Give in Johnny's honor and support a great hospital for children.
part-time poet
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by part-time poet » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:28 pm
Dear friends and fellow Zoners,
When we began this year’s Birthday Project in support of Great Ormond Street Hospital, I never imagined writing a post like this one, and I am finding it very hard to locate words to express the tremendous joy and gratitude—the sheer amazement—that is in my heart. All I can do is to tell you what happened, and hope that your own souls can supply the emotions that my inadequate prose cannot convey.
Earlier this week I received a letter by Federal Express, sent from London and dated November 27th. It came from Johnny Depp and was addressed “To Natalie and All at the Zone” . . . and it was a thank-you message for this year’s Birthday Project!
Yes—in the middle of all the hubbub of the SWEENEY TODD press junket, Johnny Depp stopped to write to the Zone. What an extraordinary act of kindness . . . now you see why I don’t know what to say, except Thank you very much and How amazing! I hope that wherever he is, Johnny knows how deeply moved we all are by his message, how much we appreciate his thoughtfulness, and how happy we are that he and his family are thriving and well this holiday season. I will cherish this message always, and I hope you will too, because this letter is for all of you who call the Zone home.
I am posting a scan of Johnny’s letter in black-and-white because it is easier to read; that is followed by a link to a scan of the original letter: ... lorbig.jpg
Our “utmost love and respect” is what the Zone has always given to Johnny; what a joy to learn that he returns those feelings.
Thank you a thousand times to all our wonderful donors for making this year’s Birthday Project so successful, and may the happiness you have given warm your heart this holiday season.

Natalie/Part-Time Poet
JDZ Webmaster
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by Joni » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:35 pm
I think you found just the right words, Natalie!
It was such a pleasure to donate to the Great Ormond Street Hospital, and a very unexpected gift to receive this letter from Johnny.
Johnny once again has shown why he is so very special to us.
Thanks to all the Zoners who helped make this Birthday Project a wonderful success.
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by H2H » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:43 pm
I am crying like a 3 year old. I am so unbelievably touched that he took the time to write to you. What a wonderful community you have created here for us; a place where we can share our love for Johnny's work and to help support when necessary. It's a beautiful thing.
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by Anna » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:45 pm
That is just excellent, PtP. All your hard work and perseverence in making this a respectable and respectful fansite has paid off by this letter. We´ve all done The Zone proud, we´ve done you and the staff here proud, we´ve done Johnny proud. Congratulations and I think you´ve got the wording in your post exactly right as you always do!
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by Gilbert's Girl » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:47 pm
What a wonderful surprise!

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by capnjacksgurl85 » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:49 pm

Wow, that's pretty amazing. What an incredibly kind thing for Johnny to do.
Thanks for sharing this very special gift with all of us, PtP. And as always, thanks to all of the administrators and members of the Zone for making it one of the best sites on the web. We've got a great thing going here.

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by tracy » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:49 pm
Wow... what an unbelievable surprise! This just proves once again why we all love and respect Johnny so much. I am so proud to call the Zone home!

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by San » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:52 pm
WOW! What a fantastic surprise!
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by shadowydog » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:52 pm
I am here with tears in my eyes at Johnny's touching response to the people of the Zone. It was an honor to donate to the little ones in his name and I am humbled to know that he knows about our gift and took time to thank us for it.

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by sleepy » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:54 pm
Johnny's very kind thoughts and words of appreciation make us very proud. He's an amazing guy...he's worth every hour that's spent, making this site a tribute to his kindness and talent. Next year will mark 10 years of the Zone. After reading his letter, it's easy to see why it's been time well spent.
Funny ol' world, innit?
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by Lucky13 » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:59 pm
part-time poet wrote:may the happiness you have given warm your heart this holiday season.
My heart is VERY warm, Part-time Poet !!

My thanks again for all your efforts to make this project such a wonderful success !!
How very gracious of Johnny to express his personal thanks... I'm absolutely speechless.

~ Yah, I wanna take that ride with you!
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by DarkAngel » Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:01 pm
Heaven, I can´t believe it... WOW...

I mean, I get a letter from the man himself! Wow, Natalie, I guess you fell off the chair as you got it, didn´t you?
That´s so great, I can´t believe that he knows it, that he really took time to write the letter.. I´m really very impressed and touched very deep by this man. WE have to say thank you dear Mister Johnny Depp!
I hope the money we gave was able to help a bit.

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by Iceflower » Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:03 pm
That's a wonderful suprise! So sweet of him to write a thank you letter. Thank you N for making this possible for us, and open this donation

"To be a pirate - it's a childhood dream, isn't it? To basically get away with everything... and get paid for it!" - Johnny Depp
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by deppink » Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:08 pm
Oh wow, this was amazing and so sweet of him to write you back!! I can't possibly imagine your reaction when you got that letter!

I am so touched by his words, he really is a great person...
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by nettydeppy » Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:11 pm
Wow that is a wonderful surprise.
Johnny Depp is so loving and kind
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