BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

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BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by Theresa » Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:57 pm


On behalf of all of us at Project Pueblo, THANK YOU so much for the VERY generous donation to Project Pueblo!!! We are so excited and humbled by the generous donation from everyone at the Johnny Depp Zone, and we are so privileged that you chose us again for the Birthday Project!!! It is such an honor, and we can assure you that the donations will be spent to directly impact the lives of the Navajo families we serve to improve their living conditions.

I was able to help coordinate a trip that is currently on the reservation this week in Cameron, AZ that is working with Larry Gordy (who is featured on the audio slideshow and the LA Times article that was posted on your website) to help build him a foundation and help his sister build a new roof.

I attached a link to the article here, which gives a great background on Larry and his family:

The trip this week is composed of 20 volunteers who will be there until Sunday, June 30, and they are currently digging out a trench out of rock to pour cement into over the next few days for Larry's foundation. Larry has a ranch, and he used to work as a construction foreman on many projects in California, Nevada, and Arizona. Although he has always built homes for other people, he was never able to build a home for his family due to the Bennett Freeze. One of his dreams was to build a home for his family, and we are so excited to be able to help him achieve this! Also, his sister's roof has had some severe damage over the years, and it was leaking and not functioning. Volunteers ripped the roof off on Sunday, and they are rebuilding it this week as well! If there is time, the volunteers may also work on other projects we have in the Cameron area. Over the next year, we would like to help Larry as much as we can to complete his home!

Also, we will be fitting our existing water systems with new water pumps over the next several months, which will enable the families we have installed systems for to have a much easier time to get water in their tanks. This is a direct result of your generous donations!! We have some trips scheduled later this year to build more water systems and update the ones we currently have installed, and we will certainly update you with pictures as the projects happen. :)

I just wanted to say thank you and I wanted to add a picture we took on our last trip in March to say THANK YOU to everyone at JD Zone! This trip was when we built a hogan for Thomasina Nez and her family, and I was privileged to attend and lead that trip. Also, here is a video that showed Thomasina's reaction after we build the hogan--the Navajo people are SOO thankful for your help--we wouldn't be able to complete projects like these without your support!!! It is really amazing to see finished projects and how happy the families are that we are able to help, thanks to people like you!!!


Ryan Wycliffe


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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by shadowydog » Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:48 pm

*Tears of Joy* So glad we can help and see the joy we can bring to others. :cloud9:
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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by fireflydances » Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:54 pm

Beautiful to be thanked so powerfully. We are part of something, even though we sit miles and miles away. Thank you Project Pueblo. Thank you Ryan.

It demonstrates that we, very ordinary people, have more power to effect change than we realize. Our small and sometimes difficult sacrifices combine with the individual actions of many volunteers, many community members, and produce change. We change lives. How wonderful is that?
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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by marija » Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:09 pm

Oh I'm so glad to be a part of the JDZ and thus I'm able to do something for the poor native American people.

Thank you again dear Theresa and PTP and all are you involved to make it possible. :worldhug:
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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by Kittycat88 » Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:13 pm

Dear Ryan! Thank you so much for sending the video and letting us know how much our contributions are able to accomplish.

And thank you sooo much for the lovely thank you sign!! I will treasure that pic!! God Bless you all for the hard work that you do to help these wonderful people!!

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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by nanjacb » Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:13 pm

This is wonderful. So glad it made a difference!
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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by winona » Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:18 pm

It feels great to know we could help :loveshower:
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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by audamay » Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:40 pm

Makes you feel very humble to know that our small amounts have helped in such a big way - just goes to show that a little can go a long long way.

Thanks to the ones who made all of this possible -PTP and Theresa :thankyou:

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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by dbcbdc » Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:13 pm

Love the update!!! :grouphug: So nice to hear from Ryan on the direct effect our donation has. I love everything about all of the birthday projects! Can't wait until the next one! I may start saving now. :)
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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by docplacer » Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:50 pm

I've been a Rotarian for over 10 years, effecting thousands of lives with the work we do on a local and global scale. Believe me, "thank you" never gets old!

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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by Boo-Radley » Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:49 am

Thank you Ryan for the update and for all that you and the volunteers who work with you are doing to make the funds that we here were able to raise do so much good for the Navajo People. Thank you to all as well for the beautiful picture, I've saved it and will keep it always. It was also great to see how happy Mrs. Nez was to receive her new hogan, I couldn't help crying right along with her. It's so easy to take for granted our relative comfort, but when you see people who are in need of the simple comforts of life a decent home, clean water... you're reminded of how truly blessed you've been. So I have to say again, thank you to everyone here at the Zone who helped to make this year's Birthday Project such a great success. I for one am humbled to be part of such a wonderful group of caring people. :worldhug:

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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:12 am

Thank you Ryan for the update and the lovely video, I'll admit to :bawl: when I watched the video. To see just how much our donation means to Project Pueblo and lives of so many people is truly amazing and emotional. For you all that are there and experience it for yourselves it must give you a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and makes all that work so worth the time and effort involved.

We all take so much for granted and I for one look at what I have and realise just how lucky I am.

Thanks to Theresa and PtP for giving us this opportunity to help so many that are suffering on a daily basis for the most basic of things.

Talk about a feel good factor, this certainly counts as one of those. :heart2:
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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by moviemom » Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:22 am

Thank you, Ryan!
It is of great joy to see what our efforts have accomplished! :goodvibes:
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Re: BP 2013--A 'Thank You' and an update from Project Pueblo

Unread post by part-time poet » Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:56 pm

Project Pueblo volunteers will be finishing their current working trip (the "June trip") today, as the western U.S. bakes in a record-breaking heat wave. Hats off to the intrepid volunteers who are out there donating their labor to turn our Birthday Project gift into homes and water systems, and making the money we give go so much farther. I can't imagine how hot and tired the Project Pueblo team must be today.

Thanks so much for the detailed update, Ryan. We look forward to hearing (and seeing) more from you soon!

:applause2: :hatsoff:

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