Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Give in Johnny's honor and help Navajo families.
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Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Unread post by part-time poet » Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:37 pm

Here's a quick update on our 2012 Birthday Project fundraising . . .

the Zone has now received more than $6,300 in donations for Project Pueblo!

That's wonderful! :loveshower: Thank you so much to all our donors. :bouquet:

We have now collected enough money to provide water systems for four Navajo families (cost approximately $1,500), and we need only $500 more to match our donation total from last year! Or $700 to reach a nice round number for Project Pueblo--a lovely $7,000. Can you help us reach that goal by tomorrow night?

:worldhug: and :highfive: to everyone who has contributed to this project. You are a great inspiration, showing what we can do when we work together.

Johnny's birthday is tomorrow--let's see how much we can do for the Navajo people as his birthday gift.


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Re: Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Unread post by Fairy » Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:41 pm

Wow, that's fantastic news :yahoo:
Let's go for 7000 $ ...together we can make it! :goodvibes:
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Unread post by winona » Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:44 pm

:applause: :applause: :applause: The finale hours. Let's beat last years total :bouquet:
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Unread post by fireflydances » Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:28 pm

So now I will begin biting my fingernails. So close!! I swear this is as if we were sitting in a room passing a hat. We can do it!

Every single dollar makes an enormous difference when we're close like this. Wow!
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Unread post by winona » Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:35 pm

fireflydances wrote:So now I will begin biting my fingernails. So close!! I swear this is as if we were sitting in a room passing a hat. We can do it!

Every single dollar makes an enormous difference when we're close like this. Wow!
I love the fingernail biting :harhar: I don't have any left :bounce:
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Unread post by Vampirate » Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:44 pm

I am so pleased to be able to donate to this worthy cause. The Native American people have been so mistreated, disrespected and--even worse-- ignored. Most non-Indian Americans are not even remotely aware of the living conditions (and I use the term loosely) our country's original inhabitants are subjected to. It is this country's greatest shame that we have treated these people so poorly--and, what's the biggest crime, CONTINUE to do so!!

Thank you so much for choosing such a worthy charity. I am so grateful that I am presently in a position to be able to help out a little. I'm pushing for a total exceeding $7500--that would pay for FIVE water systems!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Johnny!! :happybday:


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Re: Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:07 pm

FIVE water systems!
Has a nice ring to it...good idea, Vampirate! :barnabas2:

Let's Dig Depp everyone! :worldhug:

Drinks all around! :toastingpirates:

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Unread post by winona » Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:26 pm

SnoopyDances wrote:FIVE water systems!
Has a nice ring to it...good idea, Vampirate! :barnabas2:

Let's Dig Depp everyone! :worldhug:

Drinks all around! :toastingpirates:
Arrg, Drink up me hearties Yo Ho!!!
Because love has your face and body .....and your hands are tender and your mouth is sweet-and God has made no other eyes like yours. Walter Benton

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we have now passed $6,300 with one day to go!

Unread post by Jack's Wench » Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:04 pm

Fantastic news!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
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