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by Depp's Pearl
Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:54 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!
Replies: 146
Views: 378573

Re: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!

I'm brand new to the Zone, and this is the first thing I read, and my first post. My son and I got to meet him during his recent filming on Public Enemies, and I thought he was so nice at that time. This letter just proves that he is actually "that guy". He doesn't cease to amaze me! :love: Hi, red...
by Depp's Pearl
Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:06 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!
Replies: 146
Views: 378573

Re: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!

Good Man; Good Pirate that Johnny Depp!!!! :hatsoff: :toastingpirates: :worldhug: :loveshower: :capnjack: Good Pirate! The BEST Pirate. Apparently, "Take all you can, and give nothing back" was just one of those "suggestions" in the Pirate Code, because Johnny keeps giving, and inspiring others to ...
by Depp's Pearl
Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:48 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Last day for the Birthday Project--we're over $5,700!
Replies: 35
Views: 138445

Thank you all for organizing this, and thanks to Johnny for helping all of us become our best selves . I really love that line just is so true. The honesty in his art and his life...are really inspirational. Amen! I'm glad I could help this year. I hope Johnny likes his birthay present....
by Depp's Pearl
Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:18 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!
Replies: 76
Views: 239563

Sandsgirl wrote:I donated to this worthwhile project. Felt good :twohearts:
I did, too. It does feel good. I can't believe Johnny's birthday is just a few days away. I hope he can spend it with his family. Wonder what the kiddies will make for him? :flashingheart:
by Depp's Pearl
Fri May 30, 2008 11:24 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!
Replies: 76
Views: 239563

joy30083 wrote:Thanks for the opportunity to do good and honor Johnny at the same time. My donation was sent .
I just noticed--this is your first post! What a lovely way to start at The Zone. Welcome, and best wishes. :hatsoff:
by Depp's Pearl
Thu May 22, 2008 9:01 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!
Replies: 76
Views: 239563

Very nicely said depps pearl !! This is one of my favorite times of the year! What a great way to say thank you to Johnny and put a nice big smile on that beautiful face...and hopefully on lots of little faces too... I wasn't able to contribute to last year's birthday gift for Johnny. :bawl: I'm so...
by Depp's Pearl
Tue May 20, 2008 11:20 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!
Replies: 76
Views: 239563

Pleased as always!

I love to hear stories about Johnny's kindness and generosity, and I was one of the fortunate thousands (!) that met Johnny recently. His warmth warmed my heart, and my frozen hands! :bounce: What a blessing he is, and what an inspiration--to honor him this way is a pleasure. "Times is hard..." and...
by Depp's Pearl
Fri Dec 07, 2007 9:37 pm
Forum: 2007 Birthday Project for Great Ormond Street Hospital
Topic: WOW . . . Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone
Replies: 154
Views: 406384


What a lovely, lovely man. So thoughtful and sincere!

Congratulations! I can't imagine receiving such a wonderful letter from someone I admire so much--what a treasure!

Well-deserved! Thank you for sharing this will all of us. -Cindy