The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Tue Feb 04, 2020 7:08 am

Thanks Lbock, saw this on my Twitter feed and was so pleased to know that those close to Johnny have seen all the support he's been receiving. Great for Brian, he's put in so much time and effort to get the word out and now it's finally paying off big time. :cool:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:48 am

I'm very happy for Brian too. He must be thrilled to learn that Johnny truly appreciates his devoted advocacy. Without question, Brian presents the true facts in a clear, precise and logical manner. AH's fans have tried to discredit Brian's work with their silly nitpicking reasoning but the truth is they're only showing their frightened desperation and growing disappointment with their hoaxing "pied piper".
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:24 pm

Really good article WRITTEN BY Tabetha Wallace

“If You Really Loved Me”: Johnny Depp & Amber Heard
We, as feminists, claim to be staunch allies to victims of domestic violence. That we must believe women when they say they feel abused and unsafe. That, despite an abusers intentions, the act is still mercilessly damaging to every aspect of the victims life.

However, when it comes to male victims of domestic abuse an interesting and disturbing pattern emerges. When a woman is found to have perpetrated acts of violence against her male intimate partner…we bend over backwards to explain and excuse it.

Of course I’m talking about the case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. After meeting on the set of The Rum Diaries in 2011 the pair became a couple in 2012 and eventually married in 2015. It was only fifteen months after they tied the knot that Amber Heard filed for divorce alleging that Johnny Depp physically and emotionally abused her the entirety of their relationship. She alleged that his drug and alcohol abuse was a catalyst for the abuse, noting in legal documents that…
“Johnny(sic) relationship with reality oscillates”

The various court documents from Heard’s legal team paint a fairly damning portrait of the Pirates of the Caribbean star. Johnny Depp comes off as a paranoid, controlling partner who was prone to outburst of terrifying violence. The only problem in her account was that Heard’s accusations were not supported by much physical evidence and many of her witnesses were receiving financial compensation from her at the time of their depositions. This, of course, does not mean the incidents didn’t happen. It doesn’t even mean that Johnny Depp couldn’t be an abuser.

This is the part where everyone is going to get very uncomfortable because the evidence that Amber Heard abused Johnny Depp, as he has claimed, is pretty hard to dismiss. Most damning of all is a recently released audio recording of a private conversation between Johnny Depp and Amber heard in the wake of one of the incidences of violence Depp claims was perpetrated against him by Heard.

As someone who has been in abusive relationships listening to a forty seven minutes of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard talking about their abusive relationship is about as triggering as it gets. At no point does Amber Heard mention a single incident in which Depp was physically abusive to her. She does, however, accuse him of NOT fighting with her enough. She claims that her biggest issue with him in their marriage was that he often leaves when they fight.

Upon explaining why he leaves, Depp talks about his fear of her physical outbursts. His fear of being punched, of having things thrown at him. That he leaves so that he doesn’t lose his temper. He keeps trying over and over to explain these feelings. Feelings that Heard repeatedly says are irrelevant. When he tells her that he is upset that she lied about hitting him to his friend, Travis, her tone changes dramatically. What happens next is the definition of gaslighting.

Heard admits that she hit him, she admits that she lied to his friend, that she threw things at him. That her anger comes from a deep seated fear of being abandoned. Heard admits that she likes the fighting and it makes her feel secure. She states that it is Depp’s responsibility to tell her if she is doing or saying something that hurts him. Unfortunately, this part of the recording comes after she dismisses his feelings about her actions for over thirty minutes.
But, the part that stopped me in my tracks was when Heard told Depp that in order to save the marriage he had to stop walking out of fights saying that he would stay…

“If you really loved me…”

Soon after Depp says the most important thing of all. He states that there can be no physical violence in their relationship or they must separate. Heard’s response?
“I can’t promise that I won’t get physical again. God, I f***ing get so mad I lose it.”
It’s heartbreaking to listen to because it’s clear that these are two people who both have issues with abandonment. In Depp’s case, he seems to be very clear about how he feels. He states calmly and clearly that he does not feel safe with her when they fight but hat he wants to help her.

Heard, never seems to take responsibility for creating those feelings. In fact, she blames him for making her mad. Which is what abusers say even if they don’t know that they are abusers. It’s not about liking violence. It’s about power and control.
And, while we don’t know everything there is a mountain of evidence available to read by the public. Heard is alleged, according to court documents and witnesses to have defecated or put dog feces in their bed when she was angry with him, nearly cut off the tip of his finger with a vodka bottle, asked friends to lie to the police for her and accused a gay female police officer of being homophobic and most importantly, was arrested on charges of domestic violence toward a former intimate partner.

What does all of this mean? It means that the dog pile to demonize Johnny Depp was grossly unfair and did not respect what domestic violence survivors and experts have been telling us for years. That men can and are the victims of domestic violence. And when they are it often doesn’t look the way we expect it to. Which is why it is so disturbing that in 2020 we are still waiting to see if the woman who admitted to being physically and mentally abusive in an audio recording and depositions is actually an abuser.

While we claim to be progressive and feminist are we either of those things when we fail to see a victim of abuse simply because they are a man? Or is it this particular man that we are struggling to see as a victim? Johnny Depp is weird. It’s what most fans love about him. However, that same weirdness is a weapon being used to deny his victimhood. And that is a failure of the media and our own ignorance of how intimate partner violence works.

Perhaps we will learn the whole truth about what happened between Depp and Heard but I’m not sure we should. Listening to that tape made me feel sick. Not just because the pain in both their voices or the words, so familiar to abuse victims. It was because the only reason we are hearing it is because Johnny Depp hasn’t been able to defend himself.

Until we are able to be honest as a society about what abuse looks like we will continue to let down victims, both male and female. Because this isn’t about taking sides or destroying the lives of abusers, it’s about recognizing the signs and getting help for all involved. Including those who abuse.

Try to remember, as this story unfolds, that we don’t know exactly what happened but we know there are victims. That we must refrain from the ugliness instead learning to listen with our hearts instead of People magazine headlines. We have to do better. Perhaps the story of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard won’t end in sadness but in love and support for those in abusive realtionships.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic partner violence and/or abuse The National Domestic Violence Hotline advocates are available 24/7 at 1–800–799-SAFE (7233) in more than 200 languages. All calls are free and confidential.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by gipsyblues » Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:48 pm

:thankyou: Lbock.
That's a really emotional and informative article by Tabetha Wallace .

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:09 pm

I agree. That is why I posted it all. Its such a good article to offset her crazy stans and crazy lawyer trying to twist the narrative of what is really happening in that audio

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by fireflydances » Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:21 pm

It is so wonderful to read or see people responding to that horrific audio between Amber and Johnny. I do believe that the tide is beginning to turn as more and more people have a chance to listen to Amber attempting to defend her need for violence against her intimate partners. I remember the days when family and friends suggested to me that my support of Johnny was foolish at best. I knew better because I, one fan among many, have watched and listened to him intently for years. Seen his generous soul, his deep compassion. This is a very good man. So, let us hope that the legal side will eventually turn his way.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Tue Feb 04, 2020 7:27 pm

These guys have a pretty interesting take on recording. Even though this is a serious situation, I have to admit that I was rolling at certain parts of their video.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Tue Feb 04, 2020 8:27 pm

Thank you, Lbock, for posting the Tabetha Wallace article in full. Excellent.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by myfave » Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:06 am

Skip to 1:39
"Hello South Carolina" ...............*swoon*

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Wed Feb 05, 2020 8:40 am

Is anyone else having issues with the court website in VA?

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:06 am

Granna wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2020 8:40 am
Is anyone else having issues with the court website in VA?
I am not having any issues with the site. I just checked an no updates.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:10 am

Thanks. It keeps saying error, and won't open.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Snowcat » Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:31 am

thiefcat wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:18 am
It was 45k yesterday and 61k now. :) ... -aquaman-2
Thanks Thiefcat. I did manage to find in on my own and I signed and shared it. I hope others who are able to, will as well.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Snowcat » Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:44 am

Thanks Foreveryoung for sharing the video. I will look at the others when I have more time.
Those two guys are on point and some parts are hilarious!! Yeah, a chia pet will not make a relationship better. :harhar:
Unfortunately, people tend to overlook and hope things will get better when they are in love. And that was Johnny's state of mind, obviously.
I believe, from research and training, that most law enforcement professionals and experienced martial artists (and I say this because I am one of the latter and am well aware of the physical damage that can be caused if one were to physically defend oneself) will tell people, "walk away whenever you can" from a fight.
And I came across info that indicated AH might be promoting herself as a self-defense instructor?!! :biglaugh:
IF so, she's woefully unqualified!!
The audio recording is disturbing to say the least. This has GOT to all work out in Johnny's favor!!
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:50 pm

This is Ade - so sorry to be coming late to the party I couldn't remember my password again - never mind I have been lapping up the comments. Thanks so much to everyone who has posted so much interesting stuff - I've been electrified since Friday night about all of this. Loads of thoughts most of which have been said. Delighted to hear that the Sun case is coming up soon - that is going to be super interesting although presume they will settle? I mean really what have they got - it isn't like their star witness is turning up. I feel with this tape and the Sun case even if the awful events happens and the Virginia case gets dismissed - the truth will have been revealed.

I've listened to the audio so many times, first time it was upsetting, then it just simply beggars belief. What most pleased me though - apart from the fact that it has been aired - is that I struggled all this time with the thought of Johnny sitting in a corner like a terrified child whilst she ran rampage. But listening to the tape - even though she gas lights, lies, manipulates, shouts etc etc - I come away with the feeling of a man who has real dignity. Even in this most terrible circumstance there is something magnificent there. His calm, his reasoning - and he did challenge her, he didn't just accept her crazy reasoning. But most of all he knows himself so well that he did the right thing and got away from her everytime she set off.

At the very beginning of the tape where they are just starting and she mumbles and he says "I can't hear you baby, I'm sorry" - I mean the way he speaks. If he said that to the majority of women they'd be simply unable to remember what they were going to say. That voice.

I have to fret about something - so this is it. What will she do? She's been awfully quiet but given her personality she won't be able to stay out of the spotlight for long surely and there must be photographers waiting for her to come out. I worry she'll do something dramatic - some reckless health thing, try and get sympathy from people. I still worry because she's cornered. What on earth must poor Bianca Butti be making of all of this? And her parents after the texts were exposed?

Doug Stanhope will be talking about it tonight on his podcast apparently.

And one last thing - I feel like there is more to come. One of Johnny's friends tweeted that there was more, and on Stephen Deuters twitter a friend of his said to him 'I see the pincer movement has started' ..........