"There will be blood, and music . . . and pies"–Tim Burton discusses SWEENEY TODD with ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY reporter Whitney Pastorek conducted a candid and hilarious interview with director Tim Burton; called “CHRISTMAS Cheers,” its main focus is the release of the new 3-D version of Burton’s classic THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, but it also probes his feelings about other Batman films and makes inquiries about the upcoming musical film of SWEENEY TODD.

Here’s what Tim has to say about his next project with Johnny Depp:

EW: Anything you can share with us about your version of SWEENEY TODD [in which Johnny Depp will star as the demon barber of Fleet Street]?
TB: No. Because, you know, once I decide, being a mere puny human, there’s a whole alien intelligence out there that knows so much more than I.

EW: That is not true.
TB: [Laughs] Unfortunately, it is. [. . .]

EW: There will or there will not be singing?
TB: Oh, yeah, there will be. There will be blood, and music . . . and pies. For everyone.

EW: Do you foresee a time when you and Johnny Depp will be sick to death of each other?
TB: [Laughs] No. I’ve been through enough with him, and he’s pretty open to things, and that’s the exciting thing about working with him.

EW: I guess the good thing about him is you don’t so much have to pick projects with him in mind as much as just know that he can be whatever you need.
TB: I think when we work together we try to do it when it feels new or feels right, and hopefully those projects will always be there somewhere.

EW: Thanks. Good luck with everything. Try not to feel too puny.
TB:It’s just, you know, the alien forces are stronger than you think.

The Zone thanks sleepy for posting the Tim Burton interview on the News & Views forum. You can read the full interview HERE.

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