The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:46 pm

carmelanne wrote:
Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:03 am

And the issue is that in their effort to silence him it has become clear they don’t believe he’s lying; they are afraid he’s telling the truth. Oh yeah!
I love how the author took so much care to construct such a riveting, truth-laden article, ending with that knock-your-socks-off, single-lined conclusion. A “drop the mike” moment if ever there was one. Have to admit, it brought me to tears.

Thanks for that welcome update, Ruby Begonia, especially wrt Brown Rudnick/Ben Chew. Looks like March 17th could be a big day!
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:29 am

Ok I need to say it out loud. I really must stop looking for things to worry about and the Corona virus and the disruption it will cause is really very serious - but I am worried they will close the courts and that will delay everything. It won't matter about the US based witnesses as they can be linked by video.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Inquiring Minds » Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:37 am

Many thanks to Lbock for the Tara declaration and Ruby Begonia for the Kate James requests.

Everyone on here has been an invaluable source of information and insight. :loveshower:

[moderators: apologies if any of the text below strays too far off topic from the immediate lawsuit thread. Please feel free to delete]

The piece written by JM on the media blackout (and all the stuff I’ve read by JM) plus something AdelAgain said a few pages back reflected the hopelessness and frustration so many of us feel (myself included).

But on a positive note and in practical terms, what can we learn? For a start, lack of reporting leaves its own footprint. Negative reporting leaves another (and neutral or positive reporting leave others). These sets will have their own characteristics. Common journalists or editors. Common masthead ownership. Common themes silenced or amplified.

And follow the money. Not just the flows of cash, but where money is not flowing. Just as we notice the blank areas in story coverage, what non-reporting doesn’t seem to be supported by obvious financial loss/gain decisions? A tabloid or gossip mag will publish anything salacious that won’t get them sued. So why wouldn’t they publish particular items or themes unless they had something to gain or lose? Foregoing profits should be setting off alarm bells in the same way that large profits do.

Being terrified of being next in Mr Depp’s defamation sights would explain some of the blackouts, but when the same mastheads behave in the same manner for almost any female on male violence, then we should know there is something bigger involved.

I haven’t done any metrics or measurements, but we all sense the general direction without putting numbers to it. There is organisation and coordination behind it, and with that comes criminal conspiracy, malicious prosecutions and predatory behaviour (imo). The very fact that Kaplan flips from exceedingly high profile cases like Weinstein and impeaching Trump to a celeb defamation case that has nearly zero mainstream press coverage is baffling (unless other undeclared motives are involved). Who is paying Kaplan (and why)?

But unless there is mileage for the cases at hand (eg in additional charges or angles of attack), spending too much time looking at the blackout itself risks distracting from the issues (and revelations) before the courts.

I will close with this. It’s only an anecdote but here’s a first-hand account (mine) of how political censorship works:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:52 am

So the guys, who in my youth, said "Everything is political" were right ... Fancy that :flirt:
I am just sorry Barnaby won. Yes, he had the law on his side, but did he have to be so impolite and delight in dragging Johnny down?

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:11 pm

I have been trying to catch up on all of this. There seems to be a lot of anxiety here. I am going to hang in there and I know things will work out. I am not obsessing over the news media because you can not change how they report things. I believe that Johnny will be vindicated and that in the end it will not matter what the news media says. I think that people who have already formed an opinion against him are going to believe what they read. I think most people are skeptical about what they read in the news media.

I know that some are worried that Johnny is going broke over these lawsuits. In the U.S., attorney's work on a contingency basis. That means that they counting on winning the case, so they work for a percentage of the settlement. This is very common in Civil cases. This would be the actual settlement not the amount that is asked. Also the side the wins can ask for attorney fee's.

To Inquiring Minds point, I disagree that there is a conspiracy theory because Kaplan has jumped to many high profile cases. It is not at all unusual for attorney's to jump from one high profile case to another. She is trying to make a name for herself. There is a criminal attorney named Jose Baez who many years ago was a nobody. He successfully defended Casey Anthony and unsuccessfully defended Aaron Hernandez. He has made a name for himself on the national level and he is now a very high priced criminal defense attorney. Kaplan is trying to make herself a high profile name for herself because it will benefit her in the future.

It makes me sad that there is such a high level of anxiety on this board. I am going to do what Johnny said, which was to hang in there. I wish everyone would just take a deep breath and get their anxiety level down a bit. This might be along time and it is unhealthy to have a high anxiety level over a long period of time. Sorry for jumping around so much, I am trying to get all of my thoughts down.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Larkwoodgirl » Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:38 pm

Judymac wrote:
Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:11 pm
It makes me sad that there is such a high level of anxiety on this board. I am going to do what Johnny said, which was to hang in there. I wish everyone would just take a deep breath and get their anxiety level down a bit. This might be along time and it is unhealthy to have a high anxiety level over a long period of time. Sorry for jumping around so much, I am trying to get all of my thoughts down.
I completely agree. :wave:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:26 pm

I think people are just concerned because they don't have the resources others have or the understanding of what is happening. I also think people are worried (myself included) about Johnny because of what he has been through and what he continues to endure because of the false accusations and what the media has put him through. Sure, it's going to be a long road ahead but it's good to have a place like here we can vent because we're all pretty mad about the mess that Amber created when she could have ended things peacefully. It seems Johnny had no intention of releasing his proof until she pushed him over the edge.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Inquiring Minds » Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:01 pm

Judymac: I know the days ahead may prove a little painful, but ultimately uplifting culminating in a clear cut win for Mr Depp. Positive vibes required :)
To Inquiring Minds point, I disagree that there is a conspiracy theory because Kaplan has jumped to many high profile cases.
I agree that Kaplan is just a hired gun. Whether the case reflects her personal ideology or not is probably irrelevant. I was trying to draw attention to the fact that the media blackout surrounding the Depp case means she can't be doing this for the publicity. Money is probably her primary motivation, but that does not rule out secondary motives. Any potential clients would be looking at her win record, not the publicity so a win for Heard would probably enhance her career (even a loss would probably help to some extent).

But a conspiracy is at the heart of this matter. A hoax with multiple players is a conspiracy. The Depp objection to the ACLU's entry into the case was because they would be called as fact witnesses and potentially as co-conspirators. Hence my question - who is paying Kaplan? (rhetorical, I understand this is an unknown)

Of course the cases are about defamation, it's just to prove the defamation a fraudulent conspiracy will also be exposed in court with the State then moving in to prosecute the criminals. It isn't just a matter of Amber or even the immediate conspirators, there are those before and after. Those that may have encouraged the crime, covered it up or entered into a contract for 10% of profits. I'm guessing this isn't just about figuring out how deep the hole goes, but incrementally mapping the whole burrow.

The Depp team have not indicated they are definitely naming the ACLU as co-conspirators yet. I guess they have time and it could just be strategic. Maybe they don't yet have enough evidence. Maybe they have plenty of evidence but are hoping for more.

I would not be at all surprised if information revealed in the Sun case causes a flurry of subpoenas for the VA case.

My reason for suggesting mapping the media black holes (but more importantly the various connections and common characteristics) is that other less obvious co-conspirators may be indicated.

Best wishes for everyone as the case gets underway.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:14 am

I wonder if Johnny's team will also subpoena Amber's other assistant Savannah McMillan. She seems to have left working for Amber ever since Johnny's team exposed a letter Amber wrote re: a Visa saying Savannah was not being paid but Johnny has the cancelled checks.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:49 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:
Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:26 pm
I think people are just concerned because they don't have the resources others have or the understanding of what is happening. I also think people are worried (myself included) about Johnny because of what he has been through and what he continues to endure because of the false accusations and what the media has put him through. Sure, it's going to be a long road ahead but it's good to have a place like here we can vent because we're all pretty mad about the mess that Amber created when she could have ended things peacefully. It seems Johnny had no intention of releasing his proof until she pushed him over the edge.
I understand that people are venting and I am not saying that people should not vent. I think some people here seem like they are extremely upset about this and they are spending a lot of time worrying. Maybe, too much time worrying? I am sure this has really affected him. But he still has a lot going for him. I don't see him as being as being as beat down as some here seem to think. When I saw the pictures of him at the Berlin Film Festival, I thought about how good he looked. Johnny has his projects like Minamata and he also has his music. I am sure Johnny is focusing on this trial but I bet he is also focusing on his music and his other projects. Nobody likes what Amber Heard did to Johnny. Amber is a shameful excuse for a human being. I am seeing this trial as one part of his life that he will get through. I know some here will think that I don't care about Johnny, but that is not the case. I would not be here if I did not care about him. When my mother was dying I worried until I got an ulcer. A lady I worked with told me that "worrying does not change what will happen, you will only make yourself sick." That was very true and I took that advice to heart when my husband almost died. Venting is good but excessively worrying will not change what happens in this trial and it is unhealthy.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by nebraska » Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:02 pm

I believe when Johnny managed to remove himself from the situation -- when he was physically able to separate from her -- the worst was over. There was still a lot of emotional pain to resolve, but he could begin to heal and get his life back. Even if the trials don't end in a way that is completely satisfactory for us it will be for him, he will have the satisfaction of standing up and defending himself. As convoluted and awful as all this legal stuff is, I think he has been so much worse that he will be fine going forward.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:13 pm

Inquiring Minds wrote:
Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:01 pm
Judymac: I know the days ahead may prove a little painful, but ultimately uplifting culminating in a clear cut win for Mr Depp. Positive vibes required :)
To Inquiring Minds point, I disagree that there is a conspiracy theory because Kaplan has jumped to many high profile cases.
I agree that Kaplan is just a hired gun. Whether the case reflects her personal ideology or not is probably irrelevant. I was trying to draw attention to the fact that the media blackout surrounding the Depp case means she can't be doing this for the publicity. Money is probably her primary motivation, but that does not rule out secondary motives. Any potential clients would be looking at her win record, not the publicity so a win for Heard would probably enhance her career (even a loss would probably help to some extent).

But a conspiracy is at the heart of this matter. A hoax with multiple players is a conspiracy. The Depp objection to the ACLU's entry into the case was because they would be called as fact witnesses and potentially as co-conspirators. Hence my question - who is paying Kaplan? (rhetorical, I understand this is an unknown)

Of course the cases are about defamation, it's just to prove the defamation a fraudulent conspiracy will also be exposed in court with the State then moving in to prosecute the criminals. It isn't just a matter of Amber or even the immediate conspirators, there are those before and after. Those that may have encouraged the crime, covered it up or entered into a contract for 10% of profits. I'm guessing this isn't just about figuring out how deep the hole goes, but incrementally mapping the whole burrow.

The Depp team have not indicated they are definitely naming the ACLU as co-conspirators yet. I guess they have time and it could just be strategic. Maybe they don't yet have enough evidence. Maybe they have plenty of evidence but are hoping for more.

I would not be at all surprised if information revealed in the Sun case causes a flurry of subpoenas for the VA case.

My reason for suggesting mapping the media black holes (but more importantly the various connections and common characteristics) is that other less obvious co-conspirators may be indicated.

Best wishes for everyone as the case gets underway.

I wish you could explain this conspiracy theory to me. Who is behind this and what is their motive? Can you be very specific about what you think is happening? Who are the criminals and what crimes did they commit? The time frame of the spousal abuse is past the statute of limitations. Nobody has to cover up Amber's abuse, because too much time has passed to charge Amber Heard with a crime. In my opinion the media blackout is because the media took Amber Heard's side and trashed Johnny. Now the news media look like fools. They can not admit that they rushed to judge Johnny without looking at the facts. I was born in the U.S and have lived here my whole life. I just can not figure out what you mean by referencing a "criminal conspiracy."

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:40 pm

nebraska wrote:
Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:02 pm
I believe when Johnny managed to remove himself from the situation -- when he was physically able to separate from her -- the worst was over. There was still a lot of emotional pain to resolve, but he could begin to heal and get his life back. Even if the trials don't end in a way that is completely satisfactory for us it will be for him, he will have the satisfaction of standing up and defending himself. As convoluted and awful as all this legal stuff is, I think he has been so much worse that he will be fine going forward.

It broke my heart to hear Johnny refer to her as the love of his life. Johnny was so in love with Amber and she treated him like garbage. Amber betrayed him in the cruelest way. I agree that he must have a lot of unresolved emotional pain. Standing up to Amber will help him with his emotional pain. Johnny is a very private man and I am sure after the divorce, he just wanted Amber to keep her mouth shut. She accused him in a very public way of being an abuser and he is confronting the allegations in a public way. I think for Johnny, publicly confronting his abuser is part of his emotional healing.
I know that if Amber had followed the gag order after the divorce, these law suits would not have happened. He got tired of falsely being called an abuser and decided to stand up to her. I know he will be OK.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:44 pm

JudyMac thank you. That’s it just thank you for your wisdom and calmness.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:16 pm

Judymac wrote:
Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:40 pm
nebraska wrote:
Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:02 pm
I believe when Johnny managed to remove himself from the situation -- when he was physically able to separate from her -- the worst was over. There was still a lot of emotional pain to resolve, but he could begin to heal and get his life back. Even if the trials don't end in a way that is completely satisfactory for us it will be for him, he will have the satisfaction of standing up and defending himself. As convoluted and awful as all this legal stuff is, I think he has been so much worse that he will be fine going forward.

It broke my heart to hear Johnny refer to her as the love of his life. Johnny was so in love with Amber and she treated him like garbage. Amber betrayed him in the cruelest way. I agree that he must have a lot of unresolved emotional pain. Standing up to Amber will help him with his emotional pain. Johnny is a very private man and I am sure after the divorce, he just wanted Amber to keep her mouth shut. She accused him in a very public way of being an abuser and he is confronting the allegations in a public way. I think for Johnny, publicly confronting his abuser is part of his emotional healing.
I know that if Amber had followed the gag order after the divorce, these law suits would not have happened. He got tired of falsely being called an abuser and decided to stand up to her. I know he will be OK.
Johnny had a lot of dirt against her that he never spoke about that whole time he was getting trashed in the media. He flat out said to her that he didn't want to tarnish her name, he "didn't want nothin" but just to settle the divorce peacefully and quietly but she refused with some kind of crazy idea that she could still save her reputation. He did his best to calmly convince her that it was a bad idea for her not to listen to him but of course she wouldn't see all those red flags because she is stubborn. Then she did the final insult of accusing him of leaking her arrest records to the media (that anyone can get for a fee) and it was the final straw. Once I heard the tone in his voice change and he told her that she didn't exist and she never existed I knew he was done. She told him he was being cruel and he responded "you have been nothing BUT cruel and I'm going to court with you." I threw my fist up in the air and said YEAH! FINALLY!!! :toastingpirates: :capnjack: :pirategunshot:
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