Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by audamay » Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:19 pm

Once again I would like to add my thanks also to PTP and Theresa and all for making this project come to fruition and making me feel such a big part of this wonderful place. :hatsoff:

I have made beautiful friends here and most of all got to know the real Johnny and be acknowledged by him through doing good works for people in need when we would never have known about their plight. :bouquet:

Thank you for posting his reply - it means so much to us and thank you for making all of this possible once again.

:thanks!: :thanks!: :thanks!:

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Cyn » Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:52 pm

So he's running out of superlatives for us just like I ran out of them for him a long time ago. The definition of 'superlative' at dictionary.com certainly fits him hands down:

"of the highest kind, quality, or order; surpassing all else or others; supreme; extreme: superlative wisdom."


I couldn't possibly write anything that even begins to equal the eloquence shown here in everyone's posts, and especially in the beautiful way that Natalie/PTP introduced Johnny's lovely letter, so I won't even try. Suffice to say, my heart and soul overflows with love and admiration for one Johnny Christopher Depp II--not just this moment today but on a daily, hourly basis--and I'm so glad and proud to be a tiny part of the extra-special birthday project this year, and this fansite with all the rest of his loving, proud fans.

:heart: Love you, Johnny!! :heart: Thanks so much for the sweet letter and for so generously donating to the Navajo project in our name! :hug: :worldhug:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Marlies » Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:08 pm

I am very happy and proud to have participated in the project.
:smiliewithhearts: Johnny, I love you :smiliewithhearts: and thank you for the sweet letter :heart:

And also thanks to PTP and Theresa and all the other Zoners for making this possible.

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by hattie » Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:13 pm

Oh how amazing is this man?
How does he find the time to keep posted with this news, never mind send us that sweet, sweet letter? As for donating in OUR name....Johnny, you really are one of a kind and loved very much :flashingheart: :flashingheart:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by brunasouzota » Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:39 pm

:twohearts: I love you Johnny and your letter... :smiliewithhearts:
:heart4: Johnny is my life forever. :kiss: :hug2: :twohearts:

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by treasurechest » Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:32 pm

Wow! What a lovely letter from Johnny! :heart2:
I'm afraid I wasn't able to donate yet again, :-/ but hopefully things will be better next year and I will. :hope:
Well done to all you ladies! :goodvibes:
Thank you so much Johnny. :kiss:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by RamblinRebel » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:10 pm

“I’m running out of superlatives for you lot!!!” Ha! Yeah, we know the feeling!!! :lol:
My first thought was just the same as yours, Cyn. ;-)
Most of you have already beautifully said what I’ve been thinking, so I will just add my thanks one more time to PTP, Theresa and everyone at the Zone. :worldhug: :worldhug: I think you picked a fantastic project this year, ladies. They're all really good, worthy causes, but for whatever reason, this one touched my heart in a special way.

And of course thank you to Johnny. :hug:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Pixie » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:14 pm

:omg: OMG, what a wonderful letter from Johnny! :cloud9: :biggrin:

I am so proud to have been involved in a project that is so close to Johnny's heart. If I had not joined the Zone recently I would not have known about this. What a great place this is, I'm so happy to be here! Thank you Natalie, Theresa et all for initiating and organising everything involved with this very worthwile cause. :thankyou:

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by mytreasure » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:59 pm

I think that of all the things I look forward to on the Zone, the arrival each year of this special "thank you" letter has almost become the equivalent of Christmas to me! Image
We all know that Johnny's time is limited, yet he expresses his love and appreciation in his own special way. Just as the Zone so lovingly shows their appreciation each year by donating to a charity on his behalf. We all do it together in our own special way. It is truly a wonderful thing.

Thank you to this lovely site, and thank you, Johnny, with all our hearts. :twohearts:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by RumLover » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:45 pm

How amazing that Johnny is aware of the Birthday Project and took time out to write a lovely thankyou.
I want to thank Natalie and Theresa for organising this project and I am happy to have contributed.

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by ThespianAtHeart » Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:16 am

Lovely letter. I hope everyone continues to support Project Pueblo now that the birthday project is over. Keep believing in this cause and keep donating even if you do it quietly and without recognition. :yes:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Jack's Wench » Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:55 am

part-time poet wrote:And do print out a copy to keep in your Depp files--this letter is for you!
I've added this letter to the others that I have saved on my PC at home but I've also printed it out and it's gone on the cabinet behind me at work, with the one from last year. I look at it and glow with pride.

In my excitement yesterday I forgot to thank PtP and Theresa for all their hard work organising the birthday project. Ladies, you are absolute stars :bouquet: :bouquet: :bouquet: :thanks!: :thanks!: :thanks!:
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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by redrascal1 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:36 am

There are quite a few people in power who could take a leaf out of Johnny's book. He's a star and not because of his acting talent. God bless you Johnny, for your kindness and generosity of spirit and for actually taking the time out to notice the people who adore you.

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by Rachael J » Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:06 am

Wow :-) I'm truly touched by Johnny's words :rotflmao: I can't believe how much we made in total :-) Johnny's so nice sending a letter :flashingheart: :biggrin:

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Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Unread post by blueswan » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:00 am

I read Johnny's lovely, lovely letter in amazement - that he takes the time to write and thank the Zoners shows what a truly wonderful man he is. :yes: He has a beautiful soul and a kind heart, and the world is definitely brighter because he is in it!
Thankyou, Johnny, - you are an inspiration and an example to us all, and you are appreciated more than you can know. I wish you blessings. :thankyou: