Can anyone tell me what the Toronto incident was about? I am trying to read all of the transcript but I have been skipping parts of it because Amber Heard is such a

AdeleAgain wrote: ↑Wed Jul 22, 2020 7:11 pmHad to just stop reading through Josh Drew's deposition. These people (AH and her friends) seem awful. They are awful to each other. I want to get this straight. Rocky lied/cheated on her husband. Rocky then apparently (although this is what AH told Josh) used a debit card and she and the guy she had the affair with (Kelly) lived in AH's house and had parties, ran up bills. iO had some physical altercation with Rocky.
AH reaches out to Josh weeks before he does his deposition in Virginia and they have a lovely cosy drink together. Hmmmmmm.
Meanwhile, police officers and building staff still didn't see any sign of a crime having been committed.
I am very disappointed in Josh Drew and so are a lot of other JD fans. He did say that Amber never sent a text to Raquel and now his story has changed. I thought he was a straight up guy who would tell the truth but I guess I was wrong.Lbock wrote: ↑Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:08 pmGonna answer part of my question above, having given it more thought...
why why why?
I think if Rocky, Josh, Melanie, IO, etc gave some declaration (legal sworn) or deposition back in 2016, that Kaplan is basically saying, if you don't stick with your original story we will file perjury charges. So they have no choice. (I mean Kaplan as in when Josh did his deposition). I think they were all warned, stick to your original story, or we will persue legal charges.
I can't find where Amanda DeCadenet actually gave a witness statement/or pro-AH declaration of any kind. I know she gave a new declaration to benefit Johnny in Virginia.
Ha, I catch myself reading through the file searching all the time and actually trying to follow alongAdeleAgain wrote: ↑Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:05 pmFlowerBySea - my speedy reading is because I skip the bits where the judge juggles his files around and says hold on!
We don't know what happened in Toronto exactly they just refer to it. But we do know that JD was asked not to show up on the red carpet for Danish Girl and she insisted he did; we've also seen them get out of the car and the look on her face when people are screaming for him (what did she expect).
It doesn't make any sense from a sane person's point of view. What I feel Amber is trying to insinuate is that the cops were lazy / didn't feel like doing more follow-up paperwork etc. so they didn't file a proper report. That's why she said "I can understand why they would say they didn't see anything".AdeleAgain wrote: ↑Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:23 amIt would be an enormous thing for the judge to say that police officers (1) lied (2) didn't do their job properly. And they have no reason to lie. Let's suspend reality for a moment and say they didn't see a mark on her face. What about all the damage? Why would they lie about it?
Me too, I don't expect anything positive from any of her witnesses. The only interesting bit is seeing if they contradict each other, or repeat each other's statements word by word.
Absolutely! Did she have to bring Kate Moss in this! It’s disgusting! And Kate Moss has a goddess status in London so she knew she would sell papers.AdeleAgain wrote: ↑Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:59 pmAnd it is not for me to be insulted but I'd be less incensed if she wasn't so appalling about other people - I am particularly furious today (as you'll see as it is the second time I've come on here to vent, apologies) but the claim he doesn't like strong, independent women. Winona Ryder, Kate Moss, Vanessa Paradis I would say are all a great deal more strong and independent than she has been and more successful. He seemed fine with their careers.
Cesar'sSusie wrote: ↑Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:13 amHi, all night owls or maybe you're just getting up, but I have to say a few things before I can relax and go to sleep. Speaking of Josh Drew's testimony, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that AH paid him off. In what, $, or just wishes we'll never know. But what I do know with all my heart, is that Johnny never used violence against his ex-AH. END of Story.
Now there are times I wish I could tear out clumps of her 'precious' hair, but I'm not a violent person.(AH sure does like the idea of someone running around the house with her hair clutched in there hands, huh?
I'm not a medical doctor or psychiatrist but I can put great big holes in AH's false accusations.
First, Any damage around the eye would have more buising and broken capillaries IN the eye! Next, this woman is sick, very sick.....if she has been diagnosed with just one of the many 'personality disorders', she needs help from a certified psychologist, psychiatrist and/or counselor. Do you see what I mean about these 'personality disorders'? One cannot Drink liquor or alcohol of any kind while taking the necessary prescription drugs that keep you anti-psychotic. Not to mention the many drugs she may or may not indulge in.
I am tired of this whole thing as I know you, all JD's Bosses, and Johnny D., his friends and family. But we know Amber Heard is the reason all this 'pooh' is happening. She only had to tell the truth, but she is in deep with her psychosis. It's really very sad.
Well, thanks for letting me vent my frustrations! Every one of you are bright stars in this dark earth time. We must plan a celebration on Zoom if things workout for sweet Johnny!Namaste', friends!