BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped

Give in Johnny's honor and help bring water systems to Navajo families
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BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped

Unread post by Theresa » Sat May 11, 2013 4:03 pm

For Mother's Day, which is celebrated in many countries on May 12, why not make a donation to the Birthday Project?

:rose: Let's honor our mothers--and all the mothers on the Navajo reservation who were affected by the Bennett Freeze--by giving to the Birthday Project to help bring clean water to more Navajo elders.

These are some of the mothers (and fathers, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren) who we helped with our 2012 Birthday Project. Our donations really made a difference in their lives.

:flower: Alice and Kee Z Begay

:flower: Caroline and Bert Tohannie

:flower: Leonard Benally

:flower: Paula Whitesinger

:flower: Jerry, Rena Babbitt, Mary and Zena Lane

:flower: Zena Lane at her new faucet

:flower: Thomasina Nez's new home and Johnny Depp water system, courtesy of Project Pueblo

:flower: Thomasina Nez at her new faucet

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Re: BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped & a Mother's Day Plea

Unread post by b.p. olive » Sat May 11, 2013 4:38 pm

Thanks Theresa. :-)
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Re: BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped & a Mother's Day Plea

Unread post by shadowydog » Sat May 11, 2013 4:58 pm

Great to see all those smiles. I know I have posted this before, but our well water was contaminated when I was growing up. It took over a year for them to bring "city" water to us. We (6 people) lived on 40 gallons of water (carted in by my father in two garbage pails) a day for this LONG year. We had smiles as big as what you see in the photos when we turned the faucet on.

So happy to be able to help put smiles on the faces of the "forgotten people". :loveshower: :airkiss:
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Re: BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped & a Mother's Day Plea

Unread post by fireflydances » Sat May 11, 2013 5:41 pm

Oh my goodness, such powerful photos Theresa! I find myself looking at them over and over. Just amazing to know our many hands reached out and helped make a difference. And not just our efforts -- Project Pueblo's volunteer efforts, the homeowner and community efforts -- everyone joining together and making something wonderful possible. It is stunning to realize that our small donations added up to such a tidy sum of money and that now lives have been forever transformed.

Now, because of last year's project, there are people whose day to day routines are easier, who daily fears are quieted because clean water is now within reach. There are fewer grandmothers wondering whether someone will come by with fresh water, and fewer mothers wondering about whether the water her children drink is clean. I'm glad we're seeing these this weekend, as we think about or visit our own mothers and families.
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Re: BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped & a Mother's Day Plea

Unread post by b.p. olive » Sat May 11, 2013 6:19 pm

fireflydances wrote:Oh my goodness, such powerful photos Theresa! I find myself looking at them over and over.
Yes, I looked at these over and over, too. And the fourth one made me think that it ought to be in LIFE Magazine, with the flyswatter in her hand. A snapshot of life.
"I just don't, ya know, I mean, I just don't dance. Ya know. - - I don't get it. - - It's not my thing." -- Johnny Depp ("It Came From Baltimore" on the "Cry Baby" DVD)

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Re: BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped & A Mother's Day Plea

Unread post by part-time poet » Sun May 12, 2013 2:33 am

Thanks for putting this together, Theresa. There's something about seeing women standing at their new sinks that taps into our universal memories--how often do we remember our own mothers standing by the kitchen sink, washing up or preparing meals? I'm so proud of the generous members of the Zone who made all this possible, and I hope we'll be able to do more of the same this year.



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Re: BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped & A Mother's Day Plea

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Sun May 12, 2013 5:29 am

Thanks Theresa, wonderful photo's. Seeing the big smiles, just reinforces the benefit gained by such a small project that makes such a huge difference to those families. Now each time today that I do turn my faucet on I'll be thinking of them. :-)
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Re: BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped & a Mother's Day Plea

Unread post by Theresa » Sun May 12, 2013 10:33 am

fireflydances wrote:It is stunning to realize that our small donations added up to such a tidy sum of money and that now lives have been forever transformed.
And just think how many more lives we'll be able to help transform this year!

Of course, ours is the easy end of the transformation...all we have to do is click a button, write a check, send a few dollars. Those volunteer students who use their spring breaks and summer vacations, who go out to the reservation and dig trenches and run pipes and install the sinks...they've got my total admiration!

Let's give those students the supplies to make life easier for some more people.

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Re: BP 2013--The Faces of those we've helped & A Mother's Day Plea

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Sun May 12, 2013 10:37 am

:thanks!: Theresa!
Great pics!

Looking forward to helping so many more this year. :worldhug: