The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Ruby Begonia » Sat Apr 27, 2019 1:28 am

ForeverYoung wrote:Anyone who is interested in reading AH's motion papers, here they are. It is a lot of read, but the more you read the more you will see holes in her story and things that do not make sense. The exhibits are interesting because they don't match up with other parts of her story. For example she talked about Johnny yelling at iO and cursing at her, yet iO's statement says nothing at all about Johnny yelling at her, never even mentions she spoke with him. I think that is pretty important. ... ismiss.pdf
Thanks for posting the link to the docs. As many others have commented, it has never made sense that she would marry him in 2015 if it were true that he'd been abusing her emotionally and physically for the 3 years prior. When she could have easily gotten away? Her reactions to his alleged violent behavior in the deposition aren't normal: a man who is "inebriated and high," hits and screams at you, breaks glass - and you lock yourself in a bedroom to go to sleep because you're "jet-lagged"? Who could sleep with a maniac raging in the next room? And while she also makes a point of describing him as drunk, high and delusional at every opportunity, she presents herself as the sober, protective, rational one :mad2:.

Scamber didn't have an answer when Blair Berk asked her if she ever called 911 for any of the horrible incidents described - strangled, broken nose, ripped hair. I would love to see someone like Berk or Waldman grill her on the stand in court. Or even Bette White from Twitter - she's fantastic!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:51 am

She testified that one night in LA she was going between rooms getting her things together such as clothes and her toothbrush to leave and Johnny kept blocking her. All I know is that if I were living with someone who was abusing me over a period of time I would have a bag packed and ready to go at any given moment with the necessary items.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:10 pm

The fabulous Mr. Adam Waldman issued another statement earlier today.
I love his choice of word in describing Amber Heard's scams.....diabolical!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Snowcat » Thu May 02, 2019 2:05 pm

Chocolat wrote:For anyone interested, Brian McPherson added his new video which is an addendum to his Part 1 and Part 2 videos.
Once again, his attention to detail investigation and detective work is beyond amazing.

Now this made me smile real big!! I even counted along with the Count, wah-ha-ha-ha-haaaa! Thanks for sharing Chocolat!!
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Fri May 03, 2019 1:19 am

This is probably nothing and maybe it is badly written or I am mis-reading it but in a click bait Metro article (yes, I know I shouldn't have - I meant to click on another article .....) it ends with this:

<<Amber claimed in court documents that Johnny repeatedly hit her and choked her during their marriage and detailed several incidents in which she alleged she was left injured after his attacks. Sources close to Elon later told that as of now these claims are not accurate.>>

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Fri May 03, 2019 3:54 am

The rats are leaving the ships ...
Now that captain Sparrow decided to fight instead of negotiating :loveshower: :biggrin: :cloud9:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by hollyberry » Fri May 03, 2019 1:37 pm

I'm actually looking forward to the court case.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Snowcat » Fri May 03, 2019 2:02 pm

Hey! I thought I would give my "2 cents" opinion, for what it's worth.
First of all, I dearly hope, with all of my heart and soul, that Johnny wins and ideally, his reputation is restored, since he never did anything to deserve the outrageous damaging claims to begin with.
Okay, so I watched the video in which she evades the question of whether she hit Johnny. Right there, that tells me she's hiding something. In addition, she has that same indignance, which I have seen many, many, many times from so many others in my last retail job (stay with me, this is related). I often manned the self-serve check-outs, and whenever I would (quite non-accusingly, as we were never allowed to accuse customers of attempted theft) point out to a customer that items they had on their cart did not come up on the sale, it was ALWAYS those who intended to steal who would get very defensive, in this same indignant way. It looks like an exaggerated defense, meant to intimidate, as well as to hide what they do not wish exposed (their true intent). It's the "How DARE you!!" stance that makes you go, "Hmmmmm?!!".

Now, are the claims where Johnny would take drugs and turn into "monster Johnny" as well as pushing her "baby sister" down the stairs new details? I don't recall seeing these before. Well, we clearly see the perspective of her changing her story and adding more and more shocking details of "abusive" Johnny as time goes on. Here is what I have to say about the drug-taking claims and their effects on him. Many, if not all, street drugs are highly addictive. An addict's life is pretty much consumed by getting their next fix, as soon as possible. It is not something that they just decide to indulge in now and again. It gets to the point where they "need" the high. So, IF he were addicted, I am sure many, many more people, publicly and privately, would have witnessed that "monster" that she insists attacked her. He was not that monster at the "Black Mass" TIFF premier, that's for sure. I was there and he was a gentleman AND she was with him. It seems that she is trying to find a way to explain why only she experienced and saw that violent monster, and why most others didn't. The argument just does not hold water for me.

And some time has passed since the original allegations. The fact that she just adds and adds more "*gasp* OMG!" shocking details, the kind that, in my mind, would have been revealed early on, IF it was true, and also changes her story, makes her story less and less and less credible to me. She has a lot to lose when the real truth comes out and she knows it. I think that is why she feels the need to insist that her version(s) is the truth.
Go Johnny go!! I have never believed for one scintilla of an iota of a second that he ever abused her and I have my very strong reasons, in addition to these, as to why I believe so!
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Fri May 03, 2019 4:05 pm

Thanks for your input, Snowcat. You are not alone in your assessment of Amber Heard's sinister actions.
It's true, she's conveniently added false ugly details to her story with each discovered evidence against her.
The documents show her premeditating a scenario, conspiracy, and time and time again, changing her story including a lapse in memory when it suits her agenda. When we obviously see a plethora of inconsistencies in her claims, up go the red flags. She must be feeling more pressure because there's been a fare amount of negative articles about Johnny in the past two weeks in order to take the focus off of her. I call it propaganda. Amber Heard fights dirty, using any means to gain respect and credibility and a sure sign that she is very scared to go to trial....maybe because the consequences of perjury are quite severe.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Snowcat » Fri May 03, 2019 10:03 pm

Thanks for your reply Chocolat! It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds, only because we care so much about Johnny.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Fri May 03, 2019 10:21 pm

I think that Amber's PR is working hard to distract the attention away from the testimony of Samantha McMillan who has nothing to loose by telling the truth. She is not a freeloader like the rest of Amber's so called witness friends and has no reason to lie under oath. She is not winning in court so once she again is trying to win in a court of public opinion but a lot of people see right through her this time. :nosmile: :no2: :mad:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by hollyberry » Sat May 04, 2019 2:19 am

ForeverYoung wrote:I think that Amber's PR is working hard to distract the attention away from the testimony of Samantha McMillan who has nothing to loose by telling the truth. She is not a freeloader like the rest of Amber's so called witness friends and has no reason to lie under oath. She is not winning in court so once she again is trying to win in a court of public opinion but a lot of people see right through her this time. :nosmile: :no2: :mad:

It seems strange that she suddenly is remembering all these 'new incidents' at the precise time Ms McMillan is making her testimony. Smacks of desperation to me. At the end of the day when the whole truth comes out I suspect Johnny will have the last laugh.

Looking at the whole sordid business with neutral eyes and not as a Johnny fan....the facts are none of the women Johnny previously had relationships with accused him of abusing them, even during the dark times he was addicted. So we are asked to believe he suddenly becomes a violent wife beater in his 50s?
Doesn't add up.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Sat May 04, 2019 5:03 am

SNOWCAT: Here is what I have to say about the drug-taking claims and their effects on him. Many, if not all, street drugs are highly addictive. An addict's life is pretty much consumed by getting their next fix, as soon as possible. It is not something that they just decide to indulge in now and again. It gets to the point where they "need" the high. So, IF he were addicted, I am sure many, many more people, publicly and privately, would have witnessed that "monster" that she insists attacked her.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat May 04, 2019 7:46 am

hollyberry wrote:
ForeverYoung wrote:I think that Amber's PR is working hard to distract the attention away from the testimony of Samantha McMillan who has nothing to loose by telling the truth. She is not a freeloader like the rest of Amber's so called witness friends and has no reason to lie under oath. She is not winning in court so once she again is trying to win in a court of public opinion but a lot of people see right through her this time. :nosmile: :no2: :mad:

It seems strange that she suddenly is remembering all these 'new incidents' at the precise time Ms McMillan is making her testimony. Smacks of desperation to me. At the end of the day when the whole truth comes out I suspect Johnny will have the last laugh.

Looking at the whole sordid business with neutral eyes and not as a Johnny fan....the facts are none of the women Johnny previously had relationships with accused him of abusing them, even during the dark times he was addicted. So we are asked to believe he suddenly becomes a violent wife beater in his 50s?
Doesn't add up.
She also brings up a number of people in her court papers (doctors who treated her, nurses, her sister, make up artist friend, apartment staff, Johnny's assistant, etc.) that were never listed as witnesses in her dv case.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Wed May 08, 2019 6:41 am

Johnny Depp Claims Amber Heard & Friend Concocted Plan for Bogus 911 Call Regarding Assault

Article by Mike Walters
8th May 2019

Johnny Depp is calling into question the 911 call placed by Amber Heard‘s friend on the night the actress claims she was abused.

Sources connected to Depp’s legal team tell The Blast the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star plans on filing evidence that he believes shows discrepancies in the emergency call iO Tillett Wright placed to the LAPD on May 21, 2016.

Heard previously testified that she was on the phone with Wright when Depp began a physical attack, and that her friend heard the abuse go down.

In his own declaration, Wright said, “I then heard Amber crying in fear and begging Johnny to stop his attack, thereafter I heard Amber scream out ‘Call 911’ before the call got disconnected. I called 911 to save Amber’s life.”

Depp’s lawyers tell us they have obtained the LAPD call logs from the night of May 21, and claim Wright waited over an hour and a half before calling police. They’ve also obtained video surveillance showing Depp leaving the residential building he shared with Heard in Los Angeles around 8:30 … when the call to LAPD wasn’t made until 10:00 PM.

Depp’s defense team claims if Wright really wanted to save his friend’s life, he would have made the call sooner rather than later. They believe Heard and Wright were possibly getting their stories lined up before calling authorities and implicating Depp in the alleged attack.

They are also specifically pointing out Wright’s verbiage, that he made the decision in a “split second” to call 911 … but in fact called much later.

Depp’s attorney, Adam Waldman, says “Amber Heard’s May 21 abuse hoax officially began when her co-conspirator iO Tillett Wright dialed 911.”

Waldman adds, “But police logs show iO Tillett Wright didn’t call 911 in the middle of their concocted abuse charade as he testified clearly under oath ‘to save Amber’s life,’ nor at the moment Ms. Heard testified she screamed ‘call 911!’ to him in the middle of her fraud.”

LAPD officers did in fact respond to the 911 call, but found no signs of abuse on Heard when they arrived.

As we reported, Heard has given emotional testimony regarding the incident, and she claims Depp grabbed her by the hair during a brutal assault. Heard admitted to striking the star back, but claims it was to save her sister’s life.

The “Aquaman” star is currently trying to get the defamation case filed by Depp dismissed and transferred to another venue, however we’re told Depp’s team will file a “roadmap” of evidence later this month to keep the case from moving.
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