The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:04 am

So now it's confirmed that she had the full amount of the settlement money well before JD filed his lawsuit. Her lawyer can't flap her gums to the media anymore that she couldn't pay the charities because she needed the money for her legal fees for the lawsuit.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat Apr 30, 2022 6:19 pm

I think I heard on Thursday the judge saying there would be 20 motions heard on Friday?

This week I believe JD's team will be finishing his witnesses this week and at some point the ex will testify. I'm sure it's going to be whole pity party show of drama tossed around against JD. I think we all "KNOOOOOOW" they're going to do everything they can to throw him under the bus and play back recordings or the texts saying "Did I read that right?" :smh: :facepalm: :no2:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Scout » Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:25 pm

Classic Moment: When Rottenborn objects to his own question and Judge quietly reminds him it's his question.

Prediction: Amber Heard WILL CRY in the witness box...more than once.

Question: How do we endure her direct testimony? I don't think I will feel safe if I listen/watch.

Request: That whoever cross-examines her serves her lies back to her until she chokes - metaphorically of course.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Sun May 01, 2022 6:24 am

Much as I cannot wait to see AH impeached and made to explain her many lies - we all know she is going to confuse, work salad, deny, claim her stories do not mismatch and most of all spew extreme lies about JD. And the media will go back to lapping it up. It has been so nice having just a few reasonable main stream media articles - although the number of commentators absolving by saying women always get labelled with words like 'hysteria' or blaming 'Stan culture' is sickening.

When she's on cross examination I assume it will be one of the female lawyers on JD's team and I expect they won't bully a la Rottenborn - or at least I hope not - because she desperately needs to be seen as a victim.

Overall though - whatever the verdict - I cannot believe Disney, Warner and other film makers will be able to ignore the groundswell of opinion. At least I hope not.

Th whole Aquaman 2 thing is fascinating. The "she's got less than 10 minutes screen time" and the possible erasing of her in the publicity feels like some serious crisis management from WB at long last.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Bonkysmom » Sun May 01, 2022 10:35 am

I've been watching the trial and being a person who has been domestically abused was quite interested. I know many things of what I would do and not do to save me and escape situations with my abuser. On listening to a bodyguards testimony, him saying he heard Amber Heard upstairs screaming as Mr Depp is downstairs getting away as she throws a bottle and shatters Mr Drepp's large TV screen just 10 feet from Mr Depp, if she was at all abused she would not do anything to rile an abuser. In fact, to me she has scarred the face of the Me too movement and made a mockery of it. I see, just that one act she has done, shows her as an extremely abusive person and frankly dangerous to any human being around her. I commend Mr Johnny Depp for handling that calmly and distancing himself, didn't call the police on her which he could have, handling it with grace and class. And also listening to his testimony that he didn't want her to get in trouble for severing his finger was an act of a great man. Of course he couldn't allow the lies to continue. After telling her that's enough I want a divorce on May 21st 2016, I can see she rushed to divorce him and ruin him with trumped up lies which would put anyone in shock and hard to defend himself. I'm sure it took some time to get prepared to fight against this quite clearly conniving and manipulative person that I see Amber Heard being. She is quite intelligent to fool so many for so long I'd give her that. I have wondered since after the said abuse date that officer and security reported seeing no bruises if she later on down the line on May 27th self harmed herself to back up her lies I just don't put that past her.

My heart goes out to you Mr Depp. I originally thought she was going to be really part of the Me too movement of our unheard voices but she has only left a disgraceful distaste in my mouth in my horror of her many acts against you Mr Depp. I am so sorry and want to let you know after viewing all the details that you are as Me too not her. Peace be to you Johnny and continue your fight protecting your children from these lies spread by this pariah you had unfortunately been exposed to and I hope you get the Justice you deserve. Her foul mouth just really showed me her unbelievable lack of class. And opposite of what she called you, you have class, poise and swagger truly of a real man.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sun May 01, 2022 7:15 pm

Looks like someone is in panic mode before she goes on the stand this week.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sun May 01, 2022 7:19 pm

Warning: vulgar language by you know who. No PR firm in the world is going to be able to help her now.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Inquiring Minds » Mon May 02, 2022 1:05 am

Scout wrote:
Prediction: Amber Heard WILL CRY in the witness box...more than once.
Nah, that's an easy prediction. How many times? I'm betting we will see a lot of lip quivers, but I'm not sure what the quiver to cry ratio will be. And do we rate a full howl against say, a single crocodile tear (with a good solid quiver)?

Will a catch in the voice be more impactful than a lip quiver, maybe a pause to recover then lie, lie, lie?

I'm thinking she will play meek victim at first, when covering her false allegations surrounding the marriage [lip quivers, maybe a few tears escape to betray her inner strength], then she will describe her slow recovery and growing strength despite being racked by PTSD [maybe a few voice cracks here], then her eventual heroic survivor by the time she gets to the OpEd. The cathartic effect of unburdening her victimhood to the world [sitting tall, head up and defiant]. And now her abuser is continuing the abuse through the courts <sob, shriek and blubber>. [Breakdown, recess is called as she is helped from the stand by her concerned and caring legal team, then exits, stage right] <vomit>

On cross she will probably cry most of the time to avoid answers or to delay, like eating in the CA deposition. I think she will be compelled to answer some questions and eventually it will all unravel, but she will be trying hard to answer as little as possible imo.

I doubt AH will come out well, but there is a chance she could milk sympathy from one or more jurors. But a solid foundation has been laid, hopefully she will be seen as a fake, preferably a calculating fraudster. I doubt she could be goaded into losing it on the stand, but we can only hope :lol:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Mon May 02, 2022 8:49 am

Hi Inquiring Minds! Spot on. This will be a performance of a lifetime. There will be so much pooh on the floor, wear your boots, cause it will be deep. I am hoping Zellner takes her out, but then again I want Chew to take her down as well. I hope she loses it and starts her showing the real her. I hope the ACLU, WB, LOREAL & others are paying close attention.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by hollyberry » Mon May 02, 2022 1:46 pm

Granna wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 8:49 am
Hi Inquiring Minds! Spot on. This will be a performance of a lifetime. There will be so much pooh on the floor, wear your boots, cause it will be deep. I am hoping Zellner takes her out, but then again I want Chew to take her down as well. I hope she loses it and starts her showing the real her. I hope the ACLU, WB, LOREAL & others are paying close attention.
If his lawyer is smart he'll make an example of her.
I've spoken to lots of people who are following the case, and every single one thinks she's a crazy :censored: and he's the victim. Things might just be going your way at last, Johnny.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Mon May 02, 2022 3:17 pm

hollyberry wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 1:46 pm
Granna wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 8:49 am
Hi Inquiring Minds! Spot on. This will be a performance of a lifetime. There will be so much pooh on the floor, wear your boots, cause it will be deep. I am hoping Zellner takes her out, but then again I want Chew to take her down as well. I hope she loses it and starts her showing the real her. I hope the ACLU, WB, LOREAL & others are paying close attention.
If his lawyer is smart he'll make an example of her.
I've spoken to lots of people who are following the case, and every single one thinks she's a crazy :censored: and he's the victim. Things might just be going your way at last, Johnny.
All good points stated!
What I'd like to see is Kathleen Zellner be the surprise litigator coming out swinging. It's unlikely and probably not the initial approach for Amber Heard's questioning but asking her point blank if she ever hit Johnny, did she lie in the UK trial, was she the one who defecated on the bed and who she was married to in 2016 would be my first questions to her. Then fill in the areas where we know she committed perjury. I'd want to shake her up at the onset. This is just my opinion with the need to see her squirm and to knock down her smug attitude.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Mon May 02, 2022 4:01 pm

Chocolat wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 3:17 pm
hollyberry wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 1:46 pm
Granna wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 8:49 am
Hi Inquiring Minds! Spot on. This will be a performance of a lifetime. There will be so much pooh on the floor, wear your boots, cause it will be deep. I am hoping Zellner takes her out, but then again I want Chew to take her down as well. I hope she loses it and starts her showing the real her. I hope the ACLU, WB, LOREAL & others are paying close attention.
If his lawyer is smart he'll make an example of her.
I've spoken to lots of people who are following the case, and every single one thinks she's a crazy :censored: and he's the victim. Things might just be going your way at last, Johnny.
All good points stated!
What I'd like to see is Kathleen Zellner be the surprise litigator coming out swinging. It's unlikely and probably not the initial approach for Amber Heard's questioning but asking her point blank if she ever hit Johnny, did she lie in the UK trial, was she the one who defecated on the bed and who she was married to in 2016 would be my first questions to her. Then fill in the areas where we know she committed perjury. I'd want to shake her up at the onset. This is just my opinion with the need to see her squirm and to knock down her smug attitude.
I think that Johnny's lawyers need to lean on AH, but they also need to be careful, too. AH's lawyers have been very aggressive in their cross examination of Johnny and his witnesses. This aggressiveness by AH's lawyers might have made some jurors sympathetic to Johnny. They do not want to turn that around by being overly aggressive to AH. Of course, Johnny's lawyers will point out AH''s inconsistent statements (lies). But, we know that AH is going to play the victim card. She will probably be fake crying the whole time she is on the witness stand. Johnny's lawyers do not want to appear that they are picking on her. The job of Johnny's lawyer is to point out her inconsistencies without making her appear sympathetic to the jurors. Hope this makes sense.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Someareborn » Mon May 02, 2022 5:54 pm

I can't wait for AH to take the stand and I would like Ben Chew to cross examine her. So far he has demonstrated a fair line of questioning with the witnesses and he seems polite but can also put pressure on them.

I like the testimony of the experts in general, it adds more context. Not that impressed with the IT expert today, I could feel the traps which Mr.
Needlehoff (?) build for him, they could have been avoided. Like "You cannot (...)build an opinion on (...)?" The better answer would have been "Yes I can, the opinion is the result of my analysis."
But I guess he could not deviate from his deposition.

Live testimony has more impact and the fact that people still show up in court for JD, despite being confronted with their written deposition, which might contain contraditions, speaks volumes. But it can also make you weak.
I sincerly hope JDs lawyers tackle her witnesses with the same passion. Little worried here because cross examination in the video deposition often came across like a walk in the park.

Needlehoff and Elaine are getting on my nerves, its mostly their voices and line of questioning. But they are doing their job and some questions they raise are worth discussing.
I also like Nicks reporting, its balanced in my opinion, altough without analysing details and examine contradictions. I can't understand the heat from supposed Depp supporters.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon May 02, 2022 6:56 pm

I could be wrong but I don't believe that Kathleen Zellner has made a formal appearance with the court as counsel so I really don't expect that she will participate in the trial. On the other hand, a lot of motions were being heard on Friday so who knows.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Mon May 02, 2022 7:18 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 7:15 pm
Looks like someone is in panic mode before she goes on the stand this week.

Someone raised the point on SM that if she isn't allowed to follow the case online or SM, how would she know what her PR team/news headlines are saying?

Of course, we know who is feeding her information, but interesting if the New York Post article is true. That's another spotty paper.