Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

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Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by part-time poet » Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:47 am

Dear friends and fellow Zoners,

I have some wonderful news to share with all of you! We have received a letter from Johnny Depp—yes, the man himself—sent from The Lone Ranger location in Creede, Colorado, thanking the Zone for his birthday gift.

What a beautiful gesture from Johnny! I'm amazed and humbled to hear from him so quickly--his birthday was just one week ago. I think his response says volumes about how deeply he cares about the Navajo people . . . and maybe it says something very kind about how he feels about our Zoners as well.

It is with the deepest happiness and pride in all of you and your generous hearts that I share Johnny's words with you. You can be truly proud of what you have done for Project Pueblo and for the Navajo families they will be helping this summer. Please accept Johnny's words as a tribute to you, with my heartfelt thanks for all you have done.

I will post the letter here in a boardsize version; click on the link below to see it in a larger version.

And do print out a copy to keep in your Depp files--this letter is for you!



On behalf of all the members of the Zone around the world, I want to thank Johnny Depp very much for his beautiful letter and for including us in his world. To have his “great love and respect” is the highest compliment the Zone could ever receive. We will cherish his kind words always—and we send our great love and respect back to him, every day.

We thank Johnny for bringing us together and inspiring us to make the world a better place. As individuals, we would never have accomplished what we have learned to do as Zoners. So thank you, Johnny, for helping us to find our best selves, and to act on our highest impulses. It is our great privilege to follow where you lead.

:flashingheart: :worldhug:

Natalie/Part-Time Poet
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Theresa » Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:00 am

Words fail me....so here are a few substitutes.
:truefan: :heart: :loveshower: :cloud9: :twohearts:

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Fairy » Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:03 am

Wow, what a wonderful surprise... this day can't get any better! :flashingheart:
I just printed out my copy... :love:

Thank you Johnny! :kiss:

And thank you PTP, Theresa and everyone who helped to make this year's birthday project such a success!
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Danybrasco » Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:35 am

This project is a wonderful thing and the answer of Johnny is even more. I regret was not able participate in this project for many reason. I know it's stupid to say, but I was involved with the heart. So I think it is not fair to post this letter in my Depp-file.
Zoner are wonderful fans. :smiliewithhearts: :applause: :loveshower:

THANK YOU Johnny :thanks!: :worldhug: :smiliewithhearts:
Last edited by Danybrasco on Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Gilbert's Girl » Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:42 am

Modest as usual, lovely.

Do you get sent the physical letter by mail or do you get it by e-mail, just curious?

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by clara » Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:00 am

Oh :loveshower: :loveshower: !!!
I'm very happy!!! :smiliewithhearts: Words fail me too!!!
I've just printed out my copy of this beautiful, lovely and cute letter from Johnny!!! :heart:
Thank you dear Johnny!!! You are so so sweet and special!! :flashingheart:
Thank you all for giving us this chance to participate in this beautiful project!!! :twohearts:
Thank you!!! :bouquet:
:hatterspin:Clara :captainjack: :sweeneysmile:
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~Some say to survive it,you need to be as mad as a hatter...which luckily,I am~Only if you believe it is~19.II.2010~6.XII.2010~7.XII.2010~7.V.2011~7.V.2012~8.V.2012~the days that I met Johnny~my dream came true!!!~ :hatterspin:

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Lou Lou 63 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:10 am

Well I am sat here with a huge fat stupid grin across my face, in tears of happiness and a heartful of love, WOW, Johnny Depp is truly an amazing man, for him to take time out from his busy Lone Ranger schedule to thank us for his birthday present is nothing short of incredible :truefan: :loveshower: :cloud9: :love: :heart: :bouquet:

This is the first birthday project I have had the pleasure of being involved with, and it has blown my mind just how amazing we zoners are, when we set our collective minds to a specific goal, and we did BIG STYLE :grouphug: :worldhug: :hug:

So I want to say :thankyou: :thanks!: , to Mr Johnny Depp for inspiring us all and for being the most amazing,humble,down to earth man he is, may he continue to inspire us each and every day, his love shows no bounds, and I feel so fortunate to be one of his admirers :cloud9: :truefan: :smiliewithhearts: :flashingheart:

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Lotanx3 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:08 am

Wow, I can't explain how touching and beautiful this letter is! :truefan: :truefan: :giddy: :flashingheart: :smiliewithhearts:

I'm really sad now that I didn't have time to contribute but maybe next year I'll be able to do much more. :spin:

Thanks you Johnny and thank you PtP, for showing us this letter! And also to Theresa, Joni, sleepy, Liz, Shadow, DITHOT... :hug: :cloud9: And thank you to everyone who made a donation. This is a wonderful this to do. :heart2:
Last edited by Lotanx3 on Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by nanjacb » Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:20 am

What a lovely and touching letter.
While I was unable to make a donation right now, I will certainly do so in the future.
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by BonBon » Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:39 am

That's wonderful news indeed! :truefan: It's really nice that he found such lovely words for his fans. Thank you so much! :thankyou: :cloud9:
He looked at my pictures then to me and he said "Oh very good" 14/12/2010 in Berlin... the day I met Johnny Depp. 8/11/2011 in Paris... I met him again...19/7/2013 in Berlin...I met him for the third time! UNBELIEVABLE

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:08 am

What a touching gesture from Johnny to take time out to respond to the generosity of the zone. It's amazing that he is so quick to send the letter and it's humbling for us that he keeps up with things like this. No surprise really though to receive such an acknowledgement, that's just the type of thing he would do, he cares so much about people and his fans.

Thank you PtP for sharing the letter with us and also to you and Theresa for all the time and effort employed in bringing this project together so we could all donate to such a worthy cause. :twohearts:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:32 am


Thanks Johnny for all you do! You and your movies have inspired us in so many ways that it would be impossible to list. Your humble "Thank You" is more than enough. :goodvibes:

But knowing that you will be donating more to this wonderful organization on OUR behalf is tremendous. :heart2: Not all treasure is silver and gold, Mate. Water is a far more precious gift. So :thankyou: for helping to bring even more water systems to the wonderful Navajo people.

And for the Zoners who were not able to contribute financially this year, do not feel guilty. We are one community and everyone works together in spirit. This note from Johnny is for the entire Zone! :worldhug:

Thanks, PtP, for sharing Johnny's kind words and for all that you, Theresa, Joni, Sleepy, Liz, DITHOT and Shadow do for the Zone. :toastingpirates:

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by bascan333 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:40 am

This is truely beautiful! As is the man himself.

I think it's important to recognize PtP and Theresa for their efforts. Thanks to them I was able to be educated on the plight of the Navjo people. I wasn't able to contribute myself, but knowing about the need will bring me back to this cause when I am able to help.

As Danybrasco said so nicely:
Danybrasco wrote:I was involved with the heart.
:worldhug: :thankyou: :grouphug:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by taba » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:41 am

:flashingheart: Johnny I love you You are a wonderful person :flashingheart:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by moviemom » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:45 am

What everyone else has said so far ---- !
What a humble guy. :love:

Thank you for sharing this wonderful letter with us, PtP! :thankyou:

I'm truly floored by his response. How much nicer can he be? :heart2:

Johnny, you're a sweetheart. This means that Project Pueblo can do even more!!! :yahoo: Thank you!
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