Great buzz for the SWEENEY TODD trailer: "I think Johnny Depp could fly," says E's Daily 10

The just-released SWEENEY TODD trailer has been generating a lot of excitement in the media–responding to the trailer shown on E!’s “Daily 10” news show, the host declared, “I think Johnny Depp could fly.” Variety’s blogger Anne Thompson assessed the trailer with an eye to the marketplace, noting that the two-and-a-half minute trailer used a narrative introduction to SWEENEY rather than the opening musical number (“Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd” etc.) : “DreamWorks/ Paramount’s first trailer for the Tim Burton film [. . .] downplays the score. The marketers are playing this one carefully. They don’t want to turn people off. They figure that they have the Sondheim and theater buffs who know the music. It’s everyone else they want to lure into the theater. Yes, Johnny Depp does break into song in this trailer,” Thompson assures all those who were skeptical about Johnny singing the demanding role. “And he’s singing the right words to the right music. ‘At last my arm is complete again!’ Yes, it does send a chill.”

The website for the UK’s EMPIRE Magazine has a wonderfully witty slideshow called “Who’s Who in the SWEENEY TODD Trailer,” which introduces each of the characters; you can see it here: It’s well worth a visit. Many thanks to FANtasticJD for the slideshow, to Cindy for the E! story, and to Emma for the Variety blog. The photo is cropped from Susanne’s screencaps of the trailer–many thanks, Susanne! –Part-Time Poet

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