I would not be at all surprised if loyal employees bugged the Tesla without Elon’s knowledge then presented the recordings…Lbock wrote:
Footnote: I think the people around Elon and especially board members convinced him to stay away from AH in the end.
I agree that Oonagh or little X AE A-XII (or Ash to friends) are probably not from the frozen embryo batch, but until “proven”, I think it unwise to consider it impossible (just improbable). [I just deleted an overly long discussion on this. It is a very messy subject imo and way too speculative without any idea of the actual outcome of their trial. Very frustrating]AdeleAgain wrote:
I agree with what Lbock wrote many moons ago - I don't think the baby is one of the frozen embryos. I think it is much more likely the embryos were destroyed and she accepted a financial settlement from Musk. Would Musk really have wanted a child to tie them together forever? Perhaps someone can tell us what the legal position is in the US on frozen embryos and whether both parents have to agree on what happens.
This was scary. I noted that it wasn’t for some time that he realised there was someone behind Hulk Hogan, controlling and bankrolling the lawsut, the enigmatic Mr A. Also, the case was most appropriate considering the uncanny physical resemblance between Hulk Hogan and AH.I saw an interesting documentary on Netflix: "Nobody Speak: Trial of the Free Press"
A synopsis is here: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/ar ... al/554132/
Whilst the Brooks trial could go this way, I don’t think it will (just wishful thinking). The VA trial delays and attempts to dismiss will eventually run out and the trial will happen imo.
Agreed, although the Gawker lawsuit showed how it was a misinterpreted comment that lead to Thiel’s grudge and it was the bitter rivalry between two small-time shock jocks and a studio break-in that lead to the initial Hulk Hogan lawsuit! Both incidents are almost too trivial to rate.I don't think it is so cut and dry that Elon fell in love/infatuated/obsessed with Amber and JD eventually got the girl and he now has the opportunity for revenge. I think there is more to it (like Elon's connections to Ari-TMG-WB. But it could explain some of it. I think Elon has a huge ego so I don't think it is such a stretch. Seriously, what is a few million to Elon Musk.
With Musk it could be one thing or many things. If it was the “crooked Dick” comment, maybe JD should also be concerned about Leonardo re the “pumpkin head” remark.
Another connection aside from Ari-TMG-WB is James Murdoch’s membership of the Tesla board. Board elections are scheduled for 7th October and there has been a widespread call to drop James and Elon’s brother Kimbal (mostly over “inappropriate” allocation of director’s fees, so a Murdoch and a Musk can work together). Rupert has just turned 90 and transferred control to a trust that requires the kids to mostly cooperate. Lachlan is tipped to become CEO, but a low probability scenario sees sisters Elizabeth and Prudence backing James. James and his wife Kathryn are heavily committed to climate change and James split with News Corp over his disgust with Fox News and its tabloids (particularly their climate denial). James also used to run 21st Century Fox. With Musk’s Starlink network, a union with the Murdoch Empire would be a formidable thing. Musk’s mother owns a romance channel streaming service in South Africa.
There could be some mutual benefit for the Murdochs and the Musks to cooperate in the persecution (and prosecution) of JD. Gawker may have glimpsed a hidden player, I suspect there are a number of hidden players here, each with their own motives and goals (including ACLU, AH, TeamAH lawyers and more).
WTF? Yet again? lets me fall on the spikes by myself? – the only spikes are ones she threw out there herself. Always the victim.Lbock’s text quote:
“I hate that yet again a man let's me fall on the spikes by myself...Meaning. They are mad at me for leaving them and put things like this out there...like that", she wrote.
Mad at me for leaving them? – who left who? JD left AH, AH left EM then EM left AH
and put things like this out there? – she called the press for the TRO appearance, and any other time it suited her.
Ari-TMG-WB connections? Elon was subpoenaed for the TMG trial, but Elon, Ari and WB? I must have missed something….. could you please point me in the right direction?