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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by fireflydances » Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:59 pm

fireflydances wrote:
Sun Aug 07, 2022 7:38 pm
I am so glad he lives in Europe. I hope he stays there. This end of pool is too toxic.
After that negative thought, I am sitting here at 11pm in Maryland and just now I am listening to the first song on '18' played on the radio, an NPR station. It's Jeff's opening song, and wow, I did not think that they'd be playing that. Pretty good, maybe all isn't lost.

I guess this is a two for one night. So I do follow the Umbrella Guy and tonight he had a piece on the Australian investigation of AH's perjury. Seems that it is actually, really, moving ahead.

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:24 pm

I wanted to make a comment about the continued stories in the news media and on You Tube. I wish people would understand that the people who write these stories and make the You Tube videos need an audience. This will stop when people stop reading the stories and watching the You tube videos. If someone tells you a bit of gossip and nobody repeats it, the gossip dies. But if people keep repeating it, the gossip continues and will continue as long as people give it attention. People have made and will continue to make a lot of money writing stories and making You Tube videos about Johnny Depp. Just because something is in the news or on You Tube does not make it true. The way to make this bad stuff go away is to stop giving the gossip mongers the attention (and money) that they seek. Also, the more people watch and search for these negative stories the more they are in the algorithm to receive this type of story. It gives a distorted perception that everyone is being bombarded by these stories. I have gotten one negative Johnny Depp story in my news feed and my hubby has gotten zero stories. We are not actively seeking out negative stories about Johnny Depp, so we are not in that algorithm. I beg people to please stop reading the “news” stories and stop watching and commenting on You Tube videos. People will continue to invent stories about Johnny Depp as long as they have an audience.

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:39 pm

Judymac wrote:
Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:24 pm
I wanted to make a comment about the continued stories in the news media and on You Tube. I wish people would understand that the people who write these stories and make the You Tube videos need an audience. This will stop when people stop reading the stories and watching the You tube videos. If someone tells you a bit of gossip and nobody repeats it, the gossip dies. But if people keep repeating it, the gossip continues and will continue as long as people give it attention. People have made and will continue to make a lot of money writing stories and making You Tube videos about Johnny Depp. Just because something is in the news or on You Tube does not make it true. The way to make this bad stuff go away is to stop giving the gossip mongers the attention (and money) that they seek. Also, the more people watch and search for these negative stories the more they are in the algorithm to receive this type of story. It gives a distorted perception that everyone is being bombarded by these stories. I have gotten one negative Johnny Depp story in my news feed and my hubby has gotten zero stories. We are not actively seeking out negative stories about Johnny Depp, so we are not in that algorithm. I beg people to please stop reading the “news” stories and stop watching and commenting on You Tube videos. People will continue to invent stories about Johnny Depp as long as they have an audience.

Good advice, Judymac to which I follow. By passing those videos is easier than seeing horrible tweets show up in your Twitter timeline. Not much I can do about that and sometimes I'm guilty of responding to nasty things said about JD. I guess it's my protective nature that triggers the mama bear instinct of keeping the bullies and trolls at bay. Sadly, the nastiness will continue (for what reason, I don't know because the trial is over and done and the world knows that Amber Heard is a liar, hoaxer and abuser) but giving them a taste of their own medicine sure makes me feel better in the heat of the moment.
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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by nebraska » Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:00 pm

Yes, Twitter is a cesspool, but the negative tweets are easy to scroll on by. There is so much positive and balanced coverage on You Tube! I am always baffled how people find so much negative content. Do you seek that out on purpose?

At times I have to stop reading this thread on the Zone because people are so intent on repeating the ugly. This is a Johnny Depp fan site, not a place to repeat Amberstan lies. Stop promoting her!

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:17 pm

nebraska wrote:
Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:00 pm
Yes, Twitter is a cesspool, but the negative tweets are easy to scroll on by. There is so much positive and balanced coverage on You Tube! I am always baffled how people find so much negative content. Do you seek that out on purpose?

At times I have to stop reading this thread on the Zone because people are so intent on repeating the ugly. This is a Johnny Depp fan site, not a place to repeat Amberstan lies. Stop promoting her!
I totally agree. I am not seeing the overwhelming nastiness, but I am not looking for it. The only place that I have seen some of the ugly stories is here. :banghead: :banghead2:
Last edited by Judymac on Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Inquiring Minds » Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:41 pm

One thing I found annoying about the VA trial was the lack of transcripts, like we had for the UK.

I saw a ThatUmbrellaGuy video late in the trial that appeared to have transcripts, but it could have just been a prop for the video.

Nick Wallis petitioned the VA court to get daily transcipts, but this was not granted. He has been funded to have transcipts produced from the couurt video feed and these are now available on his site: ... anscripts/

they do not yet cover all days but more are apparently on their way. They are in pdf form and I find them much easier to read than the standard planetdepos (4 per page) transcripts. Being unofficial transcripts they lack line numbering and the page numbering will be unrelated to official transcripts when/if they are made available. The party speaking is also far better identified in these transcripts than what I saw from the UK.

It looks like I'll be dropping by his tip jar again.

I've downloaded Week 1, day 2 (opening statements) so far and will start downloading the rest into my archives (then start working through them).

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:44 pm

Inquiring Minds wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:41 pm
One thing I found annoying about the VA trial was the lack of transcripts, like we had for the UK.

I saw a ThatUmbrellaGuy video late in the trial that appeared to have transcripts, but it could have just been a prop for the video.

Nick Wallis petitioned the VA court to get daily transcipts, but this was not granted. He has been funded to have transcipts produced from the couurt video feed and these are now available on his site: ... anscripts/

they do not yet cover all days but more are apparently on their way. They are in pdf form and I find them much easier to read than the standard planetdepos (4 per page) transcripts. Being unofficial transcripts they lack line numbering and the page numbering will be unrelated to official transcripts when/if they are made available. The party speaking is also far better identified in these transcripts than what I saw from the UK.

It looks like I'll be dropping by his tip jar again.

I've downloaded Week 1, day 2 (opening statements) so far and will start downloading the rest into my archives (then start working through them).
Some of the videos have a transcript. I think That is how he created these unofficial transcipts

Here is an example. Look in the video description at bottom

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Someareborn » Wed Aug 10, 2022 4:26 pm

Judymac wrote:
Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:24 pm
I wanted to make a comment about the continued stories in the news media and on You Tube. I wish people would understand that the people who write these stories and make the You Tube videos need an audience. This will stop when people stop reading the stories and watching the You tube videos. If someone tells you a bit of gossip and nobody repeats it, the gossip dies. But if people keep repeating it, the gossip continues and will continue as long as people give it attention. People have made and will continue to make a lot of money writing stories and making You Tube videos about Johnny Depp. Just because something is in the news or on You Tube does not make it true. The way to make this bad stuff go away is to stop giving the gossip mongers the attention (and money) that they seek. Also, the more people watch and search for these negative stories the more they are in the algorithm to receive this type of story. It gives a distorted perception that everyone is being bombarded by these stories. I have gotten one negative Johnny Depp story in my news feed and my hubby has gotten zero stories. We are not actively seeking out negative stories about Johnny Depp, so we are not in that algorithm. I beg people to please stop reading the “news” stories and stop watching and commenting on You Tube videos. People will continue to invent stories about Johnny Depp as long as they have an audience.
I agree wholeheartedly! Thats also the reason I have not been active here much. It might change when the investigation will take off in Australia!
So far I follow JDs advice, moving on and looking forward to interesting new projects.
Don't let your mood get clouded with negative reports on social media, because all in all, its well.

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Aug 10, 2022 7:27 pm

IMHO, it is not for me to say who I think is wrong or right about what they post here. If the admins are ok with what is being posted here, then I say to let it be. It is a public "Lawsuits Thread" after all and if some people want to post evidence about the ex's lies and other evidence of her behavior that's fine with me. If I am not interested or don't like what is being posted then I choose not to read it, just like any other public SM or forum.
There are many other topics here to enjoy JD and his endeavors.
It's really that simple. :dillingerhello:
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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:25 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 7:27 pm
IMHO, it is not for me to say who I think is wrong or right about what they post here. If the admins are ok with what is being posted here, then I say to let it be. It is a public "Lawsuits Thread" after all and if some people want to post evidence about the ex's lies and other evidence of her behavior that's fine with me. If I am not interested or don't like what is being posted then I choose not to read it, just like any other public SM or forum.
There are many other topics here to enjoy JD and his endeavors.
It's really that simple. :dillingerhello:
I do not have a problem with the lawsuits discussion.

My frustrations is people who complain that this story will never go away, but they click on the stories and repeat rumors This is a matter of supply and demand. As long as people continue to click on these stories they will never go away. I can picture people making You Tube videos and tweets about Johnny Depp for years. People are making a lot of money from stores about Johnny Depp and they will continue as long as people are willing to click on their stories and tweets. I also recognize that people can't keep repeating the same stories. They need to come up with better stories to keep interest. So, people throw rumors out there and claim they are fact and each rumor has to be juicier and juicer in order to keep interest I am not knocking everyone on You Tube. I don't have a problem with You Tubers who do their research and present factual information.

Most importantly, We are supposed to be Johnny Depp fans. Do you think repeating rumors about him helps him or hurts him? I have always thought that repeating false information about anyone is harmful. I know that some people think that repeating rumors is a harmless game but to me it is not.

I wish that the moderators would have a separate thread for rumors, that way those of us who are interested in information on the lawsuits would not have the frustration of dealing with rumors. That will not happen so I will leave this thread.

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Thu Aug 11, 2022 3:28 pm

This is going to be a long two years, folks and from what I can see is that every time he gets attention her PR tries to stir things up. There will be a LOT more things being said about each of them on SM. Some of them could be true and some of them may not be true but when there is clear evidence, such as pics or docs, to back that up, it isn't a "rumor" anymore and based what I have seen on SM lately, there is an awful lot of evidence in the way of pics to back up what is being said about her wild parties and it's clear proof to me she isn't the saint she tried to act like on the stand.

Johnny calls us his "warriors" and I'm sure if he had a problem with rumors being spread he would ask us to stop but he didn't, so I don't see what the issue is here, but whatever. People can believe (or not believe) what they want to and I think this is a great thread of information, especially when she is exposed.

Sorry if some don't agree, it's just my opinion.
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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by fireflydances » Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:59 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 3:28 pm
This is going to be a long two years, folks and from what I can see is that every time he gets attention her PR tries to stir things up. There will be a LOT more things being said about each of them on SM. Some of them could be true and some of them may not be true but when there is clear evidence, such as pics or docs, to back that up, it isn't a "rumor" anymore and based what I have seen on SM lately, there is an awful lot of evidence in the way of pics to back up what is being said about her wild parties and it's clear proof to me she isn't the saint she tried to act like on the stand.

Johnny calls us his "warriors" and I'm sure if he had a problem with rumors being spread he would ask us to stop but he didn't, so I don't see what the issue is here, but whatever. People can believe (or not believe) what they want to and I think this is a great thread of information, especially when she is exposed.

Sorry if some don't agree, it's just my opinion.
Yep, I agree. I think we all belong here. Even if some of us have a less evolved understanding of the complete scope of the issue than others. In the end, we are all fans of a wonderful man.
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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by gipsyblues » Fri Aug 12, 2022 3:28 am

I agree with you fireflydances, the Johnny Depp Zone is for all relatives (fans). It's good that we have different opinions and that we can say them here.
ForeverYoung, she's no saint at all. To this day, I still don't understand that she's still in Aquaman 2. Shame on Disney and Warner Brother.

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:05 pm low can they go?

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:50 pm

ForeverYoung: Until there are no more avenues to travel, rabbit holes to go down & every rock has been turned over to grant her 15 minutes of fame & relevancy in the headlines. Unless there is another scumbag with a bigger badder boom of a scandal, where the media follows a new interest, we are stuck with her.