I would follow on from a comment of fireflydances that we need to identify individuals within some of these organisations, otherwise they just hide behind the "faceless men and women" label and avoid any consequences, often being promoted to bigger and better roles.Inquiring Minds: Thank you. As I stated earlier in the forum this week, I was getting ready to bail from here, as it felt like Twitter. One has to be so careful so you are not dealing with AH stans. Question to you - what other names should be added to the list? Thanks again for your uplifting post.
I would add Jason Kilar and Ann Sarnoff (fired from WB the week before VA started). James Wan. Zack Snyder. Stephen King. ex Justice Sir Andrew Nicol and his wastrel son. Wass (for her sly little - "no need to check the documents" feint). There are more including journalists from the usual industry rags, but also The Guardian, NYP etc. Maybe we need to start a formal list.
And (imo) formal perjury charges should be raised against her co-conspirators, at the very least. I think AH's lawyers were very cautious in what evidence was presented in an effort to minimise what secondary, criminal charges could result from this trial, but some of the primary players are probably exposed.
Also a big welcome to the recent new members. It means you have taken the deep dive (or are in the process). Long time members have seen AH's lies unfold, sometimes in real time and are consequently very pro-Depp and very familiar with minutiae surrounding the case. I am personally wary of newcomers (especially since the trial), but happy for new supporters and aware that recent interest has increased. AH stans are known to be infiltrating Depp support sites, so we have to be careful. But these are my own views and I do not speak for the other members.
It is also known that TeamHeard drop by to see what his supporters know. They are also targeting supporters, so be careful you don't post anything that could get you sued.
One mention was made of the Kate James material - agreed, shocking, and it goes deep. I also poked around looking for the full 5 hour audio tape without a lot of success. I found a therapy session that went for 4:20. but couldn't quickly find the full Aussie one. I have skimmed through the Australian recording previously, but never downloaded it. Some good youtube sources (imo) are ThatUmbrellaGuy and IncrediblyAverage. And TheRealLauraB's twitter account and her work with TheNamesQ (sometimes known as Dax) on the Road to Fairfax podcasts. There are even more youtubers covering the current trial and I have mentioned some of them in previous posts.