Search found 25 matches
- Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:00 am
- Forum: ONBC
- Topic: Spring 2020: Reading suggestions?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 57364
Spring 2020: Reading suggestions?
Yeah, every time I look he has another million followers. Oh well, so much for that very naive idea. :lol: Ug, What a rough time to move, fireflydances. I imagine it's kind-of like living in a home turned inside-out, within a world turned up-side down. I don't envy you. Very interesting list from Mr...
- Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:00 am
- Forum: ONBC
- Topic: Spring 2020: Reading suggestions?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 57364
Spring 2020: Reading suggestions?
Hi guys.
Long time, no chat. So.... I was thinking, now that Johnny's on social media, maybe we should ask him what he's been reading lately? Just a thought... maybe if a few people ask, he'll throw out a couple titles in his next video post. Who knows? Can't hurt, right?

- Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:24 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
- Replies: 628
- Views: 725245
Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
I just heard "We Gotta Rise" What a straight-up, old time political action song! Wow! I am impressed as all get-out. Hunter Thompson must be dancing up a storm somewhere. Just a snippet of the lyrics, "We gotta rise and mobilize. It's you and me. We gotta rise. Let's rise above the lies..." And it ...
- Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:07 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
- Replies: 628
- Views: 725245
Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news

- Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:15 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
- Replies: 628
- Views: 725245
Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
Good news Vampires fans! Sounds like they expect Joe will be back on stage again soon! :applause: Also, Ian Hunter of Mott the Hoople was a guest Vampire Sunday. Love tha...
- Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:19 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
- Replies: 628
- Views: 725245
Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
About his stepfather, he replied to Alice, "he was a criminal". :lol: Maybe from my vantage point, the acoustics were better, but I clearly heard that. Ah, thanks! :lol: He looked like his old self and I loved when he flashed his sweet, humble smile to the audience and he was the last one at the en...
- Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:09 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
- Replies: 628
- Views: 725245
Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
Saw the Vamps in Aurora last Thursday night – my first time ever seeing Johnny in person. Oh my. :thud: We were very close to the front, but way off to the left side, so our view of the screen and the back half of the stage was blocked. But when he did his shy bit at the end – running away from the ...
- Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:08 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
- Replies: 628
- Views: 725245
Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
Long time member here, but I've always been a quiet one! :blush: I hope I'm posting this in the right spot (sorry if I'm not!) but I just had to share that I went to the Hollywood Vampires show last night in Bethlehem. Johnny looked so good--he was smiling, laughing, and so animated with the crowd....
- Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:39 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
- Replies: 628
- Views: 725245
Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
Just got my tix to see the Hollywood Vampires in Aurora!!
So excited! It's only 5 days away!
Anyone else headed to Aurora or Summerfest?

- Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:34 am
- Forum: ONBC
- Topic: Patti Smith's "Just Kids" to become a limited cable series
- Replies: 5
- Views: 16380
Re: Patti Smith's "Just Kids" to become a limited cable series
Awww, I've missed you guys too!! Real life is just a bit too pressing right now.Liz wrote:Hey Ramblin'. I've missed you during this discussion. Come join us.

- Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:13 pm
- Forum: ONBC
- Topic: Patti Smith's "Just Kids" to become a limited cable series
- Replies: 5
- Views: 16380
Re: Patti Smith's "Just Kids" to become a limited cable series
:girlwave2: Hi Liz! I heard this on the radio last night :bounce: and had to come over to see if it was posted. Because Patti is involved in both the writing and producing I have very high hopes for the content and quality of the mini-series. Now, I just need to figure out how I'm going to watch it ...
- Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:55 pm
- Forum: 2013 Birthday Project for Project Pueblo
- Topic: 2013 Birthday Project Total--wow! Hold on to your hats! *Updated total*
- Replies: 43
- Views: 148854
Re: 2013 Birthday Project Total--wow! Hold on to your hats!
:shocked: :shocked: Oh wow, wow, wow! That is absolutely fantastic news!!! :bounce: :bounce: :applause2: :applause: :applause2: :applause: :yahoo: :yahoo: Yes, yes, many Snoopy Dances! :snoopydances: :snoopydances: :snoopydances: Tears of joy, mates. :goodvibes: Well done, everyone!!! :grouphug: :sm...
- Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:00 am
- Forum: 2013 Birthday Project for Project Pueblo
- Topic: June 4th Birthday Project Update--we have reached $6,000! Hurray!
- Replies: 16
- Views: 78380
Re: June 4th Birthday Project Update--we have reached $6,000! Hurray!

........5 more days!!!........
- Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:54 am
- Forum: 2013 Birthday Project for Project Pueblo
- Topic: BP 2013--Project Pueblo's latest trip (article from the Gallup Independent)
- Replies: 5
- Views: 34192
Re: BP 2013--Project Pueblo's latest trip (article from the Gallup Independent)
Thanks Theresa for posting this update, I don't know about anyone else but I was while reading this but also felt :goodvibes: at the same time. To see the birthday project money being used in this way really brings home t...
- Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:51 pm
- Forum: 2013 Birthday Project for Project Pueblo
- Topic: The Birthday Project Countdown--Today's the LAST Day!
- Replies: 64
- Views: 154464
Re: The Birthday Project Countdown Begins
I'm so thrilled that we're supporting Project Pueblo again this year! Such a great organization, and such a fantastic cause.