Depp Fans Donate to Children's Hospital

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Depp Fans Donate to Children's Hospital

Unread post by emma » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:10 am

Depp Fans Donate to Children's Hospital

MADISON – If one thing is certain, it's that actor Johnny Depp has passionate fans.

They are deeply committed to the actor and his work, and strongly believe in living up to his philanthropic example. Which is why members of the Johnny Depp Zone, one of the oldest, largest and most active fan site on the Internet, donated $7,402.63 to American Family Children's Hospital's Child Life Fund.

The total is 50 percent higher than their most successful previous fundraising project, and an "astonishing amount" according to the Zone's Webmaster, Natalie, who asked that only her first name be used.

For the last three years, the Zone has sponsored a charity fundraiser to mark Depp's birthday.

"We wanted to give him a gift that would do some good in the world and would reflect his own philanthropic interests and commitment to children," Natalie explained.

The members selected American Family Children's in 2008 because they wanted to help a charity in the area where Depp's latest film, Public Enemies, was filmed. Depp fans turned out in numbers to watch the filming of the movie, which occurred in several towns and cities in Wisconsin, including Madison.

"We thought it would be fitting to give something back to the area which has been Johnny's home this spring [while filming], and which has shown him, and many thousands of Depp-related visitors, such warm hospitality," said Natalie.

The Zone members selected American Family Children's when one of their administrators, Theresa, found the hospital's website and took the video tour. After sending the link to the rest of the Zone's staff they "all knew at once that American Family Children's Hospital was a perfect match," according to Natalie.

Natalie also pointed out that the University of Wisconsin is the alma mater of Michael Mann, the film's director. That helped to make the project even more meaningful for the Zone members.

The birthday project ran from May 1, 2008, through Depp's birthday on June 9, with donations coming from all over the world. Since 2006, members of the Zone have marked the actor's birthday by giving to different children's charitable causes, including Children's Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition in California and the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

Natalie said the members selected the Child Life Fund specifically because "its acts of kindness can have such an immediate, positive impact on the lives of patients." That impact, she commented, is similar to what Johnny Depp provides for his fans, a "special moment of warmth and consideration that lifts our spirits and chases away stress."

American Family Children's Child Life program helps children, adolescents and families maintain a normal life and minimizes fears and anxieties during hospitalizations. Special programs for parents, activities for siblings, patient support during procedures, organized play areas, even a pet therapy program are just a few of the many ways Child Life staff help families during their child's stay.

"We are proud to assist [American Family Children's] in brightening the days of young patients and their families," concluded Natalie. "May they heal and grow strong in your care."

Date published: 07/15/2008

*Article corrected and updated: 7/16/2008*

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Unread post by Gilbert's Girl » Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:24 am


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Unread post by b.p. olive » Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:25 am

Gilbert's Girl wrote: :cool:
Exactly what I was going to say. :cool:
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Unread post by Kittycat88 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:27 am

How wonderful!! What a lovely piece and thanks to Natalie for your gracious and thoughtful words.

Wow am I proud to be a zoner today....and everyday !!

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Unread post by Constance » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:31 am

Kittycat88 wrote:How wonderful!! What a lovely piece and thanks to Natalie for your gracious and thoughtful words.

Wow am I proud to be a zoner today....and everyday !!
Could'nt have said it better myself :pray:
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Unread post by Lucky13 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:39 am

Beautifully said ! Once again, sincere thanks to Part-time Poet and The Zone for organizing such a wonderful project. :smiliewithhearts:
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Unread post by Carasun » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:49 am

What a wonderful article :bounce:
A bif :thanks!: to Natalie for all the projects and of course for the nice words!
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Unread post by lizabel » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:36 am

That made me feel all warm & fuzzy!

Kitty - like you said - I feel especially proud to be a Zoner today!

Thank you Nathalie and all our Admin for all you continue to do to make this the best Johnny Depp site on the Internet! :cool:


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Unread post by Jack's Wench » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:00 am

Thanks for posting Emma :thanks!:

Many thanks to PtP and all those involved in organising the birthday project. :bouquet:

I too am very proud to be a Zoner. :cool:
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Unread post by part-time poet » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:05 am

:thanks!: for all your kind words.

It's very nice to see this year's Birthday Project acknowledged in such a kind way. Many thanks :bouquet: to Stephanie Breiby, the editor at UW Health, for writing the article about the Zone. And thanks to emma for posting it.

All of the Zoners who donated to this year's project can be very proud of the results of their contribution. Together we have done something that will bring a lot of comfort to seriously ill children and their families. This has been a very satisfying project to work on--a joy from beginning to end.

:balloons: Johnny Depp, and thank you for bringing out the best in us.


Natalie/Part-Time Poet
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Unread post by In-too-Depp » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:05 am

:cloud9: What a lovely report and to read PtP's comments. It certainly does make me feel proud to have played a small part in the success of the project. Thank you PtP and the zone admin for giving us the chance to make this happen. :applause2:
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Unread post by historicalpassion1 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:09 am

Its wonderful to see that the hospital was so overwhelmed with our gift that they saw fit to post it on their website. I'm glad that our gift made such an impact and that the funds we donated will continue to make an impact on those who need it, just like Johnny has made such a huge impact on us.
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Unread post by Sandsgirl » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:30 am

What a nice article. When we all get together under Johnny's banner there is nothing we can't accomplish. So glad I'm a part of the Zone :worldhug:
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Unread post by GAO » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:40 am

How wonderful. :grouphug:
I'd like to say :thanks!: once again to Part-time Poet and the moderators who organized this project and made the wonderful success.
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Unread post by Boo-Radley » Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:04 am

Thanks to emma for bringing this article to our attention. A huge thanks to theresa, PTP and all the Zone staffers for organinzing and carrying through this year's Birthday Project. Not least congratulations to every member who, gave a donation to this worthy cause.

I've always been proud to be a Depp fan, and since 2004 I've been very proud to call the Zone my fan-home. Each and every one you brings something wonderful to this place, and a moment like this just speaks volumes. I'm looking forward to next year's fundraiser.


Finally thank you to Johnny, your spirit of generosity is why my admiration of you goes far beyond your profound talent as and actor.

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