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by flo116
Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:33 pm
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: Birthday Project Thank You email
Replies: 26
Views: 113295

Re: Birthday Project Thank You email

I got one also. At first I thought it might be spam but then I realized what it was and felt very special. :goodvibes: I had sent a personal check. Many thanks to all of you on the Zone for making this happen. :worldhug:
by flo116
Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:37 pm
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!
Replies: 40
Views: 114255

Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

I am happy to report I got a thank you letter from the San Jorge Childrens Foundation today. :cloud9: I had mailed them a check a couple of weeks ago and let Theresa know at that time. It made me feel so good and special to receive this and since it is given in Johnny's name is even more so. Thankyo...
by flo116
Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:03 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!
Replies: 146
Views: 374395

Re: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!

OMG another thank you letter from our beloved Johnny. :love: I can feel the love coming from this thread, it is just unbelieveable he has inspired all of us from all corners of the globe to be warm giving better human beings. :heart2: Thank you to all you Zoners for the opportunity to be a small par...
by flo116
Fri May 02, 2008 9:12 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!
Replies: 76
Views: 236155

What an absolutely grand idea, you guys are the best. I just made my donation first time using Paypal it worked like a charm.
by flo116
Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:49 pm
Forum: 2007 Birthday Project for Great Ormond Street Hospital
Topic: WOW . . . Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone
Replies: 154
Views: 402178

I keep reading and rereading that letter from Johnny with tears in my eyes. I can't believe it, I don't why we all know what a wonderful thoughtful person he is but it is still hard to believe he took the time to do this. After all the hospital had thanked everyone...and then to get a letter from hi...