Shirley, thank you for sharing your experience!
How special you got to see Johnny and got the book to him, get all the extra goodies, and 'hear' the concert... to sad you were not able to watch more of the concert.
Left the tickets on the refrigerator
Joel:"That's the movies, Ed. Try reality." Ed:"No thanks." Northern Exposure
Very awesome report, Shirley! I'm sorry they put the SROs in front of the VIPs, but things seemed to have turned out rather well in spite of that. So happy for you!
Hi Shirley
What a great experience you've had. ..meeting Johnny ( and the other Vamps of course ) must be something very special isn't it ?
I'm so glad you could meet him...even you couldn't enjoy the concert so much...and thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us , dear Shirley
I was waiting for your report Shirley! Wow, what an awesome experience and so glad your book got to Johnny. He does exude such a warm energy, you just know he's genuinely kind.
I am very happy for you. But, that sucks that your view of the concert was obstructed. Someone screwed up there, the VIP ticket-holders should have been right up front. Sorry to hear that. Thanks for sharing your awesome night.
He said, "Wow, Very Nice!", and signed my painting. TIFF 2015.
I posted last month I was going to see the Hollywood Vampires at the Dayton Ohio show on July 12th. My husband & I had a great time. I dont think my husband realized how deducated I was to Mr Depp & how so mamy others are too until this night. We got there about 2 hours before show time. We waited by the bus hoping to get to see him. It was scorching hot but my feet was glued to the ground by the fense and I had a view of the bus. I hear a roar of the crowd at the other side if the street. I dash & caught a glimpse of him walking to the amphitheater. After that I knew he was not going to do a signing so we made our way to our seats. When the show started it was still unreal to me that it was him on the stage. My seats were back a bit so my photos arent the greatest. I did get a few that you can tell its him. The best part was when he spoke into the microphone & I heard his voice! It was surreal to actually hear it & look at him at the same time. After the show I found my way to the place where he would do autographs. Only about 50 to 75 people stayed. An hour went by. My poor husband waited patiently behind me. His face looking sleepier & sleepier. Not once did he complain. He knew this was my only chance. Finally out he came! I was probably 20 ft away from him. He was surrounded by his people. I was convinced I was going to get to say hello to him & get his signature. After all such a small crowd. He only did about 2 minutes. Threw his hand up waved & off he went so disappointing but still amazing! I have photos & videos but Im not sure how to post them on here now. I do not have s photo bucket anymore. I will try to figure it out.
Everything is always okay in the end,
if it's not, then it's not the end.
Unread postby SnoopyDances » Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:46 pm
Interview with Alice Cooper...Johnny mention
You mentioned Hollywood Vampires earlier. (The actor) Johnny Depp is one of the guitarists in that band (a supergroup which also features Aerosmith's Joe Perry). What is Johnny's best asset as a guitarist?
He never overplays. He plays a tasty lick and then he gets out and that's what a good guitar player should play like. He plays a lot like Brian Jones. I would say that would be the closest guy, or Ronnie Wood. You'll hear a lick of about five or six notes not a whole bunch of notes, the way that Keith Richards would play. He would just play five or six notes that were just in the right spot. George Harrison was a master at that. George Harrison would play just exactly the right notes and get out, whereas a lot of guitar players they just don't know when to stop. They want to show off how good they are. Johnny's one of the guitar players that says, "Judge how good I am by what I play not by how much I play."
SnoopyDances wrote:Interview with Alice Cooper...Johnny mention
You mentioned Hollywood Vampires earlier. (The actor) Johnny Depp is one of the guitarists in that band (a supergroup which also features Aerosmith's Joe Perry). What is Johnny's best asset as a guitarist?
He never overplays. He plays a tasty lick and then he gets out and that's what a good guitar player should play like. He plays a lot like Brian Jones. I would say that would be the closest guy, or Ronnie Wood. You'll hear a lick of about five or six notes not a whole bunch of notes, the way that Keith Richards would play. He would just play five or six notes that were just in the right spot. George Harrison was a master at that. George Harrison would play just exactly the right notes and get out, whereas a lot of guitar players they just don't know when to stop. They want to show off how good they are. Johnny's one of the guitar players that says, "Judge how good I am by what I play not by how much I play."
Interesting words from Alice about Johnny's style of playing, and the guitarists he compares him to. (3 Stones, and a Beatle). If you watch Johnny on stage for any length of time, you see what Alice is talking about, but I wonder what he'd have to say about Joe Perry's much showier style. One of my favorite aspects of Johnny's playing is when he chimes in on what would normally be a "solo", like on "Train", "Whole Lotta Love" or "Break on Through", and turns it in to a mind bending "dual" solo with another guitarist, usually Joe...
"There is certainly a part of me that tends to be that loner. You never find me in the center of the crowd. I just like to stay back a little and hang in the shadows."