The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:00 pm

Agreed. It breaks ones heart though, that he will probably stay in France or London. It stinks that Hollywood and their big money partners have hurt him so bad. The damage that 'it" has caused has left a foul taste in his mouth, ruining everything in L.A.. The fact that these fabulous film festivals recognize the contributions he has made to the industry has not gone unnoticed and are welcoming him with open arms. I just hope he remembers those in the USA in the "community' support/ cherish/admire /respect & love him as well. We, his warriors, will always stand up, not sit down, no matter where he may reside.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:25 pm

JD has had issues with Hollywood for many years but I never thought it would come down to one low life scumbag woman with a horrible lie. When her time is up I hope she rots where the sun don't shine.

That being said, JD said he saw Hollywood going downhill for some time now. When the covid hit and people couldn't get to the theaters they got used to saving money by staying home and watching films and eating their own popcorn. In fact, I enjoy it more watching films from home now because I can have my wine and no annoying people around me :toastingpirates: but I would still go to any film with Johnny playing the lead role (or one of the major roles), even if I had to go alone.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:44 pm

ForeverYoung: Another great advantages. Extra butter on the popcorn; pause button for trips and we can wear our pj's. Now if we can get Minamata released, we'd be set. Looking forward to IN.2 and the delights it will bring sans Hollywood.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:00 pm

As the saying goes, "You can't keep a good man down", and that's exactly what we are seeing as Johnny soldiers on with honor and strength. He certainly created a stir in the mainstream media world when he addressed the issue regarding the cancel culture. After years of remaining quiet, he shed his emotional vulnerability and courageously broke his silence. He expressed his serious concerns about ostracism in social environment that no doubt has shaken up Hollywood, social media and bottom feeders like Dan Woonton, Rupert Murdoch and The Sun. They all mistakenly took his silence for weakness but Johnny proved that he's all but weak, reminding everyone that the power belongs to the public. He stressed that we have the right to take back that power from greedy industries who forgot that it's our dollar that keeps them in business. Short of shouting, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore", his intent was there and, with that said, IN.2 ( Johnny's newly-launched U.K.-based production house) was born. Johnny took back his power. You can't keep a good man down.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:42 pm

Chocolat wrote:
Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:00 pm
As the saying goes, "You can't keep a good man down", and that's exactly what we are seeing as Johnny soldiers on with honor and strength. He certainly created a stir in the mainstream media world when he addressed the issue regarding the cancel culture. After years of remaining quiet, he shed his emotional vulnerability and courageously broke his silence. He expressed his serious concerns about ostracism in social environment that no doubt has shaken up Hollywood, social media and bottom feeders like Dan Woonton, Rupert Murdoch and The Sun. They all mistakenly took his silence for weakness but Johnny proved that he's all but weak, reminding everyone that the power belongs to the public. He stressed that we have the right to take back that power from greedy industries who forgot that it's our dollar that keeps them in business. Short of shouting, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore", his intent was there and, with that said, IN.2 ( Johnny's newly-launched U.K.-based production house) was born. Johnny took back his power. You can't keep a good man down.
:dillingerhello: For me, JD is saying a big FU to Hollywood and I'm going to do it my way now and kudos to him for moving on. He knows how it all works with these big studios and where the real money comes from which is from the people.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by gipsyblues » Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:37 pm

:agreesign: well said ladies, i think like you. Johnny will go his owen way and that is good for him. He will always have the real fans on his side, no matter where in the world. We all want the best for him and we always love our angel . :grouphug:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Sat Sep 25, 2021 6:22 pm

The last eight or nine posts are just perfection - I read them over and over. It just would be plagiarism to try to elaborate.

I do feel heartsick, however, to know that ultimately Johnny has been betrayed by his own country - my country - and the worst of its citizenry. Beyond anything, I will always admire, support, and hold dear this good man’s seemingly infinite manifestations of strength and courage as he battles to have his truth - justly - vindicated.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Sun Sep 26, 2021 10:26 am

Hell yes and I mean, look at how much high profile production is happening in the UK with WB (those foul creatures) having Leavesden Studios, then Amazon Studios is expanding in the UK too (with Lord of The Rings shooting its second season there), Pinewood Studios, etc, etc.

Heck, he can do tons of projects with Tim without stepping foot in the US at all.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Sun Sep 26, 2021 10:54 am

Though it is fabulous that this is a beautiful positive step in the right direction. It still hurts ones heart that big money such as WB, MGM, DISNEY, with the help of Rocketman, Penske, Wooton, Murdock and the barn witch have caused so much pain and suffering. I hope and pray that JD sets new standards in the industry. This will hopefully shut down the others mentioned above. It won't be hard for IN.2 with Stephen D. & JD. They will start setting standards with integrity, honesty, truth and fairness, for writers, producers, cinematographers and others, none of which the others possess. JD will honor his commitment to release films and not shelf them for spite and power hungry control. The others mentioned above can continue to collect abusive, lying, greedy, blackmailing extortionists as they build their cesspool of garbage, which they will expect "We the people" to open our wallets and support them by purchasing their tickets and merchandise, which pays their salaries, perks and benefits. They will turn L.A. & Hollywood into the 21st centuries " Sodom and Gomorrah." JD & company are way to good for that. Now, we can look forward to decent films in the near future.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Sun Sep 26, 2021 3:04 pm

justintime wrote:
Sat Sep 25, 2021 6:22 pm
The last eight or nine posts are just perfection - I read them over and over. It just would be plagiarism to try to elaborate.

I do feel heartsick, however, to know that ultimately Johnny has been betrayed by his own country - my country - and the worst of its citizenry. Beyond anything, I will always admire, support, and hold dear this good man’s seemingly infinite manifestations of strength and courage as he battles to have his truth - justly - vindicated.
Justintime it's not your country that has let him down, it is just powerful people in a venal industry. Hollywood does not represent the whole country - and JD still has lots of fans and supporters there.

I am so happy and excited that he hasn't taken so much offence at the UK justice system and our hideous press to punish London/UK. He is truly, truly loved here. I am so sorry if I have already said this - I wrote something to this effect yesterday but I don't think it uploaded. My excitement about the new production company is (1) we'll get some more of his passion projects (2) despite everything he can still raise money for film finance. It is brilliant news. And again (sorry repeating myself) - sad though I am for FB3 and much as I'd love Captain Jack to have one last outing - amongst my favourites are the post AH films: City of Lies, MOTOE and masterpiece of Barbarians which I simply cannot watch enough. Seeing Minamata v soon on a big screen at an arts festival.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:26 pm

AdeleAgain wrote:
Sun Sep 26, 2021 3:04 pm
justintime wrote:
Sat Sep 25, 2021 6:22 pm
The last eight or nine posts are just perfection - I read them over and over. It just would be plagiarism to try to elaborate.

I do feel heartsick, however, to know that ultimately Johnny has been betrayed by his own country - my country - and the worst of its citizenry. Beyond anything, I will always admire, support, and hold dear this good man’s seemingly infinite manifestations of strength and courage as he battles to have his truth - justly - vindicated.
Justintime it's not your country that has let him down, it is just powerful people in a venal industry. Hollywood does not represent the whole country - and JD still has lots of fans and supporters there.

I am so happy and excited that he hasn't taken so much offence at the UK justice system and our hideous press to punish London/UK. He is truly, truly loved here. I am so sorry if I have already said this - I wrote something to this effect yesterday but I don't think it uploaded. My excitement about the new production company is (1) we'll get some more of his passion projects (2) despite everything he can still raise money for film finance. It is brilliant news. And again (sorry repeating myself) - sad though I am for FB3 and much as I'd love Captain Jack to have one last outing - amongst my favourites are the post AH films: City of Lies, MOTOE and masterpiece of Barbarians which I simply cannot watch enough. Seeing Minamata v soon on a big screen at an arts festival.
Based on JD's posting, I believe he was floored by the UK decision. It was a corrupt judge who should never have handled that case with his son being an employee of a radio station owned by Murdoch and being personal friends with Robinson and a partner in her firm. AH and her freeloading friends all got up on the stand and lied. The judge believed her and them but he didn't believe JD or his many witnesses because they were employees. He made decisions in The Sun's favor based on no evidence at all. That's just wrong. JD made over a billion dollars for some of these Hollywood studios who are now treating him like dirt while other countries are giving him lifetime achievement awards. Something is very wrong with this picture.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:54 pm

ForEverYoung: "Goose-stepping" to the beat of Hollywood, was never his thing. We must wait for the VA trial When there is enough proof of her lies, as I understand it, a letter can be written on JD's behalf concerning the UK outcome because of her prejurious remarks under oath. though, I am leary, because of the 2-headed scum sucking snakes of Murdock, Penske, Wooton and Musk, I see encouragement with the outcry "of the people." I only hope this tide changing event continues and gathers more strength. As we all know, the barn witch, isn't done with him, until she totally destroys everything. I hope and pray it BACKFIRES with glorious BIG BAD BOOM. Would it not be lovely, to have the barn witch removed from the academy, never to act again. Or told she was restricted to the city limits of Austin, Texas flipping burgers while a garnishment order was in place until JD was paid in full. Or better yet, jail time, though I am sure, Rockermsn will come to her rescue. To me, that would be justice served.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sun Sep 26, 2021 7:07 pm

Granna wrote:
Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:54 pm
ForEverYoung: "Goose-stepping" to the beat of Hollywood, was never his thing. We must wait for the VA trial When there is enough proof of her lies, as I understand it, a letter can be written on JD's behalf concerning the UK outcome because of her prejurious remarks under oath. though, I am leary, because of the 2-headed scum sucking snakes of Murdock, Penske, Wooton and Musk, I see encouragement with the outcry "of the people." I only hope this tide changing event continues and gathers more strength. As we all know, the barn witch, isn't done with him, until she totally destroys everything. I hope and pray it BACKFIRES with glorious BIG BAD BOOM. Would it not be lovely, to have the barn witch removed from the academy, never to act again. Or told she was restricted to the city limits of Austin, Texas flipping burgers while a garnishment order was in place until JD was paid in full. Or better yet, jail time, though I am sure, Rockermsn will come to her rescue. To me, that would be justice served.
:agreesign: and I think we should all boycott Aquaman2 and any other film or project AH may get involved with.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Sun Sep 26, 2021 7:24 pm

ForEverYoung: Agreed. We might as well included WB, MGM STUDIOS, DISNEY, LOREAL and everything/everyone while we are at. . I think it would be truly wonderful if everyone did this the whole month of April as well. The release of FB3, "It's" birthday and support for the trial. I wish I had the wear with all and means to organize a Depp rally, but this old lady, wouldn't know where to begin, but wouldn't be lovely.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Inquiring Minds » Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:45 am

The following 3 points are peripheral to the immediate lawsuits, but I believe still on-topic. The first item concerns a parallel golddigger/sextortion racket. I haven’t raised it so far because it is mostly outside the JD-AH issue. One point keeps nagging at me though – the untimely demise of Tsujihara from Warner Bros and JD’s dropping from FB3. I’ve put it into a hidden box, read if you want. It’s about 550 words.

The second point is about AH’s ongoing Australian issues and how they have changed recently.

The third point is about the ACLU’s latest loss of support, not technically about the lawsuits.

Taking Down Tsujihara
► Show Spoiler
Dog Smuggling for Fun and Profit
It should be noted that every time the Australian Prime Minister is overseas or on holiday, the Acting Prime Minister is Barnaby Joyce (as was the case last week). AH picked a fight with this guy and whilst JD participated in the mocking video, it has since been revealed that AH coerced one employee and attempted to coerce another ex-employee to assist with her dog-smuggling. An ongoing investigation has been opened (and can probably remain open forever). And then there’s the DV incident when JD almost lost his finger (and his life through MSRA). Lies catch up with you and it is most unwise to poke a bear.
Off Topic
ACLU Losing Credibility
Another point worth noting is that the ACLU has aggravated one of its major support groups after a tweet on the anniversary of RGB’s death. They took one of RGB’s quotes about her fight for women’s rights and reworded it to indicate her fight was for trans rights, any mention of women was completely removed. Seeing some of the comments, I suspect the ACLU lost a lot of support with that single tweet.