Thanks for posting the link to the docs. As many others have commented, it has never made sense that she would marry him in 2015 if it were true that he'd been abusing her emotionally and physically for the 3 years prior. When she could have easily gotten away? Her reactions to his alleged violent behavior in the deposition aren't normal: a man who is "inebriated and high," hits and screams at you, breaks glass - and you lock yourself in a bedroom to go to sleep because you're "jet-lagged"? Who could sleep with a maniac raging in the next room? And while she also makes a point of describing him as drunk, high and delusional at every opportunity, she presents herself as the sober, protective, rational oneForeverYoung wrote:Anyone who is interested in reading AH's motion papers, here they are. It is a lot of read, but the more you read the more you will see holes in her story and things that do not make sense. The exhibits are interesting because they don't match up with other parts of her story. For example she talked about Johnny yelling at iO and cursing at her, yet iO's statement says nothing at all about Johnny yelling at her, never even mentions she spoke with him. I think that is pretty important. ... ismiss.pdf

Scamber didn't have an answer when Blair Berk asked her if she ever called 911 for any of the horrible incidents described - strangled, broken nose, ripped hair. I would love to see someone like Berk or Waldman grill her on the stand in court. Or even Bette White from Twitter - she's fantastic!