The Lawsuits Thread
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Judymac and AdeleAgain: I think the rumours were deliberately planted, probably by the press rather than WB as (hopefully) a self-fulfilling prophesy. Regardless of who floated the rumour, it sends a message to WB that most people would be happy with the firing.
Although the rumours have proven false, terminating her contract over health grounds (or anything other than the outrage her lies have caused) would have the benefit of removing at least some of AH's claims in the CA case. I expect the CA case will collapse when VA is decided (unless the unthinkable happens). Hopefully overturning the erroneous UK verdict will go a long way towards VA (and CA).
Although the rumours have proven false, terminating her contract over health grounds (or anything other than the outrage her lies have caused) would have the benefit of removing at least some of AH's claims in the CA case. I expect the CA case will collapse when VA is decided (unless the unthinkable happens). Hopefully overturning the erroneous UK verdict will go a long way towards VA (and CA).
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
We know she has not been training for Aquaman2 or else we would have seen her bragging about it and I don't think we can consider those nature walks as training. I read that WB has allowed her to try and get herself in shape and then they will reassess whether she will have the lead role or not but I also did read that it was an injury issue that she did not report. My question is what exactly was the injury? I did see that when she was on some of those nature hikes she was wearing a brace on her knee under the leggings. I really hope WB comes to their senses and realize that no JD fan (and let's not forget how many of them there are) will pay to see this film.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Imho. The story was rooted in an interview with Snyder’s wife. She confirmed AH did reshoots but commented that her costume didn’t hold up well in storage and had ripped open in the side seams (presumably when she wore it). These bloggers quickly write to a story they knew would garner clicks and even was picked up by MSM again for attention. Then jump on Richtman who knows all inside info on AH to claim it’s inaccurate. It’s a circle of any opportunity to write about Depp/AH saga
This is a great old article about “ You can log off, sure. But you can’t stop the outrage economy
Rafael Behr” ... -dark-side
This is a great old article about “ You can log off, sure. But you can’t stop the outrage economy
Rafael Behr” ... -dark-side
Rage is contagious. It spreads from one sweaty digital crevice to the next, like a fungal infection. It itches like one too. When sitting at the keyboard, it is difficult to perceive wrongness without wanting to scratch it with a caustic retort. But that provides no sustained relief. One side’s scratch is the other side’s itch.
And so the cycle of provocation continues. It is hardwired into the network. We customise our news feeds to partisan taste, digging information trenches along the contours of our bias. Then we hurl pointless barrages of disbelief at the enemy trench. This has become part of the media business model, what has been called the “outrage economy”.
Extremes of opinion cause spikes in web traffic, which suits publishers and platforms. In the currency of clicks, an inflammatory, racist article by Katie Hopkins, for example, yields a double payoff. It is shared by people who agree and by people who violently disagree.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Thanks Lbock and others you are no doubt right. And you just hope that WB are looking at the reaction to her and realise it isn't just JD fans who won't see her - it is a much wider audience.
I must admit I did not like the rumours that she was fired for weight gain - she should be fired for perjury and violence. WB sacked JD because the head of the studio had said he wanted zero controversy over actors. Well - they've got controversy.
I must admit I did not like the rumours that she was fired for weight gain - she should be fired for perjury and violence. WB sacked JD because the head of the studio had said he wanted zero controversy over actors. Well - they've got controversy.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Word is out that a woman judge has replaced, or will be replacing Judge White in the VA case and here she is.
She did service in the marines and word on twitter is that she is married to a police officer. Maybe by the time this trial is done she will order AH for a mental illness treatment. I mean, what kind of woman says they feared for their life and then meets up with her alleged abuser and asks him to come to bed with her? ... ng-docket/
She did service in the marines and word on twitter is that she is married to a police officer. Maybe by the time this trial is done she will order AH for a mental illness treatment. I mean, what kind of woman says they feared for their life and then meets up with her alleged abuser and asks him to come to bed with her? ... ng-docket/
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Considering how WB has been behaving of late by doing things like firing Johnny, deliberately not promoting Zack Snyder’s JL, dropping press releases about DC films to distract from Ray Fisher calling out Toby Emmerich, Walter Hamada, Geoff Johns, etc (very toxic people who perpetrated and covered up abuse on the Justice League reshoots) or to take attention away from Zack Snyder’s JL, I wouldn’t be surprised if they take the route of “she’s too unfit, let’s fire her, this gives us an easy exit”.
They’re cowards.
They’re cowards.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
The kind of woman who probably had her phone set up in the hotel bedroom in the desperate hope of, at long last, securing a single bit of killer “evidence” against JD. The last thing I’d want is for that conniving, lying, lethal viper to get off with a lecture and a psych appointment.ForeverYoung wrote: ↑Wed Mar 03, 2021 2:10 pmWord is out that a woman judge has replaced, or will be replacing Judge White in the VA case and here she is.
She did service in the marines and word on twitter is that she is married to a police officer. Maybe by the time this trial is done she will order AH for a mental illness treatment. I mean, what kind of woman says they feared for their life and then meets up with her alleged abuser and asks him to come to bed with her? ... ng-docket/
"Stay low." ~ JD
"I don't like it in here . . . it's terribly crowded." ~ Hatter
"There's something about Johnny that breaks your heart." ~ John Logan, ST
"Tear deeper, Mother." ~ Wilmot
"I don't like it in here . . . it's terribly crowded." ~ Hatter
"There's something about Johnny that breaks your heart." ~ John Logan, ST
"Tear deeper, Mother." ~ Wilmot
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Justintime posted:
On the plus side she is ex-military and VA seems to have had enough with Amber ("enough is enough").
On another note, my lack of posting the last few days is because I think I have been suffering a slight case of PTSD from the current political situation in Australia. Our Attorney-General has been accused, by the left-wing. feminist controlled media (especially the Guardian of an historical rape back when he was 17. She made the claims, refused to file a statement or press charges and has since died (suicide?). It is like a rerun of AH v JD but with even less substance. He has been crucified in the media yet we have discovered that a similar claim made against the opposition leader a year or so back had almost zero press coverage - and no character assassination. Anyone that thinks feminists are not using false rape claims to control the political landscape is clearly, and visibly mistaken.
My hope is that our government will retaliate by, amongst other things, extraditing AH to Australia to be tried for perjury.
I totally agree. When I read her bio my immediate thought was she is going to let AH say "he made me do it", the patriarchy is to blame - never me.The kind of woman who probably had her phone set up in the hotel bedroom in the desperate hope of, at long last, securing a single bit of killer “evidence” against JD. The last thing I’d want is for that conniving, lying, lethal viper to get off with a lecture and a psych appointment.
On the plus side she is ex-military and VA seems to have had enough with Amber ("enough is enough").
On another note, my lack of posting the last few days is because I think I have been suffering a slight case of PTSD from the current political situation in Australia. Our Attorney-General has been accused, by the left-wing. feminist controlled media (especially the Guardian of an historical rape back when he was 17. She made the claims, refused to file a statement or press charges and has since died (suicide?). It is like a rerun of AH v JD but with even less substance. He has been crucified in the media yet we have discovered that a similar claim made against the opposition leader a year or so back had almost zero press coverage - and no character assassination. Anyone that thinks feminists are not using false rape claims to control the political landscape is clearly, and visibly mistaken.
My hope is that our government will retaliate by, amongst other things, extraditing AH to Australia to be tried for perjury.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
FYI: This was brought to my attention by my son. There is a movie called "Triggered." In a scene, the girls are camping. One girl confides in the other, that she thinks her boyfriend is cheating on her. Her friend takes a shot - " be like Amber Heard and leave Johnny Depp's sorry a**." Who every wrote that is totally sick. Disgusting.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Okay, ladies and gentlemen!! This is what I am perceiving from several posts that mention feminists in a bad light.
I do believe that people are confusing all feminists with emasculating ball-busters. The two are totally different animals!
I speak from experience when I say that I have been immersed in a feminist culture in which the male head honcho was a true-blue feminist! Feminism stands for equality and mutual respect among all genders. It is a very healthy environment as it fosters trust and actually diminishes gender-wars. Feminism is not about battling against those of another gender, but rather, the desire to get along harmoniously with them. I have a number of very dear male friends whom I would trust to invite for an overnight stay at my house, if only he and I were here for the night. I feel that safe with them because I know they respect me and it's mutual.
AH is not a feminist, as she does not respect Johnny, nor do I think she respects anyone. I do not need to go on and on about exactly how she shows that, but she and her supporters who want to bash men are not amongst those whom I consider feminists.
So, please, I would like you to refrain from feminist-bashing. Bash the ball-busters, they are the ones who deserve it! Peace!
I do believe that people are confusing all feminists with emasculating ball-busters. The two are totally different animals!
I speak from experience when I say that I have been immersed in a feminist culture in which the male head honcho was a true-blue feminist! Feminism stands for equality and mutual respect among all genders. It is a very healthy environment as it fosters trust and actually diminishes gender-wars. Feminism is not about battling against those of another gender, but rather, the desire to get along harmoniously with them. I have a number of very dear male friends whom I would trust to invite for an overnight stay at my house, if only he and I were here for the night. I feel that safe with them because I know they respect me and it's mutual.
AH is not a feminist, as she does not respect Johnny, nor do I think she respects anyone. I do not need to go on and on about exactly how she shows that, but she and her supporters who want to bash men are not amongst those whom I consider feminists.
So, please, I would like you to refrain from feminist-bashing. Bash the ball-busters, they are the ones who deserve it! Peace!
He said, "Wow, Very Nice!", and signed my painting. TIFF 2015.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Agree Snowcat. AH is a misandrist not a feminist.
JD however I would describe as a feminist. Remember Justin Trudeau reminding people that everyone should be a feminist since that simply says you believe in the social, financial and political equality of all sexes. Not controversial.
JD however I would describe as a feminist. Remember Justin Trudeau reminding people that everyone should be a feminist since that simply says you believe in the social, financial and political equality of all sexes. Not controversial.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Perfect, Snowcat. Exactly my understanding of feminism and why I have always felt comfortable carrying that flag. Thanks!Snowcat wrote: ↑Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:49 am.... Feminism stands for equality and mutual respect among all genders. It is a very healthy environment as it fosters trust and actually diminishes gender-wars. Feminism is not about battling against those of another gender, but rather, the desire to get along harmoniously with them....
"Stay low." ~ JD
"I don't like it in here . . . it's terribly crowded." ~ Hatter
"There's something about Johnny that breaks your heart." ~ John Logan, ST
"Tear deeper, Mother." ~ Wilmot
"I don't like it in here . . . it's terribly crowded." ~ Hatter
"There's something about Johnny that breaks your heart." ~ John Logan, ST
"Tear deeper, Mother." ~ Wilmot
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

And yes, we know that Johnny appreciates and loves women, so he is feminist-minded, for sure!
Granna, yes, I agree that is a disgusting line in that movie! I cannot stand when someone perpetuates that kind of thing in entertainment or whatever media. It stigmatizes Johnny, in a way. I will have to take a look at who was involved in making that movie. They are other ones to NOT support.
I am equally disgusted that "those" L'Oreal ad campaigns are being run again! I avert my eyes!! It's too bad that L'Oreal is no small-potatoes company. The brand is sold in 120 countries, according to the website.
He said, "Wow, Very Nice!", and signed my painting. TIFF 2015.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Snowcat: I don't understand how the movie was 48% on Rotten Tomatoes, either. My son said it was a Z-list movie. He believes that JD is innocent. It made him sick to hear that line. I agree with you, that is someone we that belong to the fandom and/or zoners should not support. I don't know how that managed to get past any of us. I wish JD could get back at them for it, but I doubt it. I wish we could shame the writer into oblivion.
It just shows how heartless people are to earn a buck.