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Unread post by Joni » Sat Aug 13, 2022 2:28 am

So true, Granna. :wave:

My view is that I cannot control what is written and what's circulating about Johnny, but I can control what I read or click on. Life is much simpler and happier for me since I stopped paying attention to all the rot.

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Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:20 am

Granna wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:50 pm
ForeverYoung: Until there are no more avenues to travel, rabbit holes to go down & every rock has been turned over to grant her 15 minutes of fame & relevancy in the headlines. Unless there is another scumbag with a bigger badder boom of a scandal, where the media follows a new interest, we are stuck with her.
I don't know where her team is going with this because this case is over. The judge issued a Final Order. :smh: :facepalm: :perplexed3:
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Unread post by fireflydances » Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:30 pm

I have to figure that Johnny will be okay, no matter what craziness appears in the media. I agree with Joni -- look at this stuff with great caution, it's so negative, do you need negative roaming around your brain?

Besides, lucky us, we have that beautiful album to fill our heads. :twohearts:
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Unread post by Inquiring Minds » Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:04 pm

I’d just like to say that I am 1,000% behind twitter’s TheRealLauraB.

Her few lame but vocal critics on SM and MSM are horrified that an internet journalist (no scare quotes) should provide FACTS (shock, horror). She is even being compared to (wait for it) ADAM WALDMAN (who had to be banned from twitter for life for spewing facts!!).

TheRealLauraB seems to have struck a raw nerve with her question. Irrespective of any link being established, the key take-away, imo, is that she has silenced two liars and has put AH’s PR firm on the run. BRAVO!!! :loveshower: That’s a major victory from any standpoint.

With a cease-and-desist order on the table, I wouldn’t expect any response, but if you didn’t already know, you have many, many supporters.

It is also heartening to see all the prominent youtubers rallying behind her and that her support is trending on twitter.

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Unread post by Jackslady » Sun Aug 14, 2022 5:43 am

It was really interesting to me how the televising of the trial and the sterling work of YouTubers helped to turn around opinions on Johnny. Rather than having everything reported by a biased and agenda led media, people were able to watch Johnny and form their own opinion, and had exposure to analysis outside of the mainstream.
I applaud Laura B and everyone who has put in so much time and dedication.
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Unread post by hollyberry » Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:11 am

gipsyblues wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 3:28 am
I agree with you fireflydances, the Johnny Depp Zone is for all relatives (fans). It's good that we have different opinions and that we can say them here.
ForeverYoung, she's no saint at all. To this day, I still don't understand that she's still in Aquaman 2. Shame on Disney and Warner Brother.
Yes, notice how quickly they were to force Johnny out of the FB and PotC franchises, yet they have allowed the husband beater to stay. I have a personal beef with them over something that doesn't concern Johnny but let's just say they are anxious to atone for a chequered past, and have gone too far.
I did something I rarely do the other day...gave an angry response to a Medium columnist who is continuing to act as if Johnny is the guilty party, and not the husband beater. Heard is lucky not to be prosecuted for putting him in hospital. The double standards are a disgrace.

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Unread post by Newt » Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:19 am

Lol, Amber Heard got new lawyers for the appeal, Deadline dropping this today on the same day as the announcement of Johnny's new film.

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Unread post by Lbock » Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:47 am

Every time Johnny has great news something with AH overshadows it. Ugh. They only need one VA lawyer. The lawtubers thought Rottenborn did a good job on the first amendment.

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Unread post by fireflydances » Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:00 pm

Did anyone else hear that AH is bringing on two new lawyers -- David L Aexelrod and Jay Ward Brown from the law firm of Ballard Spahr as her legal appellate counsel in preparation for filing the June 1, 2022 defamation trial? Rottenborn will remain co-counsel and Elaine is stepping down? The two new lawyers defended the New York Times against Sara Palin's defamation lawsuit.

Don't know anything about legal stuff, but it does seem to me that mainstream media is determined to bring down JD because his defamation victory also tarred the Washington Post. All about "first ammendment rights" So glad JD is in Europe. Please stay there.
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Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:25 pm

fireflydances wrote:
Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:00 pm
Did anyone else hear that AH is bringing on two new lawyers -- David L Aexelrod and Jay Ward Brown from the law firm of Ballard Spahr as her legal appellate counsel in preparation for filing the June 1, 2022 defamation trial? Rottenborn will remain co-counsel and Elaine is stepping down? The two new lawyers defended the New York Times against Sara Palin's defamation lawsuit.

Don't know anything about legal stuff, but it does seem to me that mainstream media is determined to bring down JD because his defamation victory also tarred the Washington Post. All about "first ammendment rights" So glad JD is in Europe. Please stay there.
I agree about being happy JD is in Europe now. He has been there since Covid hit in 2020. Every time he is seen somewhere the press brings up that awful ex wife and her accusations.

I am not surprised about Elaine not being part of the appeal. The ex must be a terrible client, especially for an attorney prob making demands for motions and other things and the attorney knows full well their chance at winning that argument are very slim to none. I don't know if it is true but there are reports of the two of them having screaming matches in the hallway outside the courtroom. I have to wonder who is paying for the appeal lawyers because I am pretty sure insurance doesn't cover appeals. I am also wondering where she got the money to post the bond for the appeal because Elaine said she didn't have the money for the verdict. So where is she getting the money to post the bond? Oh, I know....there is a rumor she was offered $10 mil. to do an adult film.
:lolsign: :rotflmao: :harhar:
A list actors don't even make that kind of money on most of their films and she is nowhere near being an A list actor.
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Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon Aug 15, 2022 2:04 pm

J.D. trial exhibits, which I retrieved from the court's public website. ... Depp,%20II

For those in the back who do never heard about her admitting to physical abuse on JD. ... /5-17-2022
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Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon Aug 15, 2022 2:06 pm

Public trial exhibit - her admitting that she donated $7 mil to the CHLA.
P.S. Her lips are clearly chapped. At least she can't blame JD that time. ... 051622.mp4
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Unread post by SnoopyDances » Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:52 pm

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Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:31 pm

I did a little research about Travelers Ins. Co. and appeal bonds and if I am reading this correctly, Travelers would pay the judgment if she loses the appeal BUT she would have to reimburse them.

"Is the appeal bond insurance?
No. Unlike insurance, if the surety is forced to make payment, you
will be required to reimburse the surety."

However, it also says that she would have to decide to pay the judgment or take the appeal to a higher court, which she probably will do to buy more time, imo. ... -bonds.pdf

I don't know if Elaine was fired or refused to work with her again, but the firm has a legal obligation to cooperate with Travelers, which could be why she kept on Rottenborn. I don't know why a lot of people believe Elaine was fired. We all know how the ex takes hissy fits on people when she doesn't get her way so I'm sure she must have went off on Elaine multiple times and maybe Elaine is just refusing to work with her again. It wouldn't be the first time her lawyer dumped her.
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Unread post by fireflydances » Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:59 pm

It's just a thought but maybe the plan was always for Elaine to leave?

Appeal lawyers need a reason for the appeal. Given that Rottenborn was very pro trying the case around first ammendment rights, and Elaine clearly went south and the trial was organized around demonstrating JD was a total drug addict and abuser, the case was not presented from a first ammendment standpoint. According to what I've read, in Virginia there are three different reasons that one can appeal: An appeal must be based on an argument that there was a constitutional violation in the trial process, that the judge made a ruling that contradicts the law, or that the verdict is not supported by the evidence. Now, given that emphasis was placed on 'first ammendment rights' in the press release, maybe they're going to "blame" Elaine and argue that AH's first ammendment rights were overlooked. And just perhaps, the plan was first to put JD 'on trial' and if that didn't work, Elaine steps down, and they lean into the first ammendment route.

But, hey, honestly this is just a total guess. I was watching Emily D. Baker last night and she was fascinated by two things. 1) AH's new lawyers are litigation lawyers, not versed in the appeal process and 2) It's the same law firm that TMZ used in attempting to keep the guy who revealed all the details about AH working hand in glove in terms of those 'bruised' face pixs that started the whole thing rolling.

Now these new lawyers defended and won for the NY Times in the Sarah Palin defamation case. Palin said theTimes defamed her BUT, the lawyers managed to demonstrated that Palin had no positive proof of any defamation other than that the article truly affected her confidence etc. That IS different from JD's case which offered ample evidence that he had lost several roles because of the Post editorial.
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