Isn’t that a wonderful achievement, particularly when times are so tough for so many of us? Your generosity demonstrates again what big hearts Zoners have, and how much you care for others.
The final total of $6,800 includes $3,493 in donations to the Zone's Paypal account for the Birthday Project; $3,217 given directly to Mercy Corps via the Johnny Depp Zone donation page on their website; and $90 in checks written to Mercy Corps by Zoners. In keeping with our longstanding Zone tradition, I have donated an amount equal to the Paypal fees so that 100% of the amount Zoners donated via our Paypal account goes to Mercy Corps.
Many thanks to Theresa for all her work setting up the fundraising page for this year’s project and keeping track of the donations.

The Zone has received the following certificate of appreciation from Mercy Corps for our fundraising effort. We wanted to share it with all of you:

Once again, the Zone’s Birthday Project has been successful beyond our wildest dreams. I guess Johnny Depp brings out the best in all of us.
Cheers to JD and to all of you, and thank you so much for helping our friends in Japan!

Part-Time Poet