That is another good post from Johnny himself. Thanks for showing it, in-too-Depp. :bouquet: He really can do everything he puts his heart :heart4: and mind to. Brilliant. :applause2: I had commented :writer2: on his newest post, as I did to all of his posts on his IG account. But all of them were i...
Oh, man, reading all this stuff about what has been going on, is going on and wil be going on, makes my head :headache: explode. It really reads like the script of a horror-crime-thriller, only difference that this actually happend and poor :tear: Johnny was the victim in all this from day one. I tr...
:agreesign: with all what you said, Ruby. :agree: She is the aggressor in all of this right from the start and he is the victim :tear: . With every piece of evidence and more details coming out of all the abuse he had to suffer through because of her, I really wonder why oh why did he not end that b...
That is great news indeed. Even such a small victory is still a victory. I just so hope that he wins the defamation lawsuit against this hoaxer woman in the end.
:hello2: zoners, I just want to thank you :thankyou: all for keeping the rest of us up to date, regarding his lawsuit and everything that has to do with it. The more I'm reading, the more of the truth coming out, about what she did to him, the more livid :grr: I'm getting. And I'm truly lost for wor...
Smythn76 that pic you posted of Johnny is beeeeeauuuuutiful! He doesn’t look any of those things you said! :heart: Those other pics of him posted showing bruising... I have a hard time finding the bruises on his face... it’s light myfav, I think you are seeing everything through a pair of rose-colo...
Those are quite disturbing pictures. God only knows what else he had to endure because of her.
Poor man. He never deserved that kind of harsh treatment.
Thank you :thankyou: all for feeding the rest of us with updates on his lawsuit and how it is going. As I'm not someone who follows anything on twitter or facebook (I erased my account), I'm more than glad that you guys post things here to read. :hug2: That Brian fellow really seems to be on JDs sid...
:girlwave2: To date, the Zone has not had any security issues. There is no personal information stored on site such as phone numbers, birth dates, social security numbers, etc. And no other Zoner can see your login. Just be sure that the password you use is unique to this site and not shared over m...
I like Mr. Waldman too. :-) Seems to be the right guy at Johnny's side. It's about :censored: time for justice to be served. The poor man has suffered long enough because of the :censored: :grr:, physically as well as mentally. I hope he is able to fully recover from this harsh blow to his person. S...
I'm new here and I'm getting the same security warning from Firefox. I think that at least for the login, the site should be encrypted for security reasons. Especially nowadays where nothing on the net is completely safe. I'm also in another forum and there it is like I suggested above. Only the log...