Photobucket Question (and alternative sites)

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Photobucket Question (and alternative sites)

Unread post by Chocolat » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:39 am

Hello everyone,

Many of us use Photobucket to post our Johnny pics and I was wondering if anyone is experiencing problems accessing the site today.
The official switch over to Photobucket's "new and improved" format is today but so far, the site has been down, at least for me. I've been working with the new format for about a month when they tricked me into switching before the deadline and, as such, have not been happy with how it is so different and less user friendly.
As much as I have invested in Photobucket with numerous Johnny pics, I hesitate to change to another site but out of curiosity, has anyone found an alternative photo sharing service that is as easy as the old Photobucket was?
Thanks for any feedback.

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Re: Photobucket Question

Unread post by Theresa » Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:30 pm

Apparently some people are having issues today with accessing the site.

I've been trying out several different sites since I got switched over a while ago.

is $30 per year for a basic account.

is $40 per year for a basic account. (I use this one for the videos I post on the Zone)

This one has a free account and a 'plus' account that is $25 per year. This one is starting to look promising for a good alternative to photobucket. It has the option to generate multiple links at one time for posting, and options for a wide range of thumbnail sizes. And you can choose whether to link back to the whole album of images or just single images in the larger size. (The free accounts are limited to 1600x1200 pixels and the plus accounts are 2560x1600 pixels. Both are unlimited photo storage and bandwidth)

I also use for posting here on the Zone occasionally. It's free and will save really BIG pics. (Evochka uses that one here a lot, too)

There's also I've heard other people mention it as a free alternative, but I've not tried it myself.

There's also as an alternative. It's been around a long time.

If anyone else has alternative sites they're using, feel free to post them here.

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Re: Photobucket Question

Unread post by Chocolat » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:56 pm

Thanks Theresa. :lilyrose:
These alternative sites are very helpful.
I have some recent Hi Res pics stored in IMGBOX now too, and I thank you for sharing all of the other options. It looks like the new Photobucket is here to stay, giving us the option to learn to grin and bear it or find a more user friendly photo sharing place for our Johnny pics.
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Re: Photobucket Question

Unread post by nebraska » Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:41 pm

I successfully uploaded 90-plus photos to a Photobucket album today. However, they still upload in a rather random order. I really do not like that development since I put my photos in the order I want them before I upload. For instance, the birthday candle is lit, then it is blown out, then the cake is cut and consumed. Sigh. They really screwed up a good thing. I don't think they are finished with it yet, however, because they do not have a slideshow link and it says that is coming soon. Maybe they should have finished ruining it completely before they implemented the new program! :banghead:

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Re: Photobucket Question

Unread post by Depp's Pearl » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:33 pm

I have been disappointed by the 'new and improved' Photobucket. So often, I can't get edited photos saved there, or replace the original photo by the edited one. I'd love a magic 'fix' for this problem. Someone (sorry--can't remember who) mentioned as the company that Photobucket used to have as their partner, and that is the editing program we've been accustomed to using.

I haven't tried it yet, that's all I know. Please do keep the subject rolling--I'm sure we have some very clever sleuths out there! :hope:
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Re: Photobucket Question

Unread post by Theresa » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:07 pm

That was me, Depp's Pearl.

is a very nice free online editor. It can do advanced editing (sort of a simple Photoshop Element style), quick editing (like Photobucket USED to have), and an Instagram-style editor (with fun filters and frames).

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Re: Photobucket Question

Unread post by ~SB » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:06 pm

Thank you, Theresa, for the info on all of the photo storage sites. Like Chocolat, I have a lot of photos - both Depp and non-Depp - stored at Photobucket, but I'm so disgusted with PB, my goal is to start transferring to another site before my paid subscription comes due again in October. I'm going to definitely check out the sites you mentioned and look forward to suggestions from other Zoners!

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Re: Photobucket Question

Unread post by Pearlsgirl » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:35 pm

Pixlr is a great site. I do alot of my editing and altering there for use on my wallpapers and scrapbooking projects. They have all the tools we're used to using on Photobucket that aren't available anymore, plus some new things to discover. Very easy to use and free too.

Photobucket claims they are looking at all the issues that have been brought to their attention. I filed a formal complaint as many of us probably have. A big complaint I had is one that Ebay sellers have as well. I used to be able to post a link to a large photobucket image, and it would come up large, all by itself on the screen. You could click on it to enlarge it even further. This was great for my scrapbooking pages and allowed folks to see all the details very close...on my needlework too. Ebay sellers liked that feature to show potential customers a closeup. Now that's gone, but Photobucket says they'll bring it back. But when? I discovered though that if you close out of the link and go right back into it, it brings up the large clickable image all by itself. Weird! I do no editing on Photobucket anymore and just use them for the links and for the storage of the larger backgrounds used to link to my story's images, etc. I post my art and scrapbook images, but with instructions to click out and then go right back in to see the details. A pain, but it will do until Photobucket gets their act together....if they get their act together.
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Re: Photobucket Question

Unread post by Depp's Pearl » Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:03 am

Theresa wrote:That was me, Depp's Pearl.

is a very nice free online editor. It can do advanced editing (sort of a simple Photoshop Element style), quick editing (like Photobucket USED to have), and an Instagram-style editor (with fun filters and frames).
Yes! Theresa, thanks for coming forward with that reminder.

I have tried PB several times since their 'new' editing tools came along. None of the problems I've reported to them have been corrected. I don't know how they'll stay in business with such a downgrade in the quality of the service they provide. It's a pity, but I plan to at least back up all of my photos that are stored at PB, so I don't lose them. :grr: .
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Re: Photobucket Question (and alternative sites)

Unread post by Joni » Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:16 pm

I just wanted to say that after using the new photobucket for a while, I find it just fine. It took a bit of figuring out and trying this and that, but now I feel comfortable with it.

I took a look at one of the different photo sharing sites, and it was even more confusing to me than the new photobucket.

I decided that I would rather stick with photobucket than have to learn a whole new system.

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Re: Photobucket Question (and alternative sites)

Unread post by shadowydog » Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:40 pm

Joni wrote:I just wanted to say that after using the new photobucket for a while, I find it just fine. It took a bit of figuring out and trying this and that, but now I feel comfortable with it.

I took a look at one of the different photo sharing sites, and it was even more confusing to me than the new photobucket.

I decided that I would rather stick with photobucket than have to learn a whole new system.

Can you download all the pictures in a photo file from PB to a DVD without copying each picture one at a time?
I have nothing to do and all day to do it in.

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Re: Photobucket Question (and alternative sites)

Unread post by Joni » Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:11 pm

shadowydog wrote: Can you download all the pictures in a photo file from PB to a DVD without copying each picture one at a time?
I have no idea, but you can ask them. There is a "Contact Us" link on photobucket, and I used that for a question I had -- they answered me within a day.

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Photobucket Question (and alternative sites)

Unread post by meeps » Mon May 27, 2019 6:57 am

ImageShack is not free anymore :bawl: And SlickPic is only free for 14 days ...

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Photobucket Question (and alternative sites)

Unread post by Moonbeam » Mon May 27, 2019 7:37 am

meeps wrote:ImageShack is not free anymore :bawl: And SlickPic is only free for 14 days ...
Hi dear meeps!! :hello: Now, I use Flickr. :artist: :hug:
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Photobucket Question (and alternative sites)

Unread post by Chocolat » Mon May 27, 2019 7:57 am

Moonbeam wrote:
meeps wrote:ImageShack is not free anymore :bawl: And SlickPic is only free for 14 days ...
Hi dear meeps!! :hello: Now, I use Flickr. :artist: :hug:

:hello2: IMGUR is free!
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