What do you give a man who has everything? How about sharing his support for a worthy cause?
The Children's Hospice, a grassroots organization founded by Lori Butterworth and Devon Dabbs, works to provide compassionate, all-encompassing end-of-life care for children. Johnny Depp has been wearing a silver-and-leather bracelet in support of the hospice for several months: you can see it in his press conference pictures and in photos from the hand-and-footprint ceremony at Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
The mission of Children's Hospice is "to ensure that seriously ill children and their families get the compassionate medical, emotional, and spiritual support they need to hold on to hope-- whatever form hope takes--whether it be hope for a cure, a family vacation, time with family and friends, finishing the school year, graduation, or relief of pain and a peaceful death." You can read more about Children's Hospice here:

The Zone wants to join with Johnny in supporting the Children's Hospice: given Johnny's deep love for children, we can imagine no birthday gift more fitting. We know most Zoners are on tight budgets, but when we pool our donations together, we can certainly make a difference.
There are several ways to support the 2006 Birthday Project. For those members with a Paypal account who would like to make a donation in any amount, the Zone has set up a new Paypal account strictly for Birthday Project contributions. You can donate to the 2006 Birthday Project here:

If you would like to buy a bracelet like Johnny's, to wear or give as a gift, they are available directly from Children's Hospice. You can read about the bracelets and order them here:

If you would prefer to send a check directly to Children's Hospice, their address is 65 Nielson Street #108, Watsonville, CA 95076. Be sure to note on your check that it is in honor of Johnny Depp's birthday (or you can write "JDZ Birthday Project" if that's easier).
The link to the Zone merchandise shops to support Children's Hospice is here:
Link removed.
Thanks very much to ACK, who will be handling the finances for the 2006 Birthday Project and will be overseeing the Cafe Press shop. Thanks also to Shadow for designing the beautiful Birthday Project collage. And thanks to all of you who have already purchased bracelets to support the hospice. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
Watch this forum for updates on the progress of the 2006 Birthday Project!
The inscription on Johnny's bracelet reads, "Today is a gift . . . have fun!" One surefire way to have fun is to make someone else's burden lighter. Today is a gift--let's share our good fortune.

Part-Time Poet