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by justintime » Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:25 pm
Do we know if the subpoenas AH had issued during the Kaplan days - e.g. to Jerry Bruckheimer - were ever completed? He was not to appear for a live deposition, rather to submit substantial amounts of info relevant to JD’s behavior, etc. I ask because AH’s new clueless attorney is indulging AH’s attempts to negate Johnny’s perception as a worldwide “icon” and Mr. Bruckheimer would seem to be a valuable, credible witness for JD in that regard.
Mr. Bruckheimer was long an unreserved, prestigious backer of JD, commenting in numerous interviews on his status in the industry in general and in the Pirates franchise in particular - all, of course, before AH (and Australia) came on the scene. I can’t help wondering, if asked outright, what Mr. Bruckheimer’s sentiments might be, now, given Disney’s knee-jerk, baseless firing of JD after the op-Ed. Mr. Bruckheimer, if he chooses to speak openly and honestly, brings a unique, dual “before and after” perspective to offering an assessment as to why JD, still a beloved and world-renowned individual, has morphed into an undeniably Hollywood (and MSM) unmentionable.
Is it too late for JD’s team to issue their own subpoena of Mr. Bruckheimer given the totally different, but now inarguably relevant, path his testimony would shed light upon?
"Stay low." ~ JD
"I don't like it in here . . . it's terribly crowded." ~ Hatter
"There's something about Johnny that breaks your heart." ~ John Logan, ST
"Tear deeper, Mother." ~ Wilmot