WOW . . . Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone

Give in Johnny's honor and support a great hospital for children.
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Unread post by Endora » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:57 am

Just to add that it is always possible to donate online to GOSH. There is a place on their form to say the reason or dedication for your donation. And over here, there are sometimes bags for old clothing collections that arrive through your door, where your discarded clothes are sold to donate to GOSH. Here's the link on the GOSH site, hope it's ok to post it again.
Work hard, learn well, and make peace with the fact that you'll never be as cool as Johnny Depp. GQ.

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Unread post by Angelika » Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:11 am

Endora wrote:Just to add that it is always possible to donate online to GOSH. There is a place on their form to say the reason or dedication for your donation. And over here, there are sometimes bags for old clothing collections that arrive through your door, where your discarded clothes are sold to donate to GOSH. Here's the link on the GOSH site, hope it's ok to post it again.
Endora, thank you for this tip!
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Unread post by Kittycat88 » Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:06 am

Times flies...I was re-reading the thread, and thought :ohyes: Johhny's birthday isn't more than a few months away already...!! I am thinking I will start a piggie bank coin collection jar in my room and start tucking away my excess coins now. It should just make a nice donation to this years Birthday Project !!

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Unread post by heidi1 » Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:54 pm

Wow---despite checking in weekly, and often looking at this topic when I did, I somehow missed this update. How exciting to see this reply from Johnny, which I never expected! Thanks so much for posting the original scan, PTP! I couldn't resist making a copy. When I read the words from Johnny, I got tears in my eyes, since from having my own daughter hospitalized unexpectedly at around the same age, despite it being 12 years ago, I still recall how deeply I felt any kind gesture extended to me during those dark days. One is forever changed after dire circumstances like that, and I know Johnny appreciates every moment since then with his family, and every kindness from friends, family, and people like us that he knows only from a distance. What a truly special person he is to acknowledge our contribution.

And the Zone is truly a special place. I have never encountered a similar site that has so much warmth and kindheartedness. It really is great that we can collectively make a difference in this world, with Johnny as our inspiration! :grouphug:

Ooops, I forgot to mention how sweet he was to put all those "xxxx"s by his signature. What an :angel: !

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Unread post by part-time poet » Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:18 pm

He is certainly a very kind man, in every way. :hatsoff: to Johnny Depp.

It's hard to believe, but it's now a year since Lily-Rose was hospitalized. A good time to give thanks once again that all is well, and to remember the families whose children are at GOSH right now. May they all have happy news some day soon. :pray:


Part-Time Poet
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