Red-letter day is May 19th for PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END premiere!

Although there has not yet been any official announcement from Disney, internal communications from and for Disneyland employees strongly suggest that the premiere of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD’S END will take place at Disneyland, site of the two previous PIRATES premieres, on Saturday, May 19, 2007. The Disney calendar lists special theme park hours for May 19th: “Due to a private event on Saturday, May 19, 2007, Disneyland Park will be opening at 6:30 a.m. and closing at 5:00 p.m. Disney’s California Adventure Park will extend its hours that day and will be open from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m.” This is the procedure that was followed for the previous POTC premieres. notes, “Based on the two prior events, the premiere is expected to impact several areas of the park. Much of Main Street will be blocked by the red carpet and related equipment. This will likely mean that that Parade of Dreams will not be presented, and that guided tours will either be modified or not offered at all that day. [. . .] The stage and screen for the premiere will be constructed on Tom Sawyer Island, which is already scheduled to be closed for refurbishment. The Rivers of America waterfront area will be covered by the large risers needed to hold the audience, and the walkways through the area will be tight. [. . .] If you are planning to visit Disneyland solely to watch the red carpet arrivals, be prepared for a long, hot day. Many like-minded fans will arrive right at park opening to stake out the best spots along the carpet.” Zoners who attended previous premieres can confirm the necessity of arriving early; you can read their advice on the News & Views forum.

GAO reports that preparations are underway for a premiere of AT WORLD’S END in Japan, but there is no date as yet, while Kittycat88 placed a timely call to Disney Publicity to investigate whether there will be an AWE premiere in Europe. Disney did confirm that there will be one European premiere, but could not give a date nor even say whether the venue would be London or Paris or elsewhere; that decision has yet to be made.

The Zone thanks jansy sparrow, SueB, DeepinDepp, Kimmie, GAO, and Kittycat88 for updating us about the premiere. We can’t wait for a chance to see AT WORLD’S END! –Part-Time Poet

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