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by justintime
Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:30 am
Forum: News & Views
Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
Replies: 8792
Views: 7825712

Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Many thanks to all the links from Snoopy Dances, fireflydances, and Chocolat, as well as for the thoughtful comments by so many. They were all worth reading and kept me far away from the tabloid horror. I also took the time to read both Johnny's original lawsuit and TMG's cross complaint. The first ...
by justintime
Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:36 am
Forum: News & Views
Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
Replies: 8792
Views: 7825712

Re: The Lawsuits Thread

And all of this mess without a written contract? Is that right? What reputable company deals with this sort of financial empire with nothing in writing? Johnny came from nothing and on some level I think his inability to comprehend the wealth and complications can be understood and forgiven. But a ...
by justintime
Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:12 am
Forum: News & Views
Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
Replies: 8792
Views: 7825712

Re: The Lawsuits Thread

In at least three separate articles (paragraphs) in the cross-complaint, TMG (as a singular unit) claims to have "expended over 386 hours on Depp's behalf in the last two weeks of March, 2016". Try as I might, given there are still only 24 hours in any given day, and still only seven days in any ful...
by justintime
Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:39 am
Forum: News & Views
Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
Replies: 8792
Views: 7825712

Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Well, given the fact he filed the complaint the same day as the divorce certainly sets up a red flag for me. :facepalm: I have to agree, Forever Young. Red flag for sure. On February 20, 2009 , a company called "Under the Black Sky, Inc." was registered in CA under the Van Ree surname. In 2015 , pa...
by justintime
Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:12 pm
Forum: News & Views
Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
Replies: 8792
Views: 7825712

Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Read the whole drama here: I believe you're right, Snoopy-Dances. I think the lawsuit was filed when it was as an effort to stall the foreclosure. But what a travesty on TMG's part! If you haven't already, you might want to go to shaman-art's link s...
by justintime
Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:47 pm
Forum: News & Views
Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
Replies: 8792
Views: 7825712

Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Brunasouzota wrote Johnny lost his castle? Someone can clarify it to me, please? No - this is just a warning that the castle could go into foreclosure. He still has time to make the required payment. I think the "castle" - JD's primary residence - was going to be foreclosed upon on January 14th, bu...
by justintime
Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:34 pm
Forum: News & Views
Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
Replies: 8792
Views: 7825712

Re: The Lawsuits Thread

This is so upsetting. :-/ Yes, Chocolat, gut-wrenching actually. Jruoss said it all in a prior post when he commented: ". . . It's incredible to think this guy would ever have to worry about money again. I do hope this starts a chain reaction that brings down TMG." (my highlighting, not jruoss')
by justintime
Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:59 pm
Forum: News & Views
Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
Replies: 8792
Views: 7825712

Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Read the whole drama here: Wow! What a chilling read - started early this morning and couldn't put it down 'till finished. Thank you, shaman-art, for the link. So much better to actually read it all in actual sequence and context than the various me...
by justintime
Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:54 pm
Forum: 2012 Birthday Project for Project Pueblo
Topic: 2012 Birthday Project Update--Our donations at work
Replies: 80
Views: 200515

Re: Wonderful news for the Zone! A thank-you letter from Johnny Depp!

Wow . . . as one who's lived long enough to have many years of small donations under her belt, I have to say this is the first and only time I've ever actually seen the donated funds materialize into the real thing. Makes you want to do so much more - very, very moving.

Thank you for the links.
by justintime
Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:04 am
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: Birthday Project Thank You email
Replies: 26
Views: 115297

Re: Birthday Project Thank You email

I received the email also, but I'd already been sent a hard copy letter via regular mail the first week in June. The letter is on official Foundation stationery and states the amount of the donation, but is otherwise the same wording as the email. PTP - I have received thank you/acknowledgment lette...
by justintime
Sat May 09, 2009 10:38 am
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: PR newspaper El Vocero reports on the Birthday Project
Replies: 21
Views: 78940

Re: PR newspaper El Vocero reports on the Birthday Project

Wow. . . :heart2:

Theresa, PTP, all at the Zone - certainly a well-deserved acknowledgment!
by justintime
Sat May 02, 2009 10:36 am
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!
Replies: 77
Views: 201625

Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Thank you, all - you've made it so simple to feel so good!
by justintime
Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:03 am
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Depp Fans Donate to Children's Hospital
Replies: 58
Views: 190125

The Hospital also sent out full-page individual letters to those who donated by personal check (instead of through pay-pal) in Johnny's name. Very classy - required IRS notice I know but, nonetheless, nicely done.
by justintime
Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:08 pm
Forum: 2007 Birthday Project for Great Ormond Street Hospital
Topic: WOW . . . Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone
Replies: 154
Views: 404204

ptp, maybe you should try to find out how many times we have now looked over the first page of this thread.. tens of thousands yet? I'm sure it's not only me who keeps going back to look again. With ST opening this week, for some reason I had to come back to this thread again. His genuine humility,...
by justintime
Fri Dec 07, 2007 9:25 pm
Forum: 2007 Birthday Project for Great Ormond Street Hospital
Topic: WOW . . . Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone
Replies: 154
Views: 404204

The incredible diversity of the Zone is what beckoned to me initially - even now, I still find myself reading everything and, as a result, rarely finding the time to post proper comments when they would be most appropriate . . . so usually I don't. But this personal acknowledgement from Johnny is ju...