Birthday Project Update--we're close to $1,000! (May 6th update)

Give in Johnny's honor and help bring water systems to Navajo families
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Birthday Project Update--we're close to $1,000! (May 6th update)

Unread post by part-time poet » Mon May 06, 2013 4:14 pm

Just a quick update on our 2013 Birthday Project fundraising . . .

in our first few days, the Zone has already received close to $1,000 in donations for Project Pueblo!

That's fantastic! Thank you so much to those generous souls who have already donated.

It would be wonderful if we surpass that $1,000 milestone in our first week! No gift is too small--those $5 and $7 donations get bundled together with other Zoner gifts and pretty soon Project Pueblo is installing a new "Johnny Depp water system" for a Navajo family.

When you go to your sink for a drink of water or toss a load of laundry into your washer, think about what it would be like to live in a world where water is hauled in buckets and doesn't flow from taps. How lucky we are!

Why not donate the cost of doing a load of laundry to Project Pueblo, as a gesture of gratitude? :rose: Or the cost of a couple of bottles of water? :flower4: Every little bit helps!


Part-Time Poet
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we're close to $1,000!

Unread post by Theresa » Mon May 06, 2013 6:06 pm

part-time poet wrote:Why not donate the cost of doing a load of laundry to Project Pueblo, as a gesture of gratitude? :rose: Or the cost of a couple of bottles of water? :flower4: Every little bit helps!
Great idea, PTP! :applause2:
:ohyes: Thinking a bit about donating an amount equal to one month's water bill?

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we're close to $1,000!

Unread post by shadowydog » Mon May 06, 2013 8:11 pm

Theresa wrote:
part-time poet wrote:Why not donate the cost of doing a load of laundry to Project Pueblo, as a gesture of gratitude? :rose: Or the cost of a couple of bottles of water? :flower4: Every little bit helps!
Great idea, PTP! :applause2:
:ohyes: Thinking a bit about donating an amount equal to one month's water bill?
:harhar: Careful there Theresa....some of us have private wells and our water bills are zero. :biggrin: But not that I would take advantage of your suggestion. :whistle:
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we're close to $1,000!

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Mon May 06, 2013 8:32 pm

:applause2: This is great news, indeed!
This is such a wonderful cause. Image

How much does a single water system cost again? :perplexed:

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we're close to $1,000!

Unread post by Theresa » Mon May 06, 2013 8:35 pm

SnoopyDances wrote::applause2: This is great news, indeed!
This is such a wonderful cause. Image

How much does a single water system cost again? :perplexed:
Last year, it took about $1500 to buy the items needed for one water system. I don't know yet if this year's costs are about the same...I'll hopefully be getting with Sean in the next few days to find out more details.

So we're not quite to one system yet...soon though, I hope!

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we're close to $1,000!

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Mon May 06, 2013 9:02 pm

Theresa wrote:
SnoopyDances wrote::applause2: This is great news, indeed!
This is such a wonderful cause. Image

How much does a single water system cost again? :perplexed:
Last year, it took about $1500 to buy the items needed for one water system. I don't know yet if this year's costs are about the same...I'll hopefully be getting with Sean in the next few days to find out more details.

So we're not quite to one system yet...soon though, I hope!
:thanks!: Thanks, T!

Looking forward to what Sean has to say. :omg:

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we're close to $1,000!

Unread post by momindeppcamp » Mon May 20, 2013 5:02 pm

It cost $1500 for one water system.

Oh my we have a long way to go. Perhaps we can ask other groups to please donate to this cause. People Mag is doing that Happy Birthday Johnny thing, can anyone here talk to the editor and ask them if they could match our birthday funds for this project? Or perhaps donate a percentage from the sale of their magazine to this project.

Please ask. They can only say no.
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we're close to $1,000!

Unread post by part-time poet » Mon May 20, 2013 6:23 pm

This is an early thread and so it's quite misleading now. It's easy to get lost in the updates, so I think I'll lock this one to avoid confusion. Our last update was here:

and as you can see, we are now past $2,000 raised and have $2,500 in our sights.

Many thanks to Zoners who donated over the weekend and today! You're all fantastic!


Part-Time Poet
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
-- J. M. Barrie