Support PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END–announcing the launch of POTC3:STTT! Read on–

POTC3:STTT is an initiative that plans to send AT WORLD’S END Straight To The Top of the box office charts! Members from many Depp and Pirate sites are banding together to support this cause, and the plan is simple and easy to remember: “All you need to do is go have fun seeing POTC3 as many times as possible,” writes organizer Bootstrap Beck. Specifically, the initiative urges supporters to boost box office numbers by seeing AT WORLD’S END one more time on its opening weekend than they did for DEAD MAN’S CHEST (if you saw DMC twice, see AWE three times); and to see AWE at least once more during its full-summer run than they did for DMC.

You can find full details of the POTC3:STTT campaign on the Zone’s News & Views forum; we thank Bootstrap Beck for posting them and for her work in support of AT WORLD’S END. Enjoy the official launch video on You Tube here: and visit the official POTC3:STTT website here: We hope you will accept the invitation to join the largest gathering of Pirate Brethren ever! –Part-Time Poet

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