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by Constance
Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:52 am
Forum: 2013 Birthday Project for Project Pueblo
Topic: 2013 Birthday Project Total--wow! Hold on to your hats! *Updated total*
Replies: 43
Views: 148881

Re: 2013 Birthday Project Total--wow! Hold on to your hats! *Updated total*

Wow!!! :loveshower: Amazing!!! :applause2: Grandest total ever!!! :bounce:
It does feel wonderful to be part of it. Thank you again :bouquet:
by Constance
Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:20 am
Forum: 2013 Birthday Project for Project Pueblo
Topic: 2013 Birthday Project Total--wow! Hold on to your hats! *Updated total*
Replies: 43
Views: 148881

Re: 2013 Birthday Project Total--wow! Hold on to your hats!

That is so awesome!!! :snoopydances: :bounce: :yahoo:
Well done, Zoners!!! :airkiss: :applause2:
Thank you, admins, for making it possible!!! :thankyou:
by Constance
Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:40 am
Forum: 2013 Birthday Project for Project Pueblo
Topic: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!
Replies: 57
Views: 178884

Re: Announcing the 2013 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project for Project Pueblo!

Remind me we until midnight tonight to donate? Or midnight tomorrow (Sunday)? :perplexed: :dunce: You (and everyone else :bigwink: ) have until midnight Sunday night..the Birthday Project stays open until the end of Johnny's birthday! :ok: :snoopydances: I'm so glad I didn't miss it this...
by Constance
Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:58 am
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: 2009 Birthday Project grand total--well done!
Replies: 32
Views: 109491

Re: 2009 Birthday Project grand total--well done!

This is wonderful :heart:
I am deeply moved by the generosity and love that this is evidence of :pray:
Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful opportunity to help the children and at the same time show Johnny how much we appreciate him and everything he does :grouphug:
by Constance
Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:12 am
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!
Replies: 146
Views: 375888

Re: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!

How wonderfully kind of Johnny to write that letter to us. But then, that's the main reason I (and most likely all of us) love Johnny.....his kindness. Thank you so much for sharing the letter with us, Natalie, and giving us yet another testimony of Johnny's kind heart :bouquet: He truely is an ang...
by Constance
Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:31 am
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Depp Fans Donate to Children's Hospital
Replies: 58
Views: 189699

Kittycat88 wrote:How wonderful!! What a lovely piece and thanks to Natalie for your gracious and thoughtful words.

Wow am I proud to be a zoner today....and everyday !!
Could'nt have said it better myself :pray:
by Constance
Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:15 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: 2008 Birthday Project grand total--hold on to your hats!
Replies: 61
Views: 197652

That is just fantastic! Way to go, JohnnyDepp-Zone! :worldhug:
Thank you so much for making this possible!
I'm so happy for the children :heart:
by Constance
Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:46 am
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Last day for the Birthday Project--we're over $5,700!
Replies: 35
Views: 136946

Even though it's almost over now I just wanted to say how thrilled I am to be a part of the Zone this year and able to contribute to this wonderful project. What an amazing amount of money to have been reached in such a short time. Sometimes we think that because we're only one person we can't make...
by Constance
Thu May 22, 2008 7:01 am
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!
Replies: 76
Views: 237434

Re: Pleased as always!

What a blessing he is, and what an inspiration--to honor him this way is a pleasure. "Times is hard..." and maybe we can make a significant difference for a child who is sick or hurt and afraid. Thanks for creating an opportunity to show Johnny that we "get it". His message of love is loud and clea...
by Constance
Sun May 04, 2008 1:15 am
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!
Replies: 76
Views: 237434

What a wonderful idea! The birthday project is such a beautiful tradition, and as always this years project is so very much in keeping with Johnny's charitable spirit :cloud9:
Thank you for doing this :pray:
by Constance
Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:45 pm
Forum: 2007 Birthday Project for Great Ormond Street Hospital
Topic: WOW . . . Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone
Replies: 154
Views: 403576

It's gestures like this that will make me love this man forever :heart:

Thank you PtP for making the birthday project possible, and for giving us all an opportunity to participate. :pray:
And thank you so much for sharing this wonderful surprise with us.
by Constance
Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:56 am
Forum: 2007 Birthday Project for Great Ormond Street Hospital
Topic: Announcing the Zone's 2007 Birthday Project!
Replies: 83
Views: 258150

Hello Babsi. Wellcome to the Zone-family :wave: May I just say again, to those in charge of this project, how much I appreciate this wonderful idea. I am so happy to be a part of it. I am proud of being a member of this 'family', and it's a joy to be able to do something like this together :grouphug:
by Constance
Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:06 am
Forum: 2007 Birthday Project for Great Ormond Street Hospital
Topic: Announcing the Zone's 2007 Birthday Project!
Replies: 83
Views: 258150

That is so beautiful and so very, very touching, dharma_bum :pray:
Just simply wonderful. Brought tears to my eyes.