more than $6.5M from his clients

CNN, 2009
Nicolas Cage caused his own financial ills, ex-business manager says

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Sweeney Todd » Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:47 pm

I think it's disgusting how they diverted attention from their actions to what he's spent his money on over the years. They knew exactly what they were doing with that, and it really shows their true colors.

Let's just hope he wins the case.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by fireflydances » Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:13 pm

Interesting article today from the New York Times on the laws surrounding financial advisers entitled "The Depp Conundrum."

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by rinda » Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:14 pm

I agree, the main issue here is Fraud, not how Johnny wants to spend the money that he, and he alone, earned.

The Depp Conundrum argues that people should be more aware of what happens with their money, rather than just believing what their financial advisors/business managers tell them. So, even though he paid them $28 million to do their job, and they didn't, but he didn't realize it, the conundrum is that it still could be his fault and not theirs? Oh please, give me a break!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by brunasouzota » Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:34 pm

SnoopyDances wrote:
brunasouzota wrote:
Chocolat wrote:In my opinion, I think because of the messy divorce, over time, Johnny came to realize how poorly his fiances were being managed. If we are to find any glimpse of positiveness out of the divorce, it was the ultimate AHA! discovery moment of when and where Heard slipped up and revealed the extent of trouble she had created with his money. My gut feeling, is that she had her hand in a portion the mismanagement, or carelessly added to it and is just as guilty as The Management Group. But that is just my opinion and it makes sense to me.

I do not understood about Christie. Someone :angel: can tell me about why the name her to be in document? :hope:
Christie is Johnny's personal business manager and she is named as a witness and participant in allowing TMG to spend the money.
She isn't listed as a defendant in the countersuit, but as a person who okayed certain loans and spending by TMG. In Johnny's original suit, he claimed he wasn't aware of his financial situation and wasn't aware of TMG's spending habits. TMG countered that they repeatedly told Johnny and Christie and Johnny's lawyer what was happening. :hypnotic:
:daisyforyou Chocolat.

So strange the fact that the TMG seems confirm about Christie authorizing the use of money
and Johnny said that he not authorizing. Someone know if she and Vanessa was friends? I remember a pic of Christie using a dress of Vanessa. Johnny was pure near a girl ambitious like Amber... but the truth of logic and of mathematics show Vanessa much more ambitious that AH, Vanessa wanted and she got 3 very successful professions above Amber. She is the Muse of Ch, singer and actress. Johnny trusted Amber and told us good things about her and we believed it easy. The problem here is that now the dirt has surfaced and someone in the family seems to have stolen a lot of money from Johnny and he before praised Vanessa a lot. Honestly Vanessa scares me more than Amber. Vanessa got much more attention, pics in red carpets and photoshoots and covers of magazine than Amber. I hate thinking that people can thinking that Christie was not honest. I prefer to continue to believe in Christie's serenity and modesty than to believe in Vanessa and her extraordinary and ambitious life of glamour of many years. It not surprise me if V also was a mess to Johnny and he made not know it or do not tell it because of his kids.
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