Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Give in Johnny's honor and help bring water systems to Navajo families
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Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by part-time poet » Wed May 01, 2013 12:02 am


:yahoo:Happy news!

:happybday: It’s Birthday Project time again! :happybday:

One of the Zone’s most cherished traditions is our annual birthday gift for Johnny Depp.

Each year we choose a charity which is connected to Johnny’s philanthropic interests and his most recent work. We pool our modest contributions :grouphug: and make a Zone donation to a worthy cause in honor of Johnny, as a way of celebrating and thanking Johnny for all the joy he has given us over the year.

For this year’s project, we are doing something unprecedented: instead of selecting a new charity, we are returning to partner with


 Project Pueblo to bring water systems to Navajo families!

We had such a marvelous experience with Project Pueblo last year that we wanted to do it again. Being able to follow the project every step of the way as the volunteers traveled to the Navajo reservation and installed the water tanks, pipes, and sinks really showed us what our donations could accomplish. And our hearts were deeply moved when we saw the beautiful smiles of our Navajo friends as they used their new sinks for the first time.

But there are still many families who need our help. There is much work to do.

Project Pueblo, our charity partner, is a 100% student and volunteer-led 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that conducts short-term, low-cost service trips to impoverished areas while raising money and awareness for relevant projects and issues. Project Pueblo is currently focusing on improving living conditions for the Navajo people in the area known as the former Bennett Freeze, a 2 million acre region within the Navajo Indian reservation of 8000+ families where only 25% have adequate shelter, only 10% have running water, and only 3% have electricity. In addition, this area heavily suffers from issues relating to uranium contamination stemming from mining during the Cold War. Project Pueblo partners with various organizations including Forgotten People, a grassroots, community-based Navajo nonprofit organization that has been fighting injustice and poverty for over 20 years.

Sean Wycliffe, the president of Project Pueblo, is a Zone member who keeps us in the loop as the project goes forward. He and his group of volunteers couldn’t be kinder or more cooperative or hard-working, and the pictures from last year’s construction make the case for generous donations far better than I ever could. We know that Johnny was delighted with our choice of Project Pueblo last year, and I’m sure that he will be pleased to know that we have helped some more Navajo families get “Johnny Depp water systems” this year.

You can read more about Project Pueblo here:

In his thank-you letter to the Zone for last year's gift, Johnny wrote, “You guys make the world a better place.” Let’s try to live up to that compliment by giving all we can to help Navajo families.
How to Donate.
Click to donate
As in past years, the Zone has set up a Paypal account strictly for 2013 Birthday Project contributions to benefit Project Pueblo. Zoners or visitors with a Paypal account who would like to make a donation in any amount can donate to the 2013 Birthday Project here.
 Personal check or money order

If you would prefer to donate to Project Pueblo directly, you can mail a check, made out to Project Pueblo, to this address:
  • Project Pueblo
    5469 Taft Avenue
    Oakland, CA 94618
Please write Johnny Depp Zone 2013 Birthday Project in the memo line of your check.

 Credit Card
       Click to donate
You can also donate by credit card directly to Project Pueblo's PayPal account.

:rose: If you donate directly to Project Pueblo by check or credit card, please email with your screen name and the amount of your donation, so we can add you to our donor list and keep our donation totals accurate. Thanks!
We will be accepting donations through Johnny’s birthday, June 9, 2013.

In these tough financial times, we know that it is a challenge to find money in your budget to donate to charity. But we also know that Zoners have very generous hearts, :love: and somehow we always find a way to say “Happy Birthday” and “Thank You” to Johnny, and to help people whose need is far greater than our own. When we pool our small gifts together, we can do a lot of good for others. We saw the proof of that last year, as we witnessed the water systems being installed for our Navajo sisters and brothers. But more families need our help.


Won’t you join us in wishing Johnny Depp a very happy birthday, and in saying :thanks!: for all the joy he has given us, by donating to the 2013 Birthday Project?


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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Wed May 01, 2013 12:19 am

:applause2: :yahoo: Excellent news, PtP!
Thanks again to the Zone for bringing this worthwhile cause to our attention!
It was so very inspiring to hear the stories of these great people last year and I look forward to "meeting" more of them this year. :goodvibes:

My personal :thanks!: to the many volunteers that do such a tremendous job for this organization.

I'll be happy to contribute what I can again this year. :ok:

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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!

Unread post by mamabear » Wed May 01, 2013 1:09 am

:yahoo: Woohoo, excellent choice. :bounce:

Getting to see the results of last year's project was amazing! :cloud9: I was just telling some friends about that project last week, and I'm thrilled that we're continuing to partner with Project Navajo! :applause2:

Thank you administrators/moderators for researching, organizing and doing all the associated work to make the Birthday Project happen every year.
:airkiss: :bouquet:

I'm excited to see what gets accomplished this time!!! :heart2:
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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Wed May 01, 2013 5:03 am

:applause: I won a bet with myself, I just knew we would be, once again, donating to such a worthy cause. Last year's project was such a huge success despite the financial hardship everyone is facing and I hope we can equal or surpass what was amassed last year.

As always, a big :thanks!: to PtP and Theresa for organising this birthday project, I know it can be time consuming and alot of work.


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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!

Unread post by Kittycat88 » Wed May 01, 2013 9:04 am this project choice. I felt so good to help these people last year, that I was hoping we could do more for them this year!! Do they know we are doing this again?? So exciting!!


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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by Theresa » Wed May 01, 2013 12:05 pm

I talked to Sean from Project Pueblo to let him know we were going to "do" their charity again this year, and he and everyone there are very excited to be working with us again.

And I'm excited about working with PP again this year, too!

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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by FANtasticJD » Wed May 01, 2013 12:41 pm

I am so happy about working with Project Pueblo again. Their work is important and it feels so good to lend a hand to these beautiful and appreciative people. Last year's project was a great example of how far even a little bit of money and a lot of heart can go. Great decision, PTP and Theresa!
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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by DeboraZane » Wed May 01, 2013 12:46 pm

Wonderful news- thank you so much for organizing this. :thanks!:
I am sure Johnny will be very happy. :goodvibes:
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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by docplacer » Wed May 01, 2013 1:24 pm

Superb choice!
So glad to see we are sticking with this - the results and feedback from last year were terrific. Being a Rotarian in Arizona I am keenly aware of the Navajo nation issues especially in the seriously underserved area this is targeting. I'll be donating towards the end, as usual looking for the milestone.
What did we raise last year?

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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by Theresa » Wed May 01, 2013 1:29 pm

docplacer wrote:What did we raise last year?
Last year was our biggest year ever, with $7750.00 raised.

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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed May 01, 2013 2:15 pm

Thank you part-time poet and Theresa for choosing the Project Pueblo again this year for Johnny's Birthday Project. I join in with the members who have posted in that I wholeheartedly support this worthy endeavor as well. The efforts by everyone last year were outstanding and hopefully that success is just the motivation to top last year's total!
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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by TheTanyaDoll » Wed May 01, 2013 2:47 pm

Hello! I just donated, thank you to those who organized this, for such a brilliant idea. There are people in far worse situations than ourselves, and it's nice to try and help others any way we can, I hope this helps!
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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by Lou Lou 63 » Wed May 01, 2013 3:09 pm

:bounce: :applause: YAY!! Fantastic worthwhile and a somewhat life changing charity, I am so happy that PTP and Theresa have chosen this charity again to help us celebrate Johnny's 50th Birthday :applause: :applause:

:thankyou: :thanks!:

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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by shadowydog » Wed May 01, 2013 3:20 pm

Thanks for this choice. I was hoping we could continue to contribute to this great cause. :applause2:
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Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Unread post by fireflydances » Wed May 01, 2013 3:31 pm

I think this is a great choice! It was so powerful last year to see the direct results of our donations. A wonderful organization -- nice to join up with them again.

Thank you Part-Time Poet. I look forward to donating!! :angel:
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