justintime wrote:I’ve read through Mr. McPherson’s new thread including Mr. McGivern’s draft statement. I agree with the assessment that all testimony given to date (including AH’s) indicates there was no physical violence on Johnny’s part. But AH does not state Johnny was physically violent, rather that it was his so-called “advancing” on her adult ”baby” sister, Whitney, at the top of the stairs that she uses to justify her punching Johnny in the eye. Since Mr. McGivern saw the punch (as well as the rest of AH’s disgusting tirade) and does not reference any life-threatening behavior on Johnny’s part leading up to AH’s assault or need for his professional intervention - and since we have no corroborating testimony from the “baby”sister - can we assume this is yet another hideous fabrication by the stellar liar-in-chief?
This was an event - one that ultimately resulted in yet more physical injury to Johnny - that AH has riddled with a scenario designed to garner both sympathy and support for whatever her reaction may have been. I think it might be extremely helpful to have eye-witness testimony specifically debunking AH’s “recollection” of the stairway portion of this incident. Or, am I just way off base here?
No, justintime, you're not off base at all. I think that's just what Johnny's team of legal council plan on doing when they go to trial. The plethora of witnesses agreeing to testify for Johnny, and now Mr. McGivern's significant account of the incident, is very helpful. After hearing all the testimonies, I can't imagine how anyone could not see that Amber Heard is guilty of a horrible hoax. What I want to see is Whitney giving her statement under oath. Knowing that she could face perjury charges, lying for her sister or misleading the court may not be an option.