What a way to celebrate the Zone’s 7th Birthday! We have received a letter from Johnny Depp—yes, the man himself—sent from London, thanking the Zone for his birthday gift.
How kind of JD to take time from his work on Dark Shadows to write to us! It’s hard to find words to express my gratitude—amazed, honored, and that JD favorite “stupefied” come to mind, but they barely scratch the surface. I am particularly delighted to be able to share this letter with all the contributors to this year’s Birthday Project; I know it will bring you joy. Bring you joy? It will knock you off your feet! You’d better sit down before you read it.
I will post the letter here in a boardsize version; click on the link below to see it in a larger version.
Many, many thanks to everyone who contributed to this year’s Birthday Project in support of Mercy Corps’ Fund to Help Survivors of Japan’s Earthquake. I know this was not an easy year to give to others—times are tough and budgets are lean. But your compassion led you to want to help our friends in Japan, and to answer JD’s personal call for donations. I hope you are proud of what you have done to comfort those who have borne this tragedy—I am so proud of all of you, and of the generous spirit of the Johnny Depp Zone. Now you have the pleasure of receiving a thank-you from Johnny Depp himself. The sweetness of this moment belongs to you.
We thank Johnny Depp very much for his beautiful letter and for including us in his world. To have his “love, respect and admiration” is the greatest compliment the Zone could ever receive. We will cherish his kind words always—and we send our love, respect and admiration back to him, every day. But with all due respect, JD, the word “superstar” belongs properly only to you, not us. You are the one who changes lives: you have changed all of our lives for the better, and through your example have led us to help others. We will always be grateful to you for bringing us together and encouraging us to make the world a better place. It is a privilege to follow where you lead.
Natalie/Part-Time Poet
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
-- J. M. Barrie
Wow...wow.. it's incredible to read this. Words by himself !
Touching, wonderful. What an honour and how sweet. Thank YOU Johnny
(Love love it that he signs "Johnny" )
Unread postby Jackslady » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:08 pm
A beautiful letter from a beautiful man. Just lovely.
"Easy on the goods darlin!"
"Tis not an easy thing to be entirely happy, but to be kind is very easy, and that is the greatest measure of happiness"-John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
*Special thanks to es for help with my lovely avatar*
What an honor! Such kind words, and this is not the first time he has thanked the Zone is it? Didn't you also receive a letter for the Great Ormond St. Hospital donation?
I'll buy you the hat....a really big one.
St. Roch -- patron saint of pilgrims
Thank you PTP for sharing that wondrous letter with us all.
Johnny is so full of heart and it does my own good to know he has taken the time to put pen to paper to thank everyone for helping others.
If it is all possible it makes you love him even more
Dreams do come true -
29 June 2009 - 25 February 2010 - 12 May 2011 - then sealed with a kiss on 3 November 2011 then May 9th 2012 Quote "" you mean our grandchildren" My Art Gallery
How sweet of this gorgeous man to take the time , with his busy schedule, to send the Zone this thank-you letter.
Obvious why we love him so much isn't it?
Unread postby fireflydances » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:14 pm
How wonderful! This community is an amazing place I think. We come together and share our love of a person's work. We end up learning all kinds of things we might have missed, and before you know it we are looking far beyond ourselves. It's one thing to be a world famous actor. It's quite another to so affect a group of people that they find themselves transformed, that they act beyond themselves. So glad to be part of this place.
"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested." Sir Francis Bacon, Of Studies
Absolutely amazing.
To me it is wonderful how one person can make such a difference in the lives of so many.
It is one simple touch that causes such a ripple effect. That touch was started by JD and continues to ripple throughout this community and beyond.
What a sweet and heartfelt sentiment.
Johnny you are truly amazing and continue to amaze me and many others everyday.
"With any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise it's just not acting. It's lying.” ~Johnny Depp~
Unread postby Pearlsgirl » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:56 pm
Bless this sweet, dear man! And it's even more of a delight to come to the Zone while we celebrate its birthday! What a treasure to remember all year long as we move forward with our love and admiration for this incredible man and all he does to entertain us, to make us smile...and to make the world a better place!
Gather yourself by the sea, I will love you there. Assemble yourself with wild things, songs of the sparrow and seafoam. Let mad beauty collect in your eyes - for I long for a man with nests of wild things in his hair. A man who will Kiss the Flame.