Give in Johnny's honor and support a great cause.
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by stricken » Sun May 14, 2006 9:15 am
Did someone say toes?
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by Dawn68PA » Sun May 14, 2006 9:28 am
I'm glad that we are able to help moms and children alike through this project.
Happy Mother's Day to all.

"Johnny has his own dress sense. It doesn't always work" Tim Burton
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by GAO » Sun May 14, 2006 9:30 am


I am so happy and honored to be a member of such a wonderful site.
Thank you so much, Sleepy, Part-time Poet, ack and all the moderators, for running this site and especially for this beautiful and successful Birthday Project.

Keep breathing.
Keep moving forward.
Be happy.
---Johnny Depp---
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by mytreasure » Sun May 14, 2006 9:33 am
What a wonderful way to start Mother's Day!! This has touched me so deeply that, yes, there are tears! I am so proud of everyone at the Zone. I feel truly blessed to have found this place. To think that Johnny knows about this wonderful project is the best gift we could possibly get today! (Besides the thoughtful gifts of our own children, of course!!)
Love and happiness to all on this beautiful Mother's Day. My thoughts are with everyone.

*Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.*
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by DeppInTheHeartOfTexas » Sun May 14, 2006 10:48 am
You never know when one little gesture (such as Johnny wearig the hospice bracelet) can create a ripple which becomes a river of kindness and generosity. Way to go Zoners! Happy Mothers Day to all! 
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -
Wow! What a ride!
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by Liz » Sun May 14, 2006 10:53 am
DeepinDepp wrote:On this day, please spare a thought for Dustin's and Alexis's mothers, and for all the other Hospice families who are travelling this most difficult road. While some of us celebrate, others are grieving; let's do what we can to help them.
I can't imagine the emptiness that some Mother's are feeling today.


It's a good feeling knowing that our donations have helped some of the families at Children's Hospice. Bless Johnny for having put on Dustin's bracelet, it brought extra attention to such a worth while cause.
It must be very difficult for those moms. I can't even imagine. But I feel very lucky on this Mother's Day, and very proud to be a Zoner. This is great news!
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!
Last edited by Liz on Sun May 14, 2006 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The only thing that matters is the ending. It's the most important part of the story.
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by Sioux » Sun May 14, 2006 10:53 am
Right on.

Good deeds are rewarded, one way or another.
Seriously cool. Thanks for the update!

I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of confusion just because of the expression it leaves on my face ~ J.D.
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by deppdevoted » Sun May 14, 2006 11:23 am
Very interesting and sweet news! I am glad to hear that we are able to give back a little to him for all that he has given to us - while helping many deserving children and families on the way!
Happy Mother's Day to all! For those that are having a tough time today, my prayers and good wishes go out to you!

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by johnnybloom » Sun May 14, 2006 11:26 am
Every single day I count my blessings that I have a healthy child. To know that other Mother's are in such pain makes me realize just how lucky those of that have healthy children really are.
This letter and the BD project also brings to mind just how much Johnny and his life moves us. How he speaks volumes to us in his actions. He leaves an imprint on our everyday lives and to know that he is aware of that is a wonderful feeling. He really is the best role model any one can follow and I am proud that we learn from his example.
I also feel blessed everytime I sign on here in The Zone. To know that I am sitting here at my computer, connected to so many wonderful, caring and devoted women brings on a feeling of love, happiness and pride.

To all the Mothers here in The Zone HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
To all the daughters here in The Zone....give your Mom a great big hug..she will appreciate it!
"Three is a sort of special number for me. It's a very creative number.
Triangle, trinity-you know, how two people make another person.
Three is a MYSTICAL, MAGICAL number."
~~ Johnny Depp~~
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by Eggs » Sun May 14, 2006 11:34 am
Wonderful news! Proud to be a zoner!

Happy Mother's Day zoners!
One day you won't be able to resist
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part-time poet
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by part-time poet » Sun May 14, 2006 12:34 pm
ibbi 3 wrote:Thank you b.p. olive and part-time poet for sharing this message . I am feeling ... ok I am in tears reading it ... this week I was joking around in the other thread I never could come any closer to Johnny then through this project , if he would see Romy's/Cara's design. That's really an special feeling
At the same time I am feeling for the children , the mother's and fathers and families . We participated to help the children and knowing the project was an success was amazing already !
Thank you to everyone involved here !
Thank you Johnny for being who you are , and for what you give to us !
Today I also want to remember the children , the mothers or Grandmothers who past away of our Zonerfriends
I am so proud of my daugther

What beautiful sentiments, ibbi--
--thank you for sharing them, and thank you for your design. We are all very proud of Romy, and of ACK's daughter Laura who also contributed a design. That's something beautiful to remember on Mother's Day . . . how Johnny and the Birthday Project bring mothers and daughters together.
Part-Time Poet
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
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by lumineuse » Sun May 14, 2006 12:38 pm
Thank you for sharing that with us. It brought tears to my eyes as well. I am happy to know that he is moved by our choice of projects - it seems that aside from aiding a worthwhile cause, we really are giving him a birthday gift.
Again I want to thank everyone who brought this project, and the cafe, into fruition. The generosity of this community just overwhelms me sometimes.
"Oh, good!........ No worries, then."
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by Peachy » Sun May 14, 2006 1:27 pm
johnnybloom wrote:Every single day I count my blessings that I have a healthy child. To know that other Mother's are in such pain makes me realize just how lucky those of that have healthy children really are.
This letter and the BD project also brings to mind just how much Johnny and his life moves us. How he speaks volumes to us in his actions. He leaves an imprint on our everyday lives and to know that he is aware of that is a wonderful feeling. He really is the best role model any one can follow and I am proud that we learn from his example.
I also feel blessed everytime I sign on here in The Zone. To know that I am sitting here at my computer, connected to so many wonderful, caring and devoted women brings on a feeling of love, happiness and pride.

To all the Mothers here in The Zone HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
To all the daughters here in The Zone....give your Mom a great big hug..she will appreciate it!
I echo your thoughts, Johnnybloom:
As I am sitting here with my mothers' day bracelet (with shiny hearts on it) from my daughter side by side on my arm with my "Today is a gift" bracelet I was having similar thoughts: lucky to have a healthy daughter: today in particular my heart goes out to mothers who have lost a child or are nursing a sick one.
I was also thinking how lucky I am to be part of such a great community - the JDZ - through which I am getting to know some wonderful, thoughtful and caring ladies in honour of, and thanks to, a wonderful, thoughtful and caring man.
"If I'm going do to this for a living I want to at least provoke a thought or make someone look at something, however subtle, from another perspective." (JD on acting).
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by San » Sun May 14, 2006 2:04 pm
To read this at the end of of a difficult day ( but still a good day), brought tears to my eyes. Not because Johnny knows about the project (nice, but not real important), but that with this project we help other parents and children have it a little easier at hard times.
Thanks PTP for giving this message and the others for making this project possible. San
Ingrid 3
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by Ingrid 3 » Sun May 14, 2006 2:34 pm
part-time poet wrote:ibbi 3 wrote:Thank you b.p. olive and part-time poet for sharing this message . I am feeling ... ok I am in tears reading it ... this week I was joking around in the other thread I never could come any closer to Johnny then through this project , if he would see Romy's/Cara's design. That's really an special feeling
At the same time I am feeling for the children , the mother's and fathers and families . We participated to help the children and knowing the project was an success was amazing already !
Thank you to everyone involved here !
Thank you Johnny for being who you are , and for what you give to us !
Today I also want to remember the children , the mothers or Grandmothers who past away of our Zonerfriends
I am so proud of my daugther

What beautiful sentiments, ibbi--
--thank you for sharing them, and thank you for your design. We are all very proud of Romy, and of ACK's daughter Laura who also contributed a design. That's something beautiful to remember on Mother's Day . . . how Johnny and the Birthday Project bring mothers and daughters together.
Part-Time Poet
I can imagine how ack is feeling today ~ and how proud she is of Laura

this message from Johnny gives our day a golden border as we say in the Netherlands !
All the designs are beautiful ~ and I have items with every one of them ,bought them or got them as an gift ,and I love them all. The ones made by the children, for the children have a special place in my heart
Thank you ptp

Last edited by Ingrid 3 on Sun May 14, 2006 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joel:"That's the movies, Ed. Try reality." Ed:"No thanks." Northern Exposure