Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Give in Johnny's honor and support a Puerto Rican children's charity.
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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by flo116 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:37 pm

I am happy to report I got a thank you letter from the San Jorge Childrens Foundation today. :cloud9: I had mailed them a check a couple of weeks ago and let Theresa know at that time. It made me feel so good and special to receive this and since it is given in Johnny's name is even more so.
Thankyou JDZ and all involved for the opportunity to do this :worldhug:
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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by Theresa » Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:33 pm

flo116 wrote:I am happy to report I got a thank you letter from the San Jorge Childrens Foundation today. :cloud9: I had mailed them a check a couple of weeks ago and let Theresa know at that time. It made me feel so good and special to receive this and since it is given in Johnny's name is even more so.
Thankyou JDZ and all involved for the opportunity to do this :worldhug:
Thank you for reporting that you got a letter from the Foundation, flo. I'm happy to know that they're acknowledging our donations. And we still have three more days left in this year's project!

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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by part-time poet » Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:25 am

Echoing what Theresa said--thanks very much for letting us know that you got a letter back from the Foundation, flo. It's always reassuring to "hear back" and know that your gift got to the right place! :love:

Many thanks to you and all the generous Zoners who have given from their hearts to make this year's Birthday Project such a success!


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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by Joni » Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:42 am

In-too-Depp wrote:This is such an impressive amount and is going to do so much for those children, their families and the workers at the hospital. Thank you PtP for the information and well done to everyone, this casts light on what is too often a dark world that we live in. :heart2:
Very true, ITD. And isn't it a wonderful feeling to know that we can make a difference in the lives of children who really need help. :heart2:

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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by bluebird » Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:28 pm

Joni wrote:
And isn't it a wonderful feeling to know that we can make a difference in the lives of children who really need help. :heart2:
It is a wonderful feeling. ... I just donated... wish I could do more... but together we can make a difference.
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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by BonBon » Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:05 am

I just want to say, I'm proud to be in this great and helpful community! It's so beautiful to know, that you give these children a little bit a better life and that with only a little effort from everyone of us!

Thank you so much for organizing and execution of this big project! :smiliewithhearts:
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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by bringmethathorizon » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:02 am

I'm so happy to be able to help such a worthy cause once again in Johnny's name. I donated yesterday and used a different credit card, not my pay pal from last year, it seems like the donation went through fine, but I noticed that I had put my e-mail in incorrectly and I have not received notification yet. That is okay, I just want to make sure my donation was received, is there a way The Zone can check? Thanks so much for doing all that you do, I am so proud to be a Zoner.
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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by carol2843 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:14 am

:love: Saturday I received a lovely thank you note from the San Jorge Children's Foundation. So nice to know that my as well as others donations are going to be used for such a good cause. Congratulations to the Zone and all of Johnny's fans who have made it possible for him to receive such a special gift on his birthday. Thanks again to you at the Zone for making it possible for me to show my respect and admiration for a truly wonderful man--Johnny Depp. Hope he knows how much he is loved and admired by people all over the world and that he has a grand and beautiful birthday!!! :smiliewithhearts:
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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by Theresa » Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:44 pm

bringmethathorizon wrote:I'm so happy to be able to help such a worthy cause once again in Johnny's name. I donated yesterday and used a different credit card, not my pay pal from last year, it seems like the donation went through fine, but I noticed that I had put my e-mail in incorrectly and I have not received notification yet. That is okay, I just want to make sure my donation was received, is there a way The Zone can check? Thanks so much for doing all that you do, I am so proud to be a Zoner.
PM me or email me at and I'll check under the email name that you used, bringmethathorizon.

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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by part-time poet » Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:56 pm

bluebird wrote:
Joni wrote:
And isn't it a wonderful feeling to know that we can make a difference in the lives of children who really need help. :heart2:
It is a wonderful feeling. ... I just donated... wish I could do more... but together we can make a difference.
That's one of the great satisfactions of the Birthday Project, bluebird. I don't think there's anyone here who could ever dream of donating $5,000 as an individual to a charity . . . but when we pool our donations, we can do it!

And, somehow, we all have the satisfaction and pleasure of having given $5,000 to help the children and to honor Johnny. That's magical.


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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by Theresa » Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:30 pm

carol2843 wrote::love: Saturday I received a lovely thank you note from the San Jorge Children's Foundation. So nice to know that my as well as others donations are going to be used for such a good cause.

Thank you as well, for letting us know that you got a note from the Foundation.
carol2843 wrote:Congratulations to the Zone and all of Johnny's fans who have made it possible for him to receive such a special gift on his birthday. Thanks again to you at the Zone for making it possible for me to show my respect and admiration for a truly wonderful man--Johnny Depp. Hope he knows how much he is loved and admired by people all over the world and that he has a grand and beautiful birthday!!! :smiliewithhearts:
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It sure does take all of us together to be able to give this gift in Johnny's name. I love the time leading up to Johnny's birthday...the generosity of Zoners and others is an amazing thing to see. :heart2:

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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by johnnybloom » Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:58 pm

As I read all the post on the eve before Johnny's birthday I can't but be proud of all the Zoners who donated. I am sure that Johnny, in knowing that his followers think with their hearts makes him feel very proud. In a world of paparazzi and gossip magazines, he has been able to mostly dodge that kind of publicity(Thank God) and to have such warm hearted "fans" must be a relief for him.

I am also curious as to what the final numbers will be after his actual birthday is over...such a wonderful gift to such a wonderful man . The gift of life to children in need.

Great job every one... :applause2: :toastingpirates:

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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by heidi1 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:41 pm

:smiliewithhearts: I have been fortunate to have participated in all the Zone's birthday projects in honor of Johnny through the years, and each year it seems to get better and better. I made a contribution about a month ago too when this project was announced, and I just gave $4.60 more, in honor of Johnny's 46th birthday tomorrow. I wish I could have given $46, but I know that together with everyone else's contribution, my little bit will add up and do so much good for the children. What a wonderful feeling that gives me! :yahoo:

Thank you, fellow Zoners, for your emotional and financial support to this worthy cause!
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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by SqueakyDoor » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:05 am

I waited until today to make my donation and I am just so proud of the Zone's continued commitment each year to do this in honor of Johnny's birthday. :heart2:
I am impressed to read of San Jorge's quick acknowlegements to some of the donations made thus far. I take this as a sign that they are very grateful for each and every donation made - no matter the amount. Thanks to everyone at the Zone for having kind and loving hearts. :worldhug:
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Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Unread post by Boo-Radley » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:45 am

WooHoo!!! :yahoo: That is fantastic news, and so wonderful for all the children at San Jorge Hospital who will benefit from our donation. :cloud9: Congrats everyone!!! :toastingpirates: And a BIG Happy Birthday to Johnny!!! :cake: :balloons:

KittyCat wrote:Fantastic!! Great job zoners...

and to any who just couldn't financially make a donation this year...please know, that in my opinion, a gift from one of us, is a gift on behalf of ALL of us who love and support Johnny!!
Well said!!! :cool:

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