Johnny Depp greets Tokyo press and fans at THE LONE RANGER premiere!
Johnny Depp joined co-star Armie Hammer, director Gore Verbinski, and producer Jerry Bruckheimer in Tokyo today for a press conference promoting The Lone Ranger, followed by the red carpet premiere of the spectacular Western. An enthusiastic crowd, including some folks wearing Tonto’s signature face-paint, gave Johnny and Armie a warm reception. Photos from the premiere, including Johnny signing autographs for fans, are available HERE. Many thanks to Emma and Theresa for sharing the photos.
Johnny adopted a more casual look for the photocall earlier in the day, wearing jeans and his familiar battered fedora to greet the Japanese press. Photos from that event are available HERE.
The Zone thanks emma, humiliatedgrape, and Theresa for sharing pictures from the photocall; you can read more about Johnny’s visit to Japan on the Zone’s Pit General Discussion forum, and more about The Lone Ranger on the Zone’s News & Views forum.