The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:11 am

And just to add, if Amber Heard abused the Yorkies the same way she abused Johnny, she'd be in jail by now.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Ruby Begonia » Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:46 am

So many great points made above on this distressing article: she and her scumbuddies taking advantage of his generosity and kindness while setting him up, trying to destroy his 35-yr reputation and career, crapping on his bed, punching him in the face, hitting his head with a door, throwing his wallet and phone off a balcony, spitting on him, deforming his hand with cut glass and now putting a cigarette out in his face? Yet comments in the Daily Mail say: shut up, move on, they're equally toxic. :mad: But apparently it's ok for her to keep pretending to be a victim at his expense and post photos of herself in aggressive postures, snarling, baring her teeth and putting up brass knuckle fists?

At least this article is being picked up by more major media sites like USA Today. I was happy to see that. on Thursday's Yahoo article about the judge's Virginia ruling, many comments were by men asking for #hetoo.

As Johnny said, the marriage was pretty much over after the ceremony. Then, her true colors came out with the vengeance of someone who'd been holding back hatred for years - the anger and loathing of a woman who hated him (because she is not attracted to men and probably loads up on substances to work her miracles in the sack) and was only pretending to love him until she could cash in and move on to the next victim when it was most advantageous. If he OD'd or divorced her - no problem because she'd still get the money. The tale of her throwing a can of paint thinner at him was brought back to my mind the other day when I read the news story of the Australian wife who was jailed for throwing paint thinner on her husband and lighting it, killing him.

Johnny is probably worried about the reaction to his admitting to writing with blood and ink when he was in shock. Did that hurt anyone but him?

As for the plane story, I hope there will be witnesses coming forward to support his statements. I believe she was harrassing him and his locking himself in the bathroom fits his pattern of trying to remove himself physically from her whenever she tries to start a fight: going downstairs at the Aussie house, leaving the penthouse (and his phone & wallet) after she punched him in the face after her birthday party, wanting to detox on the island without her, shutting himself in the bathroom when she was coming at him and kicked the door into his head, etc.

She is the instigator and the aggressor.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Ruby Begonia » Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:15 am

Could there be video fron Mick Doohan's house in Australia of her throwing the vodka bottle at him? After all, many upscale homes and airbnbs have cameras in nonprivate areas, and this fight occurred in the downstairs bar.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by smithyn76 » Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:55 am

:agreesign: with all what you said, Ruby. :agree:

She is the aggressor in all of this right from the start and he is the victim :tear: . With every piece of evidence and more details coming out of all the abuse he had to suffer through because of her, I really wonder why oh why did he not end that bad relationship before it got totally out of hand/his control. All he had to do was sending her packing and out of the house.

But then again, I think he was already deeply under her spell and couldn't say no to her, no matter what she did or would do. Poor guy really deserves a break from all of this.

He should take time off and relax, maybe with Adam Waldman and/or some of his best friends on his island, enjoy the peace and silence there and recharge his battery so to speak. ;-)
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by nebraska » Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:23 am

Chocolat wrote:And just to add, if Amber Heard abused the Yorkies the same way she abused Johnny, she'd be in jail by now.
Sadly, this is true. :-/ People say animal abuse is so horrid because the animals can't just leave. But an abused spouse doesn't leave easily, either. Abusers pick their victims carefully.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:50 am

Alan Waldman did make a statement that they have more evidence so I guess it will be released when the time is right. She really needs to keep her mouth shut but that will never happen.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Ruby Begonia » Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:42 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:Alan Waldman did make a statement that they have more evidence so I guess it will be released when the time is right. She really needs to keep her mouth shut but that will never happen.
I hate to think that her stubborn arrogance and taunting may be because she is backed by hugely powerful people in Hollywood whom Johnny has dared to take on to defend himself and survive. The ones who seem to have influenced "the town" to not support him and, in many cases like the critics, attack him instead. Probably many of the article comments that they're tired of the story, he should drop this, he's an addict, they're equally abusive, etc., are by hired trolls.

She is conceited enough to think she is a big player in the industry now, but the bigshots are just using her.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Moonbeam » Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:14 pm

I scarcely can find words.... That vile, despicable animal tormented Johnny in so many depraved and reprehensible ways. Having seen first hand how heinous and vicious an abuser can be, I am still aghast at how low that AH snake can crawl. You know what is said about karma!! Hers is coming!!

Seeing dear Johnny on that stretcher broke my heart. I could not stop the tide of tears. I detest what she has done to such a caring man as Johnny!!! I am just relieved that her repulsive, evil nature has not changed him. He is that Strong!!!

I am thrilled with the VA judge's decision!! A Victory for Johnny!! The case will NOT be dismissed and will be tried in VA. Hopefully, the stronger perjury laws there will strongly impact this case. Justice will ultimately prevail against that grifter vermin. Her disgusting defamation of Johnny will not stand!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:52 pm

Ruby Begonia wrote:
ForeverYoung wrote:Alan Waldman did make a statement that they have more evidence so I guess it will be released when the time is right. She really needs to keep her mouth shut but that will never happen.
I hate to think that her stubborn arrogance and taunting may be because she is backed by hugely powerful people in Hollywood whom Johnny has dared to take on to defend himself and survive. The ones who seem to have influenced "the town" to not support him and, in many cases like the critics, attack him instead. Probably many of the article comments that they're tired of the story, he should drop this, he's an addict, they're equally abusive, etc., are by hired trolls.

She is conceited enough to think she is a big player in the industry now, but the bigshots are just using her.
I don't think she is backed by anyone powerful in Hollywood. If she were she would be getting more work and she hasn't worked since Aquaman. I believe she is paying off some sites to promote her but Johnny is loved and admired by his peers which is more than I can say for her.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by RumLover » Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:53 am

ForeverYoung wrote:
Ruby Begonia wrote:
ForeverYoung wrote:Alan Waldman did make a statement that they have more evidence so I guess it will be released when the time is right. She really needs to keep her mouth shut but that will never happen.
I hate to think that her stubborn arrogance and taunting may be because she is backed by hugely powerful people in Hollywood whom Johnny has dared to take on to defend himself and survive. The ones who seem to have influenced "the town" to not support him and, in many cases like the critics, attack him instead. Probably many of the article comments that they're tired of the story, he should drop this, he's an addict, they're equally abusive, etc., are by hired trolls.

She is conceited enough to think she is a big player in the industry now, but the bigshots are just using her.
I don't think she is backed by anyone powerful in Hollywood. If she were she would be getting more work and she hasn't worked since Aquaman. I believe she is paying off some sites to promote her but Johnny is loved and admired by his peers which is more than I can say for her.
I don't think she is backed by anyone powerful or paying any one. But I find it easy to believe that she has used a combination of seduction and threats to get favourable coverage and block unfavorable reports. We know she must have super skills at attracting and manipulating people as she caught both Depp & Musk. It seems more likely than not that there are other powerful people who had an intimate relationship with Heard and don't want to be named which leaves them open for extortion. As for some of the smaller websites, Heard knows how to make them feel important and now they are thinking that she was so nice to them once that she can't be so bad.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Sun Jul 28, 2019 2:08 am

I don't know if Amber has powerful support or not - could be. But what RumLover wrote makes sense to me. I have one suggestion more though; some of those who support her with their websites and blogs might also be afraid of her. While nobody is really afraid of our sweet Johnny :love:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Sun Jul 28, 2019 2:29 pm

I don't think she is powerful in Hollywood. She was a nobody until she got together with Johnny Depp. Remember she was still with Johnny when she got her part in Aquaman. Now, that she and Johnny are not together she is close to being a nobody again. She is trying to obtain power by proclaiming herself a victim and spokesperson on domestic violence. She has to keep her name in the news to even remain relevant. There is a huge difference in getting a few acting parts and being powerful in Hollywood. Johnny Depp is iconic. Amber Heard is not and never will be an A list celebrity. Amber Heard does not even come close to having the type of fan base as Johnny Depp. She has a small contingent of loud mouth fans. I haven't read comments in the Daily Mail in a long time. But, I used to notice that everyone who commented favorably for Amber Heard used almost the same words. It appeared to me that a small group of people were using different names to make favorable comments for Amber. This makes it look like she has a bigger fan base. Also her fan base has to make a lot of noise, it is all they have left. Her fan base does not want to admit it but she is going to be exposed as a hoaxer. They are desperately clinging to the idea that she is innocent even though the evidence does not support that. I think people outside of the US have an inaccurate view of her power and fame. If you asked people in the US to name A list celebrities, nobody would mention Amber Heard.

Also, I am puzzled as to what information she would have to blackmail anyone?

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:34 pm

I largely agree.
By “afraid of her” I meant, that some might be afraid of Amber taking revenge, if they don’t support her, by spreading rumours about them as she did about Johnny. It after all doesn’t have to be the truth, she tells to the gossip mags. What she said about Johnny wasn’t.
But it’s just a theory :biggrin:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by RumLover » Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:13 pm

Judymac wrote: Also, I am puzzled as to what information she would have to blackmail anyone?
The information doesn't have to be true. Based on her past lies, it does not even have to be very believable to be effective.
Consider that she might have tried to seduce someone to get a role, even if the person rejected her, Heard could threaten to turn it around and say she was the one being propositioned. In the age of metoo, most would not want to be publicly accused.
She might have some factual information about behavior such as drug use, sexual activities, dubious investments, whatever.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by PaulKemp » Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:43 pm

Judymac wrote: I think people outside of the US have an inaccurate view of her power and fame. If you asked people in the US to name A list celebrities, nobody would mention Amber Heard.

Also, I am puzzled as to what information she would have to blackmail anyone?
1) People in Europe in general have never heard of her. Only those who have been following Johnny closely know her. He has a lot of fans that do go to his movies, but have not much interes in his personal life. I didn't either till I came across the accusations against him.

2) I think Meeps and Rumlover are right about her blackmailing people to get favors done. IMO She has been getting roles this way. And since met Johnny and then Elon, she got a bigger pool to fish in.