Question about posting pictures and copyright policy

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Question about posting pictures and copyright policy

Unread post by humiliatedgrape » Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:14 pm

This recent fiasco with removed photos and copyright laws has me wondering. What is the policy for sharing photos on the Zone? I know we need to credit sources. But do we need to get permission directly from now on? If someone could clarify what can be posted legally on this site I would greatly appreciate it. I don't want our site to get in trouble.

Thank you!
I think we are all somewhat screwy, every single one of us.


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Re: Question about posting pictures and copyright policy

Unread post by Theresa » Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:31 pm

Don't worry about it, humiliatedgrape. As a fan site, we post pictures, videos and articles on the board. If and when we get a takedown request from the authors or photographers, we will willingly remove the media.

In all the years I've been on the Zone, I can only remember about 3 or 4 times that has happened, and we immediately removed the media as requested.

We ask that people give credit to the site where the information came from, be it a picture (particularly from other fansites), article, or video...but it's not mandatory. It's just good form.

So don't give it a thought, hg...if you find pictures, videos or articles that you'd like to post here, please do!