The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:35 pm

I am so fed up with twitter and is fandom right now im thinking of leaving. I know we are all disappointed and venting

Johnny is fighting for his life in VA and the appeal in UK. Depp fans have to stop attacking judges or pushing conspiracy theories. Elaine is hell bent that Adam and Johnny pushing a smear campaign. We have the facts without resorting to this level. The judge slapped Johnny with $22k in legal cost sanctions. He is pissed and not playing around. Fans need to think if what their doing is what Johnny wants or needs. Vent your anger in private but in public in a way that is helpful to Johnnys cause. Not hurtful

This goes for the vitriolic personal attacks against AH. And they need to stop tagging her. Elaine is collecting all of this. 200+ accounts thay we know of

Vent over

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:48 pm

Please don't leave - you are an absolute beacon of good sense and good information.

I agree that personal attacks are just wrong and not helpful and not what JD would want.

Please do remember that much as Elaine will be collecting all this crap, there are also AH accounts who have tweeted equally foul things about JD. If JD's team are smart they'll surely show these and say "look it happens on both sides, there is absolutely no evidence that JD's side have directed these, and we wouldn't say AH has directed her side."

I want to say Lbock that this will be decided on matters of evidence and the law but I believed with all my heart that JD would get a fair trial in the UK - I just cannot believe that verdict.

I do think that we have to allow JD's lawyers to draw up their formal appeal and see what that says.

And much as people are angry please take heart that they are on his side. Not all of them are helpful - and I see that perhaps you think things like the petitions are not helpful - but it is all people have to show their frustration. And thank goodness they are not just sitting on their hands and saying "oh well, that's awful".

In 2016 you guys must have felt quite isolated, no? You do have a whole army on your side now.

But I agree - should focus on the facts especially #ListenToTheTapes!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:49 pm

Someone needs to circulate this sentiment on Twitter.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:02 pm

I actually think the petitions are great. Its a good way to express your opinion. Its like an election

But the vitriolic garbage against the judge etc wont help him. Facts help. The judge has sent a clear message he is not happy his ongoing case is media-pr fodder and doesnt tjink Johnny is taking it seriously Her filing about 200+ Twitter accounts is powerful based on the cuttent tweets

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:21 pm

So Amber gets to break three court orders for her deposition (one of the excuses was a lie) in the dv matter and he gets sanctioned? I am so sick of her doing things and then crucifying someone else for doing the same, except his was not court ordered. This is why I have no pity for the threats against her.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Moonbeam » Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:46 pm

Hi Lbock! Please don't leave. I believe that most Deppheads, although they feel strongly, are not harassing and being cruel to others. Certain types will always react with cruelty, however. I enjoy your posts. Just only give your attention to the good ones out there.

Am I correct? Did Johnny begin his deposition in VA almost 4 hours ago? I cannot find any info. I also don't know if we can listen to it until the trial ends.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Someareborn » Tue Nov 10, 2020 4:06 pm

Same here, please don't leave Lbock!
You are my first go-to account on Twitter. I have no account there, only use it for reading, and can relate to your feelings about the tone and expressions.
I agree that questioning the UK judge and digging for questionable connections easily make you look insane. And he clearly demonstrated that he did not buy the "hoax allegation" which reflects my point of view too honestly.

The US judge maybe tries to avoid a "trial by media" so I agree that a gag order is a real threat and need to be avoided.
I am still fighting with myself to understand the ruling, and altough I am stunned by Ambers ability to lie, to put it mildly, I would not insult her.
Just not my style, to shy for that.
Feels unfair that JD has to pay her legal bill - I hope he is doing somehow ok after this rollercoaster week considering the deposition.

Somebody asked about the instagram follower tracker: I can't help on this, or recommand an app. Sorry!
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Tue Nov 10, 2020 4:16 pm

Good video about the case and the FB3 issue

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Tue Nov 10, 2020 4:35 pm

I think on the judge issue - it is just people are so bewildered, we kind of need an explanation. It seems so unfair and one sided. So I suppose everyone, me included, is looking for some way to make sense of a massive injustice.

I keep thinking of different parts and getting mad - today I was thinking about Cochella and the body guard clearly describing both sisters and even pointing out which was which in a photo and STILL the judge decides he mixed them up. ON WHAT BASIS?

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:03 pm

Oh thank you. I'm not leaving. But I won't say never. Anyway had the day with a fussy baby. But my twitter account got locked and I got mad because they are targeting us. And I don't want to lose my account again

I posted a big thread.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:06 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:21 pm
So Amber gets to break three court orders for her deposition (one of the excuses was a lie) in the dv matter and he gets sanctioned? I am so sick of her doing things and then crucifying someone else for doing the same, except his was not court ordered. This is why I have no pity for the threats against her.
The intense feeling of emerging bias against Johnny in the VA case goes back to day one and Kaplan’s attempt to “blackmail” Johnny’s team before the proceedings even began. No reprimand came from the Court when presented with this occurrence, much less sanctions. Kaplan’s hubris and disdain for the Court’s protocol was allowed to run roughshod without admonishment from then on until she finally withdrew from the case.

Now, as ForeverYoung recounts, Johnny’s team is left to tiptoe around the Defendant’s feelings, to ignore her new team’s myriad repetitive, baseless wheel-spinning motions costing Johnny tons in responses, to never complain about the vile vitriol and horrific threats levied indiscriminately against Johnny, his children, and his extended family and friends, to ignore AH’s flagrant repeated refusal to comply with Court orders - not a single sanction to date for anything - and THEN, to read media reports of all the mean, “unprecedented” online things THEY’RE doing to the beleaguered Defendant. Now, WE must stand down???

Frankly, if this is the treatment Johnny is to expect going forward, what is to be lost by not responding in kind with a dated, well-documented complaint of his own? Ahh, to be able to just read such a thing, fall back heaving a sigh of relief while uttering, “There, take THAT!”

WELL, YOU KNOW WHAT? Save it for the trial! This is obviously an ongoing, carefully choreographed intimidation move designed to throw this case off the track and to try, at the same time, to make AH’s countersuit viable even as its boots continue swallowing mud while sinking in its own muck.
AdeleAgain wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 4:35 pm
I think on the judge issue - it is just people are so bewildered, we kind of need an explanation. It seems so unfair and one sided. So I suppose everyone, me included, is looking for some way to make sense of a massive injustice.

I keep thinking of different parts and getting mad - today I was thinking about Cochella and the body guard clearly describing both sisters and even pointing out which was which in a photo and STILL the judge decides he mixed them up. ON WHAT BASIS?
And there is no end to those blatant injustices, is there, AdeleAgain? We are not stupid. There are, already, sufficient educated comments to lay bare the flawed choice to not recuse in the first place, to identify the biases that riddle every paragraph of the decision, and to question potential reasons for same. Surely enough to warrant the granting of a request for an appeal. My concern is also the multitude of privileged parties now implicated to varying extents by this decision and the truly damning light a positive outcome for Johnny, in the actual play of such an appeal, would cast upon the integrity of some of those very powerful, privileged, arrogant parties. It is a very fine, tight, but TRUE line Johnny’s UK legal team will have to traverse without a single stumble. But imagine putting THAT win on your resume!

To Lbock: Please consider not leaving. Take days at a time to recoup. I am a hypocrite, to some extent, to ask you that. I am not on any social media. Like some others here, I only read Twitter stuff when I am up to it and try to bring here some key bits as I stumble on them. BUT, I stay away at length when my head and heart start to ache a little too intensely for my seventy years. I can only imagine the degree of stress you’ve been going through and, bottom line, I think there are very few could handle such a burden without reaching the very place you now find yourself. I don’t think I’m over stepping to say, “We love you! No matter what! And, we will always be grateful for all you’ve done and for however you choose to participate going forward!” :heart2:
Last edited by justintime on Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:15 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:21 pm
So Amber gets to break three court orders for her deposition (one of the excuses was a lie) in the dv matter and he gets sanctioned? I am so sick of her doing things and then crucifying someone else for doing the same, except his was not court ordered. This is why I have no pity for the threats against her.
Could it be that her side is upset, not because Depp fans are doing a "tit for tat" with AH fans, but are so top notch in their detective work of finding dirt on not just AH but learning of the connections between her and other legal associates? Seriously, I am quite impressed with the information that's been discovered and collected regarding AH's misbehavior and sneaky tricks as well as pointing out the errors of Justice Nichol's past verdicts. Furthermore, if Depp fans are any way responsible for getting any Judge's knickers in a knot, I do believe JD's team would let us know. For example, Stephen Deuters recently posted this on his Twitter page:

"Thank you for the overwhelming support in the face of palpable adversity. We see you."

I would think he or someone on the Depp team would convey a scolding, as well, if we were out of line.
As much as I don't necessarily support hard core insults or graphics directed at AH and company, pointing out her and her cohorts wrong doings are fair game, in my opinion. It is certainly important to inform the general public who she really is and what she has done since main stream media isn't doing their job. For goodness sake, Johnny has been called a wife beater! That is just wrong. That said, I will shout from the roof top that Amber Heard is a husband beater, because the truth comes from her own words.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Moonbeam » Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:46 pm

That is the thing that gets me. I cannot unhear her in her own words talking to Johnny. It is triggering. So I say, Listen to the Tapes, online. Make up your own mind. Don't blindly take the media word. (That is, to others who do not know what we do.)
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:48 pm

justintime. Thank you, I'm hanging in there. If they issue a gag order in the future, I'm not sure what will be posting :lol:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:41 pm

Amber's fans are trashing Johnny too but we don't see him accusing her of orchestrating a hate campaign or quoting comments from posters in his court papers.

Also, I would love to know how these alleged smear campaigns affected her so called "career" because last I heard she is still cast in Aquaman2. My opinion is that Amber lost jobs not because people are trashing her (WB kept on Johnny up until now when a lot of people wanted him out) but it's because she's simply a bad actress. If she were any good or a money maker, she would be working. In fact, she has not had a leading role since Aquaman. Even if WB does decide to fire her from Aquaman2 it won't be because JD fans are demanding it, but because they finally realize it is the right thing to do given the fact she did admit to physical violence. It isn't fair that WB fired a male domestic violence victim and kept a female abuser and that is what the fans are mad about. It was said in the video I posted above that Johnny brought this up with WB and they dismissed it just like Judge Nicols dismissed a ton of things that were unfair.

"Go ahead, Johnny..go ahead and tell the world that I, Johnny Depp, am a victim and see how many people believe you" or something to that affect. Well guess what? Most of the world does believe him and yet she still gets free passes. Unbelieveable. :no2: :no2: :no2:
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