Waiting for the Barbarians Discussion Begins Today!

Waiting for the Barbarians by ‎J.M. Coetzee

Moderators: Liz, fireflydances

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Waiting for the Barbarians Discussion Begins Today!

Unread post by fireflydances » Mon Aug 26, 2019 4:54 pm


The Discussion Begins..........

Well, all the tidbits have been posted. I hope at least one or two stimulated your interest or made you think. I

Now on to the discussion. I will probably post questions every other day. My objective is involving you, whether or not you read the book.

We are days from the premiere of the film in Venice, and I would guess that most of us are eager that the film do well and be distributed in a manner that allows ALL of us to see it. It was JM Coetzee himself who wanted, always, to get this story in front of as many people as possible. The book was published in 1980 and serious efforts to get it filmed began in 1990. That is a long time to stand behind something and keep pushing. I want to honor Coetzee's desire to reach the multitudes by bringing people together to discuss the book AND the movie.

How can you discuss a book you haven't read? I plan to ask questions that I believe will be accessible to the widest number of readers. In other words, we will draw on the book, but the majority of the questions will focus on our personal experience and opinions with regard to the questions Coetzee has raised.

This is such a wonderful community. All of us drawn here by respect and love of Johnny Depp and his work. Your comments will be deeply appreciated. So -- even if you aren't sure your comment is needed: remember that it is. We want to hear from you!

First question posted tonight!
"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested." Sir Francis Bacon, Of Studies