Announcing the Zone's 2007 Birthday Project!

Give in Johnny's honor and support a great hospital for children.
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Unread post by lizbet » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:29 am

HeidiGrant40 wrote:This is such a worthy charity, but we can't afford the $44. and we try to donate locally. Is it OK to make a smaller donation to our childrens hospital in Johnny's name?
As much as I don't like 'robbing Peter to pay Paul' - I've decided to see AWE only three times instead of four so that I can use that movie money for a GOSH contribution - Ten dollars isn't much but I love that together the ladies here can make a difference - Thanks PtP for organizing this - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Johnny :happybday:

Edited for capitalization.
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Unread post by GAO » Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:28 am

Thank you so much for this great opportunity, PtP.
I was selfishly waiting to donate by today, June 9.
And I have just done.
(Why Yen is sooooo weak against USD, now???? :bawl: )

Happy Birthday & Thank You, Johnny!
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Unread post by shadowydog » Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:42 am

Thanks for setting this up.... :cloud9: Just made my donation. :disco:

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Unread post by mytreasure » Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:09 am

I waited until today, Johnny's birthday, to make my donation. Thanks for a lovely birthday project!! :bouquet:

:happybday: Johnny!!!
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Unread post by ForeverinmyheartJD » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:03 pm

PTP - this is such a wonderful idea and I'm sure Johnny would be over the moon hearing about this. I felt I specifically needed to wait for his birthday to make my donation and I've done just that. Your hard work in making all of this happen and come together is so appreciated. Hope you know that!

Happy Birthday Johnny!
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Unread post by thatgirl » Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:23 pm

I was going to make my donation earlier in the week & decided to wait until today as well.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Johnny! :happybday:
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Happy Birthday Johnny

Unread post by Lady Jill » Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:56 pm

Thanks ladies for setting up this fun donation in honor of Johnny's Birthday Today! I have just donated. I hope the powers that be let him know what we have done for him. It'll make his day!

:birthdayballoon: Johnny!
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Unread post by dharma_bum » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:03 am

I also wanted my donation to honor someone that never ceases to inspire and amaze me with a tribute to someone who never ceases to inspire and amaze him... Happy Birthday Johnny.

Sorry I didn't keep to the code... but under the circumstances, I thought maybe they were more like guidelines.

Link to picture deleted. Please, no pictures of Johnny's children per Zone policy.
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Unread post by Carasun » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:49 am

Wonderful, amazing, touching - dharma_bum :thud:
( I think you kept the code a little....;-))
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Unread post by Constance » Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:06 am

That is so beautiful and so very, very touching, dharma_bum :pray:
Just simply wonderful. Brought tears to my eyes.
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Unread post by M_a_r_g_o » Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:31 am

Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday dear Johnny!!! Happy birthday to you!!! ImageImage

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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2007 Birthday Project!

Unread post by SweetSam » Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:07 am

part-time poet wrote:...Currently the web page features a picture of two smiling pub owners who have raised more than 450 pounds—roughly $900—in the past two years. I’m confident the Zone can do just as well. We know most Zoners are on tight budgets, but when we pool our donations together in a worldwide “Collection Box” of our own, the numbers add up to a significant gift. Can we make a difference? Can we really help the hospital? Yes! ...
I made a donation on Johnny's B'day yesterday through the Paypal link on this site. I think it is SO WONDERFUL that the Zoners have already contributed well over DOUBLE this $900 goal!

What a wonderful idea!!!! :grouphug: :smiliewithhearts:
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Unread post by trinni » Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:29 am

Can I just remind UK donors. Although it seems more fun to donate via PayPal and get the zone total, if you are a tax payer the hospital will really benefit from reclaiming your tax!. There is a gift aid form on the GOSH website that you can download and send off with your cheque.
Note there is a different address on the gift aid form. I posted mine to the address PTP gave us, so it would not get separated from other donations.
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Unread post by part-time poet » Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:45 pm

trinni wrote:Can I just remind UK donors. Although it seems more fun to donate via PayPal and get the zone total, if you are a tax payer the hospital will really benefit from reclaiming your tax!. There is a gift aid form on the GOSH website that you can download and send off with your cheque.
Note there is a different address on the gift aid form. I posted mine to the address PTP gave us, so it would not get separated from other donations.
Trinni has explained to me that the UK tax code provides a benefit to charities IF the donation is made by a UK citizen. If GOSH can reclaim the tax, it effectively adds about 20% more to the donation. That's fantastic--I wish we had a similar program in the U.S.

For those of us outside the UK, Paypal is probably the best and easiest way to donate, but if you live in the UK, there are a couple of reasons why GOSH may get more value from your donation if you write them a check and mail it directly to them:

(1) They can force Inland Revenue to hand over some of your tax dollars to increase the amount of your donation. All you have to do is fill out a form.

(2) When you donate through Paypal, your donation in pounds sterling is converted to U.S. dollars, and I am sure the exchange rate must favor Paypal, because that's the way financial institutions work. When I send the donation from the Zone to GOSH, I will send it in a U.S. money order or by wire, and it will then have to be converted from dollars to pounds again.

So while I welcome any and all donations to the project, however they are made, I would urge those in the U.K. to investigate trinni's method since it seems it would be most beneficial to the hospital.

If you do donate to the project by check, I have a request--please send an email to and say you have sent a check to GOSH and give the amount so it can be added to our project total, and we can add your name to our list of donors. We can't expect GOSH to keep track of that, and I know as a group we are curious to see the total.

:thanks!: very much to trinni for investigating this and letting us know the results.

:writer2: :smiliewithhearts:

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Unread post by Babsi » Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:54 pm

For few minutes I have made my donation to the Birthday Project. I think it is a great idea to do!