Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:28 pm

They have started announcing tour dates for next year: :applause:

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by gipsyblues » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:45 am

:applause2: :yahoo: :applause:

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by SdubLU » Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:08 pm

I really hope that the pandemic situation will allow the shows next summer! :fear:
As I wrote here some time ago for me it was really kind of lucky that the tour had to be postponed because my little one was born in early September :heart4: and the shows in Germany would have been in late August which would have been totally impossible for me which is why I did not buy tickets until they rescheduled the dates.
Now I already have two tickets for the show in Oberhausen next year and I really can't wait for it!! :loveshower: I was at their last European tour as well and and it was soooo great :smiliewithhearts: :guitar:

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:30 am

Latest announcement, they've had to cancel for this year.


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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:10 pm


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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:41 pm

Johnny Depp, Alice Cooper and Joe Perry provide songs for Worcester poet's new play

AMERICAN music legends Alice Cooper and Joe Perry have linked up with actor Johnny Depp to provide the music for a play written by a former Worcestershire Poet Laureate.

Leena Batchelor, current poet-in-residence for The Commandery in Worcester has written the play, Out Of The Darkness – Twilight Of Humanity,which combines poetry with dance and rock music.

The message behind the play is that it asks humanity to take stock and consider their actions upon climate change and society before it’s too late.

Out Of The Darkness features music by American rock supergroup Hollywood Vampires formed by Alice Cooper, Joe Perry, and Johnny Depp, who said: With Out Of The Darkness, Leena has created a hugely important and timely piece of work, in which we are honoured to offer our own minor contribution.”

Leena said: “Born from a desire to show how poetry is an essential medium in our everyday lives for expression, following its debut performance the play will be offered gratis to schools around the country in an aim ‘to encourage students to look at performing arts as a means to voice a message and develop self-confidence/esteem …..whether it be music, poetry, story-telling, art, performing arts is a powerful tool in all our lives not only for raising awareness of important issues, but also for our own emotional and mental well-being.”

For its debut performance, the dance scenes are being performed by dance students from the Chase School, Malvern, led by dance teacher Sarah McVay.

Headteacher Mike Fieldhouse said: “We are delighted and proud to be associated with this event, which is an incredible opportunity to showcase the work of our students.”

Headteacher Mike Fieldhouse said ‘we are delighted and proud to be associated with this event, which is an incredible opportunity to not only showcase the work of our students, but also an opportunity for them to express their own voices and build confidence and self-esteem. The acknowledgment by the Hollywood Vampires is truly an honour; when well-known stars such as these support and encourage smaller performances such as this it goes a long way to encouraging students’ belief that they, too, are important, can be successful, and have a role to play in our world’.

Out Of The Darkness will be performed at Worcester’s Henry Sandon Hall, Royal Porcelain Works on October 29 at 7pm. Tickets will be available via Eventbrite from August 9, £12.50. More details on Leena’s work at pixiemuse.wordpress.com

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:07 am


Article by Barry Kinghorn
19th July 2021

AMERICAN music legends Alice Cooper and Joe Perry have linked up with actor Johnny Depp to provide the music for a play written by a former Worcestershire Poet Laureate.

Leena Batchelor, current poet-in-residence for The Commandery in Worcester has written the play, Out Of The Darkness – Twilight Of Humanity,which combines poetry with dance and rock music.

The message behind the play is that it asks humanity to take stock and consider their actions upon climate change and society before it’s too late.

Out Of The Darkness features music by American rock supergroup Hollywood Vampires formed by Alice Cooper, Joe Perry, and Johnny Depp, who said: With Out Of The Darkness, Leena has created a hugely important and timely piece of work, in which we are honoured to offer our own minor contribution.”

Leena said: “Born from a desire to show how poetry is an essential medium in our everyday lives for expression, following its debut performance the play will be offered gratis to schools around the country in an aim ‘to encourage students to look at performing arts as a means to voice a message and develop self-confidence/esteem …..whether it be music, poetry, story-telling, art, performing arts is a powerful tool in all our lives not only for raising awareness of important issues, but also for our own emotional and mental well-being.”

For its debut performance, the dance scenes are being performed by dance students from the Chase School, Malvern, led by dance teacher Sarah McVay.

Headteacher Mike Fieldhouse said: “We are delighted and proud to be associated with this event, which is an incredible opportunity to showcase the work of our students.”

Headteacher Mike Fieldhouse said ‘we are delighted and proud to be associated with this event, which is an incredible opportunity to not only showcase the work of our students, but also an opportunity for them to express their own voices and build confidence and self-esteem. The acknowledgment by the Hollywood Vampires is truly an honour; when well-known stars such as these support and encourage smaller performances such as this it goes a long way to encouraging students’ belief that they, too, are important, can be successful, and have a role to play in our world’.

Out Of The Darkness will be performed at Worcester’s Henry Sandon Hall, Royal Porcelain Works on October 29 at 7pm. Tickets will be available via Eventbrite from August 9, £12.50. More details on Leena’s work at pixiemuse.wordpress.com
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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by justintime » Sun Jul 25, 2021 2:24 pm

Thanks ever so much, In-too-Depp, for posting this article in addition to providing the Link. I especially appreciated the gracious comment by Mr. Fieldhouse (underlined by me) regarding the importance of the HV’s participation. He is absolutely right!
Headteacher Mike Fieldhouse said ‘we are delighted and proud to be associated with this event, which is an incredible opportunity to not only showcase the work of our students, but also an opportunity for them to express their own voices and build confidence and self-esteem. The acknowledgment by the Hollywood Vampires is truly an honour; when well-known stars such as these support and encourage smaller performances such as this it goes a long way to encouraging students’ belief that they, too, are important, can be successful, and have a role to play in our world.
We hear so little info these days about Johnny and his current artistic endeavors, this worthy mention truly warms my heart. :heartflower:
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Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by gipsyblues » Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:24 am

:agreesign: justintime

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Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed Jul 28, 2021 7:31 am

Thanks In-too-Depp for posting this great news. Now we know how Johnny is spending his time, writing music for a play. What a wonderful experience it must be for him, along with Joe and Alice, to be a part of this production. Who knows, perhaps more writing the score for another project will be on the horizon for the boys.
:writer: :guitar:
Through the years, for the many xoxo's, giggles & kindness...
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Hollywood Vampires 2023 Tour

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:44 am

Hollywood Vampires 2023 Tour

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Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Wed Sep 07, 2022 8:58 am

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Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Wed Sep 07, 2022 8:59 am

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Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:21 am

And Wit, was his vain frivolous pretence
Of pleasing others, at his own expense

Rochester ,"Satyr" on Man

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Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:38 am

2023 UK Tour dates added!