Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by meeps » Thu Apr 26, 2018 3:34 am

I am sure, it's just me being a hen mother - but if I had been in the room, when they took those pictures, I would have offered Johnny a comforting hug or two. He looks like he could use them, in my eyes :love:

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by gipsyblues » Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:24 am

meeps wrote:I am sure, it's just me being a hen mother - but if I had been in the room, when they took those pictures, I would have offered Johnny a comforting hug or two. He looks like he could use them, in my eyes :love:
:agreesign: :rose: :hug2:
I thought and feel the same. Hard years are behind him. I think sometimes it's better that you get rid of something that puts a strain on you. Finish what causes you pain !!! Life is too short !!!! The most important in life are family, good friends, peace, love and health !!! And ...... a funny Vampire tour with good buddies! :music: :worldhug:

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by meeps » Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:48 am

Thanks a lot for those sweet words :hug3:

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:59 pm

I also thought that when I saw those pictures of him - but the ones which have come out today - back to looking very chilled and extremely cool and sexy. I am sure someone technically competent will post them. Amazing, he just looks so good.

I suppose we should not read too much into every picture - he may just have been having a serious moment.

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by Sweeney Todd » Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:12 am

:sweeneydepp: Never forget. Never forgive. :sweeneydepp:

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by Jack's Wench » Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:55 pm

Oh my! :truefan: :truefan:

Thank you Sweeney Todd :thanks!:
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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by Sweeney Todd » Sat May 05, 2018 5:34 am

:sweeneydepp: Never forget. Never forgive. :sweeneydepp:

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Fri May 11, 2018 2:47 pm

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by Jackslady » Sat May 12, 2018 4:44 am

Thanks for these great pictures! :loveshower: The guys look so effortlessly cool, love them. :lovehearts:
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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by stroch » Sat May 12, 2018 7:39 am

Slight connection to the thread--
I saw Aerosmith at the Jazz Fest last week, and Joe was awesome -- wearing an aqua sequined jacket and wearing his Vampires ring. I secretly hoped for Johnny to be lurking in the wings, but no luck.
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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by Sweeney Todd » Tue May 15, 2018 3:40 pm

Alice Cooper: Johnny Depp will shock fans when he plays with Hollywood Vampires at Wembley

Safeeyah Kazi

Johnny Depp will shock fans when they hear him play guitar as part of the Hollywood Vampires, said fellow band member Alice Cooper.

The rocker praised his actor friend’s musical skill, saying he was as “good as anybody I’ve worked with”.

Hollywood Vampires, in tribute to the group’s “dead, drunk friends”, is made up of Cooper, 70, Depp, 54 and Aerosmith’s Joe Perry, 67.

Cooper told the Standard: “He’s not new to playing on stage, people are going to be very surprised when they hear him play because they know him as Jack Sparrow.

“When they see a guitar in his band they going to say ‘wait a minute I didn’t have any idea he could play like that’. He’s a real guitar player. I wouldn’t be working with anybody that wasn’t as good as anybody I’ve worked with normally.

“Last year we were testing the waters to see if people were even going to be interested in what we were doing and we found that they were, we got great reactions and sold out quite a few places.

“I think a lot of that might have been out of curiosity, Joe Perry, Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper what a weird combination.”

The Pirates Of The Caribbean star was the most anxious ahead of shows, said Cooper, who has released 27 studio albums over 56 years.

“Joe can do Aerosmith all day, I can do Alice Cooper all day [so] I think Johnny might have been the one that was the most nervous about it,” he said.

“Once we got done with rehearsal and we heard what it sounded like and we were confident with the excitement of the show that went all went away. Once you get in front of the audience that goes away.”

The School’s Out singer said he hopes London treats the group as a new band.and confirmed songs by UK bands will feature prominently at their Wembley show in June: “If you look at who our friends were most of them were classic British rock bands so if we’re doing The Who or the Rolling Stones.

“I want them to understand how much we respect those bands that’s why we’re doing those songs. But there are four or five original Vampires songs that I think they’re going to dig.”

Hollywood Vampires play The SSE Arena, Wembley on June 20.
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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by jruoss » Wed May 16, 2018 3:28 pm

I wonder where things are at with a second album, as Alice mentions playing only 4 or 5 Vampire originals. Ideally they would put out the next album before they get very far into the tour, or at least have some new songs to play live, but I guess we'll see how it works out...
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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Sun May 20, 2018 10:12 am

Not sure whether to put this here or with the pictures - but a truly wonderful review. I am so excited about seeing them in London.

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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by Snowcat » Sun May 20, 2018 10:54 am

:flashingheart: Fellow Zoners, I went to the May 18th concert!!
I was feeling very stuffy-headed, foggy, groggy, a bit queezy, from a very bad head cold that was getting worse as my busy day wore on. That was the only reason why I did not enjoy the concert as much as 2 years ago. I had bought my ticket, so, as much as I felt like I might join their dead friends before the night was through, due to feeling so poorly, I forced myself to suck it up and go. I found myself tapping my foot and dancing in my seat as soon as they started playing.
Who could not be woken up by such exuberantly played rock! They clearly have a passion for this gig as they entertain and engage the audience with smiles, eye-contact and other ways. They make us a huge part of the experience. But, we already knew these guys are humble with big hearts. That is my biggest part of the reason for wanting to support them.
It was a great concert, over, all too soon.
I quite enjoyed when Johnny joked something about a sippy-cup filled with alcohol given to some girl. I wonder if that was some round-about slap-in-the-face to you-know-who.
I thought it was hilarious and cute when Johnny quietly side-stepped off the stage, hiding behind the curtain, as Alice Cooper was introducing all the band members, one by one.
At one point, I had my head down and someone was singing. I thought, that is not A.C. I look up, Oh wow! Johnny is singing!! Liquid-smooth voice!! And I loved his rendition of Heroes song tribute to Bowie.
Great, fun show. Classic rock lives!! I hope they come back!
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Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Sun May 20, 2018 12:54 pm

Snowcat wrote::flashingheart: Fellow Zoners, I went to the May 18th concert!!
I was feeling very stuffy-headed, foggy, groggy, a bit queezy, from a very bad head cold that was getting worse as my busy day wore on. That was the only reason why I did not enjoy the concert as much as 2 years ago. I had bought my ticket, so, as much as I felt like I might join their dead friends before the night was through, due to feeling so poorly, I forced myself to suck it up and go. I found myself tapping my foot and dancing in my seat as soon as they started playing.
Who could not be woken up by such exuberantly played rock! They clearly have a passion for this gig as they entertain and engage the audience with smiles, eye-contact and other ways. They make us a huge part of the experience. But, we already knew these guys are humble with big hearts. That is my biggest part of the reason for wanting to support them.
It was a great concert, over, all too soon.
I quite enjoyed when Johnny joked something about a sippy-cup filled with alcohol given to some girl. I wonder if that was some round-about slap-in-the-face to you-know-who.
I thought it was hilarious and cute when Johnny quietly side-stepped off the stage, hiding behind the curtain, as Alice Cooper was introducing all the band members, one by one.
At one point, I had my head down and someone was singing. I thought, that is not A.C. I look up, Oh wow! Johnny is singing!! Liquid-smooth voice!! And I loved his rendition of Heroes song tribute to Bowie.
Great, fun show. Classic rock lives!! I hope they come back!

How exciting for you Snowcat! :applause: So glad you were able to go and enjoy the concert.

Thanks for your observations and review! :thankyou:

So sorry to hear you were feeling poorly, though. I hope you're better now. :hug: